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HIV prevention in maternal health services : programming guide

et al

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This guide helps Ministries of Health, policy makers, programme managers, trainers, and nongovernmental organisations to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate HIV and STI prevention programmes in maternal health services.The purpose of this guide is to address programming gaps in the prevention of HIV and other STIs in maternal health services; and to increase the capacity of maternal health providers and community based providers through training and facilitative supervision to provide pregnant and post-partum women with HIV and STI prevention services and referrals. It looks at programme planning; the different types of prevention programmes that are possible (eg information and communciation programmes and counselling programmes); and the different types of training that can be considered for staff involved in delivering maternal health services

HIV prevention in maternal health services : training guide

et al

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This training pack has been developed using participatory training approaches, which means that the exercises require the active involovement of all participants. It has been developed for use by skilled and experienced trainers who are familiar with the content and objectives of each exercise. The guide consists of a detailed curriculum with session guides, and a series of appendices containing additional materials

Serious childhood problems in countries with limited resources

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Child and Adolescent Health

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This book is aimed at medical, nursing and other health-care students, and presents a summary of the technical background and the evidence-base underlying the clinical guidelines presented in the companion manual "Management of the Child with a Serious Infection or Severe Malnutrition: Guidelines for Care at the First-Referral Level in Developing Countries" (WHO/FCH/CAH/00.1, ISBN 92 4 154531 3), which should be consulted for treatment recommendations. The book should also be useful for teachers of undergraduates in paediatrics and child health, and for workers in child health as part of their initial training or continuing professional development. It focuses on the major causes of childhood mortality dealing with disease definition, burden of disease, aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, and management. In addition, it summarizes the evidence linking these factors to a good/poor outcome and the evidence that intervention can control the factor and/or improve the outcome. This book will be a useful companion study guide to complement undergraduate education in paediatrics in medical and nursing schools

Mainstreaming gender in HIV and AIDS work


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This manual aims to build knowledge and practical skills among facilitators who train representatives of southern African AIDS Service Organisations, NGOs and CBOs that want to mainstream gender in their HIV and AIDS organisations, policies and programmes. It is divided into five parts: key gender concepts; introduction to gender mainstreaming and gender analysis; mainstreaming gender in HIV and AIDS organisations; mainstreaming gender in HIV and AIDS programmes; and mainstreaming gender in HIV and AIDS policies. Each part contains training activities together with notes for facilitators, handouts and helpful information on conducting the training. The five parts can be used flexibly, either all together in sequence, or seperately, to fit different training needs

Participatory communication strategy design : a handbook


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This handbook on participatory communication strategy design (PCSD) has been prepared as a training and field guide for designing, implementing and managing communication for development strategies for field projects. The handbook focuses on the process of planning a communication strategy design in a participatory manner. It clearly explains the principles and processes of communication planning, message development, multimedia material production and the implementation of communication activities in the field. PCSD has been prepared primarily as training and reference material to be used during workshops for communication skills development, as well as a guide for participatory communication strategy design in the field

Facilitation skills workbook

CLARKE, Sophie
CARTER, Isabel

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This workbook on facilitation skills provides training material for people who plan to use PILLARS Guides in their local communities. It can be used as part of regular training sessions or can be delivered as a five day workshop. Participants will become familiar with the content of several PILLARS Guides and learn how to adapt their use. They will gain participatory learning skills, understand the qualities and skills of a good facilitator and gain confidence in using PILLARS Guides with community groups. The training uses participatory methods and role play

Chronic HIV care with ARV therapy : interim guidelines for first-level facility health workers

January 2004

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These interim guidelines for first-level facility health workers focus on HIV care and ARV therapy. They represent an accessible training tool for health professionals and other stakeholders in low-resource settings, and can be adapted to country specific needs. Topics include HIV diagnosis, clinical care provision, prophylaxis, ARV therapy, management of chronic problems and administration of medications

Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in adults : a guide for trainers

HORIZONS. Population Council

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Successful HIV therapy requires 95% adherence. As antiretrovirals are becoming more widely available and an increasing number of ARV programmes are launched in developing countries, HIV patients need to be helped to strictly follow a treatment plan. This manual, one of the first adherence training tools developed in Africa, has been designed for health professionals in the province of Mombasa, but can be adapted to other contexts. It consists of four modules, each including Power Point presentations, suggested activities and additional informative material. Module 1 provides basic information on adherence, highlighting the consequences of non-adherence. Module 2 deals with all aspects of patient preparation for adherence and module 3 aims to provide trainees with specific skills in preparatory counseling for patients prior initiating ARV treatment. Finally, module 4 is designed to help health care providers assist patients during treatment

Reducing stigma related to HIV and AIDS : training for health care workers


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This manual suggests that the stigma and discrimination around HIV & AIDS in health facilities has various causes including a lack of knowledge and understanding among staff about the modes and risk of HIV transmission and judgemental attitudes and assumptions about the way of life of people with HIV. It uses participatory training methodologies to modify health care workers' attitudes while giving them practical knowledge and tools to assure client rights and meet their own needs for a safe working environment. It suggests a 2-day training schedule to cover the 16 sessions offered

GET ahead for women in enterprise : training package and resource kit

BAEUR, Susanne

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This training kit promotes the enterprise development of women in poverty who are interested in engaging in small-scale business. Its aim is to assist with the economic and social empowerment of women for entrepreneurship. It provides a structured set of modules with practical exercises highlighting business development and entrepreneur shills from a gender perspective. This would be useful for people interested in entrepreneurship for women in developing countries

Phase 1 report : opportunities, methodologies, and training resources for disability rights monitoring

October 2003

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This research was carried out to inform the development of an international disability rights monitoring system. Chapter one provides background information to the project. Chapter two reviews the potential use of international human rights treaties to advance disability rights, identifying seven major human rights treaties that offer opportunities for disability rights advocacy. Chapter three identifies useful human rights monitoring tools, guidelines and models. Chapter four gives an overview of the inventory of human rights training resources, identifying materials and courses suitable for use in general human rights education, for identified training organisations and potential partners

Young people we care! : a book of ideas for young people supporting each other in their communities

September 2003

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This book is designed to help groups of young people support either younger children or their peers who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It can also be used by home-based care organisations that want to involve young people in their home-based care activities. Written for a facilitator or young person with a good knowledge of HIV/AIDS and facilitation experience, it aims to prepare a group of young people to implement the community activities. It includes participatory activities to help young people think through a number of topics. The community activities section is written for young people and suggests ways to help support other young people and children in the community

Understanding and challenging HIV stigma : toolkit for action

KIDD, Ross
September 2003

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This toolkit was designed for NGOs, community groups and HIV educators to raise awareness and promote actions to challenge HIV stigma and discrimination. Based on research in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia, the toolkit contains more than 125 exercises. In addition to these exercises there is a supplementary volume of further activities to support the toolkit. The toolkit is developed to support participatory learning and encourages participants to move from awareness to action. Organisations are encouraged to pick modules and exercises that fit their needs or to integrate exercises into an existing training programme

Knowledge management and organisational learning : an international development perspective. An annotated bibliography

August 2003

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This annotated bibliography aims to review the current literature on knowledge management (KM) and organisational learning, particularly in relation to the international development field. It maps out the rationale and objectives of KM and learning in order to identify gaps and emerging themes of special interest to development actors and agencies. The specific characteristics and challenges of different types of organisations in the development field are reviewed in this paper. Most of the literature focuses on the knowledge needs of Northern and international NGOs, and some of the central authors in this field are highlighted. Some work also exists on KM and learning in relation to bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, and the World Bank as 'Knowledge Bank' has placed a new focus on knowledge issues. However, there is still a lack of literature on the knowledge needs and specific challenges of Southern institutions. A few of the studies that have been carried out are included in this bibliography, and the introduction draws out some of the issues they raise. Even less systematic work has been carried out on the specialised niche of research institutes and think-tanks within international development. A few gaps in the literature are identified: the first issue is whether KM and learning can increase the responsiveness of development institutions to the situation of the poor; the second is whether KM and learning can increase development organisations' impact on policy; the third question raised is whether KM and learning can improve the translation of development policy into practice; and the final question concerns Southern engagement in international development debates and decision-making processes

Inclusive education training in Cambodia : in-service teacher training on disability and special needs issues for primary school teachers

July 2003

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These materials are an in-service teaching training course for mainstream primary school teachers. They cover types of disability, disabled children's rights and advice on how to include disabled children in the classroom. This course is based on the UNESCO ‘Children with Special Needs Teacher Education Resource Pack’, and materials developed by the Spastic’s Society of Tamil Nadu in India, Voluntary Service Overseas and Kampuchean Action for Primary Education, which have been simplified and adapted. While prepared for use in Cambodia, this resource offers useful, easy to adapt materials to other contexts

From car park to children's park : a childcare centre in development

July 2003

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This working paper illustrates the "Situationsansatz" pedagogical framework, as implemented at Kita, a childcare centre in Berlin. The emphasis is on children's environments, children's participation and optimal learning. The key principles of the "Contextual Child Development Approach" include: recognising the learning potential of diverse cultural heritages and intercultural interaction, developing close relations with the social environment and adopting an open planning process, with the contribution of children, parents and other adults. Includes an appendix, which briefly outlines the guidelines for working with the Contextual Child Development Approach in childcare centres

Learning to share learning : an exploration of methods to improve and share learning

March 2003

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This is a report, commissioned by the UK Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) in March 2003, which provides a literature review looking at the sharing of learning in different sectors. A key aim of CHI’s approach is to encourage NHS organisations to embed learning in their work to help them improve their practice. The report draws on studies in the fields of education, psychology, organisational learning, personal learning, and participatory approaches to explore understanding of good learning practice. It includes more than 15 case studies that illustrate methodologies and approaches used to share learning in the business, public, and voluntary sectors, paying particular attention to the types of processes that encourage engagement with diverse communities of interest or multiple stakeholders

