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Introduction to child protection in emergencies : an interagency modular training package|Child protection in emergencies training and resource CD : psychosocial module


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This document is the psychosocial module of the Introduction to Child Protection in Emergencies and Interagency Modular Training Package. This module is divided into the following sections:
Part 1 presents a background to psychosocial issues including the overall impact of emergencies on psychosocial well-being, psychosocial effects of emergencies on children, and legal framework and advocacy activities.
Part 2 intervention planning presents psychosocial programming principles and priority activities, and co-ordination and sector support.
Part 3 psychosocial programming presents addressing basic services and security developing community and family supports, focused supports, and referrals to specialised services
This comprehensive document will be of particular interest to NGOs, DPOs, international and national bodies and anyone else interested in child protection and psychosocial work with children and their families
Note: The core resources for this module are the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings and the key interventions of the Sphere Handbook (2004) Standard for Mental and Social Aspects of Health

Effective learning

December 2008

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This booklet: * Introduces the concepts of quality education and effective learning. * Provides an overview of the impact of HIV and AIDS on quality education and effective learning. * Summarises the factors that contribute to effective learning in the context of HIV and AIDS education. * Highlights key issues to consider in developing and adapting HIV and AIDS learning materials, illustrated with case study examples.

Saving children’s lives : resource pack for schools

November 2008

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This training pack features downloadable presentations and lessons. It provides teachers the information they need to teach their pupils about child health and development issues and add their voices the campaign to save children’s lives. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in teaching child health and development

Feel! think! act! : a guide to interactive drama for sexual and reproductive health and young people

March 2008

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This toolkit contains ideas for drama and discussion activities aimed at helping young people to learn about sexual and reproductive health issues and to gain skills in facilitating and using interactive drama tools and techniques. It is aimed at youth groups, community youth workers, community drama groups, teachers, people working in sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes, and anyone who wants to use drama as a process of learning and action on sexual and reproductive health.
The toolkit is the result of teamwork between drama and sexual and reproductive health practitioners from six countries: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, UK, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Pastoral action on HIV and AIDS

March 2008

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These guidelines are for training pastors and lay church leaders in addressing the pastoral challenges of the AIDS epidemic. These challenges affect churches in their teachings about sickness and healing, their forms of workshop and their pastoral ministries. The toolkit contains numerous role plays, discussion guidelines, Biblical references, individual case studies and illustrations by African artists

Implementation manual for the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2008

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This manual was created for users and survivors of psychiatry, and user/survivor organisations, as an information guide and reference for working with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It specifically highlights aspects of the Convention that pertain to the human rights abuses of users and survivors of psychiatry. This tool is designed to advocate for the implementation of legislation in line with the Convention

Sexuality and life-skills : participatory activities on sexual and reproductive health with young people

February 2008

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This toolkit is written for anyone who wants to facilitate participatory learning activities with young people to equip them with the knowledge, positive attitudes and skills to grow up and enjoy sexual and reproductive health and well-being. This includes peer educators and leaders, outreach workers, teachers, community workers and others

Training manual of IICCHAA project

February 2008

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This manual offers an approach to memory work that has been adapted to fit the local context in India and is based on memory work pioneered by the National Community of Women living with HIV/AIDS (NACWOLA) in Uganda. It provides trainers with guidance to support parents, guardians and care givers affected by HIV and AIDS by helping them to share information, hopes and fears with their children; strengthen each child's sense of identity and belonging; and plan for the future care of their children

Toolkit for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the education sector : guidelines for development cooperation agencies

January 2008

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This toolkit aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies, including both development and humanitarian-oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations, to support the process of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and opportunities; and to establish priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and discussion, depending on the local needs and context

Our Future : teaching sexuality and life-skills|A guide for teachers using our future pupils' books

January 2008

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The guide is intended to support anyone who wants to use the ‘Our future: sexuality and life-skills education’ books for primary schools, Grades 4-5, 6-7 and 8-9, to facilitate sexuality and life-skills lessons with learners in or out of the classroom. It contains information and activities to encourage users to try out ideas in the classroom and feel confident to plan and facilitate sexuality and lifeskills lessons

Our future : Preparing to teach sexuality and life-skills|An awareness training manual for teachers and community workers

January 2008

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The activities in the manual will strengthen teachers' understanding of sexuality, gender, sexual and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS as well as the self-awareness, values and skills that play an effective role in HIV prevention, care and mitigation in their schools and the community. This includes providing supportive, positive role-models, creating a safe environment, reducing stigma and discrimination and teaching sexuality and life skills effectively

Human resources development planning guide : orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC) service delivery in Uganda


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"This guide has been developed to support human resources development planning of staff managing and implementing the Uganda OVC programme at national and local government levels. The guide is applicable to all staff and partners managing various OVC interventions. The guide accompanies ongoing efforts to enhance the Ugandan Ministry for Gender, Labour and Social Development’s capacity to manage and ensure that all children in Uganda, regardless of their vulnerability, are assisted to reach their full potential as equal citizens of Uganda"

Training the trainer : a guide to training trainers specifically in relation to trafficking in children and the sexual exploitation of children

DELANEY, Stephanie

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This guide has been written to help people who are providing training to trainers. It is based on ECPAT's experiences of training trainers in relation to combating the trafficking in children for sexual purposes, and draws from those experiences, but the methodology has also been used in the training of trainers on a broad range of issues. Consequently, this guide could be adapted to train trainers on other subjects related to children’s welfare and rights

My wish


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This illustrated booklet accompanies a DVD animation, telling the story of a young girl whose family has been affected by HIV and AIDS and how she comes to understand and cope. The story is accompanied by questions for children and parents to draw out their feelings and response to what is happening in the story. These resources have been developed as part of training pack for the Indian Initiative of Child Centred HIV & AIDS Approach (ICCHAA) memory work pilot project

Child protection psychosocial training manual

MEUWLY, Michelle
HEINIGER, Jean-pierre

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This manual "has been developed for use in the field in order to train animators who work with children and other child protection programme staff...The modules in this manual have been grouped according to the following 3 categories: 1. Facilitating a training, 2. Basic concepts for intervention, 3. Animator’s competencies. Each module is laid out under the following headings: What is it? Why is it useful? How can I use it?"

Does shortening the training on integrated management of childhood illness guidelines reduce effectiveness? results of a systematic review|Final report

ROWE, Alexander K
et al

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This comprehensive report presents the findings of a systematic review of the effectiveness of shortening Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) strategy training. The results are useful for NGOs and other national and international bodies working in the field of childhood illness
Health Policy and Planning (in press)

Mainstreaming disability in community based disaster risk reduction : a facilitator’s guide


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This Guide has been developed in conjunction with the Training Manual to support a four-day training course on Mainstreaming Disability in Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR). The Training Manual and the Facilitator’s Guide provide trainers, project officers and field level practitioners with the resources to make DRR disability inclusive. This resource also provides information to managers and policy makers in government and non-government organisations to address the inclusion of disability issues in CBDRR. It is designed to be used as a tool to conduct trainings and to support work with community groups and other stakeholders


The Facilitator’s Guide elaborates upon the Training Manual by detailing a step-by-step training methodology for the topics addressed in the course. Each topic in the Guide includes: Learning objectives, key messages, key steps and a process outline, suggested session times, materials needed and additional resources and materials to supplement learning. The Facilitator's Guide provides a broad outline to the training through the topics, and trainers may adapt and modify the session plans to the particular circumstances of the training - further tips for trainers have been provided in the annex of the Guide

HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Africa : end of project report

NDUTA, Sally
December 2007

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This is the final report of the HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Including a summary of the workshops and trainings conducted across these countries, the aim is to highlight achievements, share research and put forth a set of recommendations about mainstreaming disability issues into HIV & AIDS programmes

