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Measuring up : a guide for learners|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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This resource brings together useful concepts and models from recent literature on advocacy evaluation. Many of these models were developed in and for social change work in the global North, but have been taken and piloted with HIV Alliance and ICASO colleagues working in low- and middle-income countries, to act as a springboard for civil society organisations to develop approaches that meet their needs for accountability, planning and delivering results. The guide comes with a set of resources that is intended to help advocates themselves acquire enough of a working knowledge of the field to train themselves and each other

HIV & AIDS "train the trainers" manual


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"This manual is for use by Trainers of Trainers. i.e. trainers of visually impaired Peer Educators. It has been developed to provide awareness and training on HIV&AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support and to equip blind and partially sighted participants with Peer Educations skills. It is hoped that blind and partially sighted participants will become effective Peer Educators in training other visually impaired persons in their communities"
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INEE pocket guide to supporting learners with disabilities

LEWIS, Ingrid
LITTLE, Duncan

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This guide offers practical ideas for including children and young people with disabilities in education during or after an emergency. It addresses current barriers to inclusive education. Specific sections cover curriculum content , tests and learning assessments. This guide will assist anyone working with teachers or facilitators in an emergency, whether as part of the formal education system or a non-governmental programme

Features of integrated professional training for physically disabled people in a community-based rehabilitation programme in the rural and urban areas of Congo

et al

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This study evaluates the professional integration of trained disabled people using a retrospective survey which included all physically disabled people admitted to two rehabilitation centres in Congo between 1996 and 2005. The study concludes that, despite a high rate of integration in Congo, professional training and subsequent integration would still benefit from a comprehensive approach that considers the type of disability, training and socio-demographic features
South African Family Practice, Vol 52, No 3

Count me in campaign


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This resource presents information about a Signtsavers’ campaign that "focuses specifically on addressing the primary educational needs of children who are visually impaired. Without provision for these children the MDG of universal primary education for all will not be achieved." The campaign aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding inclusive education and to generate funding. Information is highlighted about Sightsavers’ work across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean

Monitoring and evaluating capacity building : is it really that difficult?

SMITH, Rachel
January 2010

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This paper is based on a literature review and interviews with a range of capacity building providers based in the North and South examining both theory and current practice of capacity development, and discusses some of the key barriers to progress. “Primarily concerned with capacity building within civil society organisations (CSOs), although many of the lessons apply equally to organisations in the commercial or state sectors... it begins by looking at some key concepts in both capacity building and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It examines different ways of thinking about M&E, and describes a variety of different tools and approaches used to plan, monitor and evaluate capacity building work. It goes on to discuss M&E in relation to donors and provides an outline of current practice, based on the interviews. Finally, it highlights key areas for further discussion, and presents some conclusions based on the research”

Praxis Paper No. 23

Capacity is development : stories of institutions

January 2010

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This report presents a series of narratives aims to capture the national and local institutional transformations, led and driven by the institutions themselves, that UNDP has supported over the years at the country level. These stories have been collated and synthesised by the UNDP Capacity Development Group, drawing on data and narratives provided mainly by UNDP Country Offices in each region. Each narrative clearly outlines the situation, response and results

Series 1

Formation en éducation inclusive avec un accent particulier sur l'accueil d'enfants handicapés en classe ordinaire

HALLET, Virginie

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Ce manuel de formation en « éducation inclusive, avec un accent particulier sur l’accueil d’enfants handicapés en classe ordinaire » veut contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs de l'Éducation Pour Tous et ainsi assurer à tous les enfants l'égalité des droits et des chances en matière d’éducation, y compris pour les enfants handicapés. L’éducation inclusive désigne un système éducatif qui tient compte des besoins particuliers en matière d'enseignement et d'apprentissage de tous les enfants et jeunes gens en situation de marginalisation et de vulnérabilité : enfants des rues, filles, groupes d'enfants appartenant à des minorités ethniques, enfants issus de familles démunies financièrement, enfants nomades, enfants handicapés, etc. L’éducation inclusive se rapporte à l’ensemble des mesures qu’une école doit prendre pour être accessible à tous ces enfants. Le présent manuel de formation en éducation inclusive met l’accent sur la scolarisation des enfants handicapés. Toutefois, l’ensemble des stratégies proposées va inévitablement promouvoir les opportunités en matière d’éducation pour de nombreux autres groupes d’enfants exclus des systèmes éducatifs. Il constitue une introduction au concept d’éducation inclusive que des formations spécifiques sur la déficience mentale, le Braille et la langue des signes viendront compléter. Si les publications en langue anglaise sur l’éducation inclusive sont abondantes, ce n’est pas le cas dans le monde francophone. Nous espérons donc que le présent document viendra combler ce manque. 

Training for impact : international training programme on development-oriented psychosocial care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

November 2009

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This report presents a BasicNeeds international training programme on development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters. Details are provided about the training programmes, the evaluations, the follow-up and achievements. Case studies and an analysis of the experience are highlighted. This resource is useful for practitioners interested in the development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

EDUCAIDS resources

August 2009

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This CD-ROM contains more than 200 supporting documents for the EDUCAIDS Resource Pack including: * 35 technical briefs; * Overviews of practical resources on quality education; content, curriculum and learning materials; educator training and support; policy, management and systems; and entry points, as well as the original reference documents, and * The EDUCAIDS framework for supporting comprehensive education sector responses to HIV and AIDS

The barefoot guide to working with organisations and social change

et al
July 2009

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This is a practical, do-it-yourself guide for leaders and facilitators wanting to help organisations to function and to develop in more healthy, human and effective ways as they strive to make their contributions to a more humane society... The guide, with its supporting website, includes tried and tested concepts, approaches, stories and activities. Its purpose is to help stimulate and enrich the practice of anyone supporting organisations and social movements in their challenges of working, learning, growing and changing to meet the needs of our complex world. Although it is aimed at leaders and facilitators of civil society organisations, we hope it will be useful to anyone interested in fostering healthy human organisation in any sphere of life. This resource has a supporting website where additional resources are available

The magic bus : a flipbook on the basics of HIV and AIDS

March 2009

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This is a flipbook designed as an educational aid for carers and counsellers to educate children between the ages of eight and 14 on the basic facts of HIV and AIDS and how they can protect themselves against the disease. The book is colourful, fun and easy to follow and while it has been developed in an Indian context, can be used in any environment where HIV and AIDS education is needed

Understanding and challenging TB stigma : toolkit for action | Introduction to TB and stigma | More understanding and less fear about TB

KIDD, Ross
et al
March 2009

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"The module was written by and for trainers. It has been designed to help trainers plan and organise participatory educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups to raise awareness and promote practical action to challenge HIV and TB stigma and discrimination." It can be used as a stand alone resource or in conjunction with the modules on understanding and challenging HIV stigma

A book for midwives : care for pregnancy, birth and women's health|Un libro para parteras : atencion del embarazo, el parto y la salud de la mujer

KLEIN, Susan
MILLER, Suellen

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Originally published in 1995, A Book for Midwives has been a comprehensive resource for practicing midwives and midwifery training programmes around the world. This new edition has been extensively updated and revised to reflect new WHO/UNICEF guidelines and standards for mothers and newborn children.This book covers the essentials of care before, during, and after birth, providing a variety of designs for low-cost equipment and training materials. It includes new information on helping women stay healthy during pregnancy; helping mothers have safer labors and births; preventing, managing, and treating obstetric emergencies; breastfeeding; the health needs of new babies; and involving the community in improving the health of mothers and pregnant women. It also includes new information about treatment and medications for HIV and other sexually transmitted infectons; vaccinations, medicines, and drug interactions; infection prevention; improved methods for dealing with complicated deliveries; and new and updated information on family planning

Resource pack on systematization of experiences

MORGAN, Mariluz

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Systematization of experiences is a methodology that helps people involved in different kinds of practice to organize and communicate what they have learned. Over the past 40 years systematization has evolved and obtained recognition as a methodology for social reflection, in Latin America. This resource pack provides materials for the English speaking world

An introduction to mental health : facilitator’s manual for training community health workers in India

RAJA, Shoba
et al

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The aim of this training manual is to build the capacity of community health workers in the field of mental health so that they are able to effectively respond to the mental health needs of their communities. By the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to: * Recognise symptoms of mental disorders. * Respond appropriately to people experiencing symptoms of mental disorders. * Refer people experiencing possible mental disorders to appropriate services. * Support people with mental disorders and their families. * Promote mental health within their communities. The manual provides a step by step guide to facilitating each training session and contains information on teaching methods, training tips and the aims and objectives of each session. It was developed and piloted in consultation with the Village Health Workers at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, Maharashtra, India

Education for children with disabilities in India : a background paper for GMR 2010


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This paper critically examines the Sarva Shisksha Abhiyan (SSA) on the education of children in disabilities in India. Given statistical evidence, the author suggests that the National Action Plan for Inclusion for Education of the Children and Persons with disabilities (2005) is a challenge to implement, and that guidance and enforcement mechanisms for achieving its vision are weak. The paper calls for greater supply of learning aids in rural areas, recommends strengthening teacher training and encourages more effective measurement of disability educational support systems. This paper is useful for anyone interested in the education for children with disabilities in India

Is doing good "good" : professional motives vs. community needs


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"This paper offers a critical discussion of the goodness of fit between professional motives and community needs in the field of community-based rehabilitation (CBR). Data were drawn from the authors’ involvement in a survey of occupational therapists involved in CBR and a search of CINAHL, PsychInfo and Medline online databases for related descriptive and analytical articles. Due to cultural differences and time constraints CBR professionals often are, and remain, ‘outsiders’ to the community they are working with. The focus of CBR is sometimes uncertain. Professional motives do not always meet community needs and good intentions do not necessarily transpire into sustainable, culturally appropriate action. The involvement of the community in all stages of programme development and implementation is important both to ensure relevancy and build alliances with the community. CBR needs to be approached and evaluated as a unique area of professional practice"


Asia Pacific Disability Development Journal, Vol 20, No 2

