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Understanding and challenging HIV stigma : toolkit for action. Introducation and module A : naming the problem

KIDD, Ross

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This toolkit was written for and by HIV trainers in Africa. It has been designed to help trainers plan and organise educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups to raise awareness and promote practical action to challenge HIV stigma and discrimination. Building on the original toolkit, it includes experience of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance’s Regional Stigma Training Project, which has introduced the toolkit to many countries in Africa through a training of trainers and networking process. At a regional workshop in Zambia in August 2005, members of this network helped to review the toolkit and make changes and additions

Using geographic information system technology to improve emergency management and disaster response for people with disabilities

ENDERS, Alexandra
BRANDT, Zachary

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Disability, as a product of person–environment interaction, is particularly sensitive to catastrophic events and disasters. Disasters are specific to a physical location, as are the resources needed to handle the aftermath of the event. Geographic information systems (GIS) technology provides the ability to spatially coordinate resources from separate systems, which is vital for emergency management. GIS provides the capacity to go beyond surveillance and identification of at-risk people with disabilities to actively address the spatial nature of the person–environment interaction. GIS may provide the basis for further investigation and development of the science of environmental factors in the person–environment interaction. Mapping resources, and not just people, in the environment can change the perception and portrayal of people with disabilities in disaster incidents from people with “special needs” to people and organizations that are community contributors. Disability policy advocates, working at the state level, need to get disability-relevant geospatial data into the critical infrastructure used for emergency planning and response. A map showing the proximity of available resources demonstrates the importance of GIS to people with disabilities by identifying available resources in disaster response and recovery.


Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Vol 17, No 4

Emergency preparedness guide for people with disabilities/special needs


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This guide covers topics relevant to the emergency preparedness needs of people with disabilities. The guide categorises different disabilities and types of impairment and provides information on how individuals with different impairments should prepare for an emergency, and how the non-disabled public can best assist a person with a disability in an emergency. The guide includes a preparedness checklist, as well as additional points of contact for further resources and information on the topic

IMCI : what can we learn from an innovation that didn’t reach the poor?

GWARTKIN, Davidson
October 2006

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In this editorial, the author comments on the feasibility of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) strategy of the World Health Organization aimed at serving the poor. He analyses the reasons behind the failure of IMCI strategy to reach the poor. According to the author, IMCI failed due to several faults in its implementation including its initiation in well-off areas, a horizontal approach, and bad financial infrastructure of the poor regions
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84(10)

Advancing sustainable safety : national road safety outlook for 2005 - 2020

AARTS, Letty

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This document on developing sustainable safety in the Netherlands "starts with a section comprising theoretical backgrounds and analyses. The reader will, firstly, find a chapter with general theoretical backgrounds to the Sustainable Safety vision (Chapter 1), followed by analyses of road safety problems in the Netherlands (Chapter 2). The final chapter of Part I (Chapter 3) discusses an evaluation of what has been learned during a decade of Sustainable Safety - about implementation and the effects of measures based on that vision. Part II and III discuss the elaboration in the content of the advanced Sustainable Safety vision. Part II focuses on various types of measures in the field of infrastructure (Chapter 4), vehicles (Chapter 5), Intelligent Transport Systems (Chapter 6), education (Chapter 7) and regulation and enforcement directed at road user behaviour (Chapter 8). Part III focuses on specific problem areas or groups within road safety....(identified) as speed (Chapter 9), drink and drug driving (Chapter 10), young and novice drivers (Chapter 11), cyclists and pedestrians (Chapter 12), motorized two-wheelers (Chapter 13) and heavy goods vehicles (Chapter 14).... (T)his book (concludes) with a fourth part that sets out in one chapter (Chapter 15) implementation aspects and opportunities to advance Sustainable Safety"

Disability, inclusion and development : key information resources

December 2005

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This directory of information resources pulls together over 300 of the most practical and useful books, reports, videos, CD-ROMs and websites on disability. It is aimed at organisations working with disabled people in developing countries. Organised thematically, It covers a wide range of issues including human rights, gender, poverty and mainstreaming, as well as planning and management of disability programmes and service delivery relating to children, community-based rehabilitation, mental health and HIV and AIDS. The directory provides a quick reference listing of information resources with clear abstracts and details of distributors and websites, while the CD-ROM contains many published and un-published full-text documents, as well as links to websites for those who can access the Internet. The index of publishers and distributors will be especially useful to resource centres and information services which collect and manage information on disability and development

The Synergy APDIME program management toolkit : resources for HIV/AIDS program managers


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This CD-ROM and website present a toolkit developed by USAID's Synergy Project to support programme designers and managers in HIV prevention, care and support worldwide. It includes tools such as worksheets, budget templates, survey instruments, data and software produced by a variety of organisations working on these issues. APDIME stands for the stages in the programming cycle: Assessment, Planning, Design, Implementation monitoring, and Evaluation

HIV risk exposure in young children : a study of 2-9 year olds served by public health facilities in the Free State, South Africa

MEHTAR, Shaheen

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South Africa has, until now, focused its HIV prevention efforts on youth and adults, and now needs to expand its focus to include children. Much is already known about mother to child transmission, which is the dominant mode of HIV transmission among children. However, little investigation has been done into the potential for horizontal transmission of HIV on the population below reproductive age. This report focuses on children aged 2-9 years and, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, presents evidence on the potential for HIV transmission in dental, maternity and paediatric service in public health facilities. A new finding concerns the practice of shared breastfeeding

The memory work trainer's manual : supporting families affected by HIV and AIDS


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This manual guides trainers through a course to support parents, guardians and carers affected by HIV and AIDS, by helping them to share information, hopes and fears with their children; strengthen each child's sense of identity and belonging; plan for the future care of their children. The course is designed to be delivered to: parents and other family members living with HIV and AIDS; future guardians of children affected by HIV and AIDS; community workers and volunteers working with children and families affected by HIV and AIDS. The manual draws significantly on the experiences and ideas of NACWOLA trainers and trainees, as well as those of Healthlink Worldwide and others. The course consists of 12 modules, covering child development, parenting, communication between parents, carers, guardians and children, HIV status disclosure, coping with separation, loss and grief, planning for children's future, involving children in planning, preparation for new care arrangements, making a memory book, and related legal aspects

Mapping malaria risk in Africa

December 2004

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This site presents maps of malaria risk and endemicity (the presence of malaria) in Africa, drawing on published and unpublished data, and through spatial modelling of malaria distribution, seasonality and endemicity. Many factors, especially endemicity, affect the choice of control methods. In the absence of such data it is impossible to rationalize the allocation of limited resources for malaria control. This site presents an opportunity to rethink endemicity and how we may map malaria risk in order to better support planning and programming of malaria control

Design manual for a barrier free built environment

MOOTHAN, Raajesh
et al
December 2004

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Based on the experiences of a wide-ranging and holistic project in India, this manual details the steps that should be taken to create and adapt a barrier-free environment adhering to principles of universal design

HIV prevention and care with especially vulnerable young people : a framework for action

CHASE, Elaine
April 2004

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This document sets out five core principles underpinning effective HIV/AIDS prevention programming with young people: putting the young person first; promoting meaningful participation; a commitment to rights; promoting gender equity; and tackling risk and vulnerability. It also offers a straightforward guide to priority setting, with a focus on action to reduce risk, action to reduce vulnerability and action to mitigate impact. Examples of successful implementation of this framework are presented in 'HIV prevention with especially vulnerable young people: case studies of success and innovation' (2006). This is a useful resource for policy-makers, practitioners and researchers working to promote young people's sexual health in resource-constrained settings

Mapping workshop manual : finding your way through life, society and HIV

et al
March 2004

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This manual was developed through the Memory Box Project, and some of the mapping exercises presented here draw on the tradition of 'memory work'. However, it reflects a shift in emphasis from bereavement and succession planning to positive living in the context of greater availability of antiretroviral therapy, and with people living with HIV/AIDS now having the opportunity to live longer, more productive lives. The mapping exercises described in this manual are designed to encourage empowerment and understanding of available opportunities, identify key components of an enabling environment and promote positive living. Tools presented include journey mapping, body mapping and memory box

Humanitarian charter and minimum standards of disaster response|The Sphere handbook


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This handbook is the result of an international initiative aiming at improving humanitarian and emergency assistance. The handbook describes the core principles and minimal standards of humanitarian action. This edition includes vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly people and disabled people. The handbook is a practical tool that can be used to define overarching project goals and to monitor the success of the assistance that is provided

Integrating HIV voluntary counselling and testing services into reproductive health settings : stepwise guidelines for programme planners, managers and service providers


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This guide aims to provide reproductive and sexual health programme planners, managers and providers with the information necessary to integrate voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS within their services. In particular it considers integration within the context of family planning (FP) service provision. FP and VCT provision have similar aims of reaching sexually active people and promoting safe and healthy sexuality. FP settings therefore offer specific opportunities for reaching women with VCT. This guide looks at the continuum of possibilities available for integrating VCT. It is divided into 5 sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to VCT; section 2 details an assessment process for use when considering how to integrate VCT services; section 3 describes factors to consider when planning the integrated service; section 4 covers specific implementation issues; and section 5 focuses on monitoring and evaluation. The appendices contain checklists, sample monitoring tools and further reference material. Most of the references are available through the Internet

Empowered to differ : stakeholders' influences in community-based rehabilitation


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'Empowered to differ' equally addresses researchers and CBR professionals. The book gives an overview about the developments in the field of community-based rehabilitation since 1978, using the examples of CBR projects in Southern Africa. Finkenflügel asks for the knowledge and the evidence for CBR and to what extent the roles, interests and powers of stakeholders can contribute to this knowledge and evidence

