When it comes to including people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in emergency plans, strategic plans are rarely enough. Non-specific language and broad planning steps carries a substantial risk of discriminatory response and failure. It is the detail, the who, what, where, when, why, and how embedded in the tactical plans that make the difference. These details should also be incorporated into that standard operating procedures of departments and agencies, job aids, checklists, field operation guides, and training.
This checklist is for emergency planners, managers, responders, and public information officers (PIOs) who have responsibility for developing, maintaining, testing, delivering and revising emergency plans and services. Use it to help:
Evaluate current capacity of critical elements that integrate people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs into emergency planning, response, and recovery.
Develop inclusive emergency plans, policies, processes, protocols, training, job aids/checklists, standard operating procedures and exercise programs.
Periodically evaluate progress and identify elements that have been implemented, and areas that continue to need attention.