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Child centred disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation : roles of gender and culture in Indonesia

HAYNES, Katharine
LASSA, Jonatan
TOWERS, Briony
September 2010

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"The principle aim of this research was to investigate the roles of gender and religion in child-centred disaster risk reduction (DRR). Moreover, and through participatory research, informal conversations and direct advocacy, the project team hoped to build knowledge and awareness of child-centred DRR. The research was also designed to validate findings from previous research by the wider project team and to provide a body of empirical evidence in support of child-centred DRR and the Children in a Changing Climate programme"
Working Paper No 2

Toolkit for long term recovery|Haiti : reconstruction for all

August 2010

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This toolkit suggests strategies and tools to improve disaster recovery and reconstruction practices for disabled people. It is structured around the following seven major thematic areas related to disability inclusive recovery and reconstruction: physical environment; livelihood, employment and social protection; transportation and communication; education; health; capacity building of disabled people's organisations (DPOs); and organisational and operational issues. This toolkit is useful for humanitarian agencies and NGOs in disasters situations

Community-based rehabilitation in post-conflict and emergency situations

EIDE, Arne H

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"Drawing on existing literature and personal experience with CBR in post-conflict areas, this chapter explores the role of CBR in post-conflict zones and how CBR, as a multifaceted and flexible strategy for community development, may constitute a viable strategy for people with disabilities in post-conflict and emergency situations"
Chapter 5 from "Trauma rehabilitation after war and conflict: community and individual perspectives" edited by MARTZ, Erin

INEE minimum standards for education : preparedness, response, recovery


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This resource presents "the minimum level of educational quality and access in emergencies through to recovery. The aim of the handbook is to enhance the quality of educational preparedness, response and recovery; to increase access to safe and relevant learning opportunities for all learners, regardless of their age, gender or abilities; and to ensure accountability and strong coordination in the provision of education in emergencies through to recovery...The INEE Minimum Standards are organised in five domains: Foundation standards; Access and learning environment; Teaching and learning; Teachers and other education; personnel; Education policy"

Culture and mental health in Haiti : a literature review


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"This paper reviews and summarizes the available literature on Haitian mental health and Mental health services. This review was conducted in light of the Haitian earthquake in January 2010. The first part of the review describes historical, economic, sociological and anthropological factors essential to basic understanding of Haiti and its people. This includes discussion of demography, family structure, Haitian economics and religion. The second part of the review focuses on mental health and mental health services. This includes a review of factors such as basic epidemiology of mental illness, common beliefs about mental illness, explanatory models, idioms of distress, help-seeking behavior, configuration of mental health services and the relationship between religion and mental health"

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies : what should humanitarian health actors know


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"This document is for humanitarian health actors working at national and sub-national level in countries facing emergencies and crises. It applies to Health Cluster partners, including governmental and non-governmental health service providers. Based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007), this document gives an overview of essential knowledge that humanitarian health actors should have about mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian emergencies"

Disability inclusive flood action plan and WASH in a Bangladeshi community

BARI , Nazmul
January 2010

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“From October 2009 to July 2010, the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), working in partnership with local non-government organisation (NGO) Gana Unnayan Kendra(GUK) and with the support of CBM Australia, implemented a pilot project titled Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project (DiDRR). The DiDRR project broadly addressed inclusive disaster preparedness with a sub-component on improved water and sanitation access for PWD. This case study focuses on the project actions and resulting changes regarding disability inclusive water and sanitation before and during floods, and how it benefited not only PWD but also the wider community”

Case study 10

Child-centred DRR toolkit

FARAG, Phoebe

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This toolkit is designed to help people working for international, national and local non-government organisations working with children in supporting community-based disaster risk reduction work. The toolkit has four modules:

  1. Training children on Disaster Risk Reduction through the hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment
  2. Planning, monitoring and evaluating child-centred disaster risk reduction programmes
  3. Action planning with children on Disaster Risk Reduction
  4. Advocacy with children on disaster risk reduction

Establishing community based early warning system : practitioner's handbook


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"This handbook is significant in providing the first comprehensive attempt in Nepal to provide a guide for the establishment of community based early warning Systems in flood prone communities. The book has brought together the materials drawn from Practical Action and Mercy Corps experiences in dealing with establishment of Community Based Early Warning Systems in a number of communities in the terai areas of Nepal, as well as the reference and experience of other organisations and agencies to this effect. This handbook with a facilitator’s guide and resource material will provide community trainers the tools to assist flood prone communities in establishing early warning systems"

Disaster risk reduction : a gender and livelihood perspective

GIULLIANI, Alessandra
August 2009

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This issue emphasizes how natural disasters impact and affect genders differently. It discusses the various ways in which using a gender based approach when dealing with natural disasters can have a significant difference in the lives of those in the disaster zone. It also addresses the degree of vulnerability from a gender aspect, and specifically the sensitivities that needs to be addressed

InfoResources Focus No 2/09

Guidelines for creating barrier-free emergency shelters

CURTIN, Michael
February 2009

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This manual provides guidance on the design and building of barrier-free emergency shelters that are used by all people within a community following a natural disaster, such as a flood or landslide. It provides information with examples of the essential aspects to consider when designing and building barrier-free emergency shelters, such as ramps, toilets, cooking areas, waterpumps and shelters. Recommendations are also highlighted to ensure accessible environments for people with specific disabilities. The information for this manual is based upon a 'Mainstreaming disability and people with disabilities into disaster management in Nepal' project, which was implemented by Handicap International in December 2007. This manual is useful for people interested in the design and building of barrier-free emergency shelters

Education in emergencies : including everyone

February 2009

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The guide outlines useful principles for an inclusive emergency education approach, provides advice for strategies and actions at key stages of an emergency, offers advice on dealing with challenges, and highlights what support emergencies' education staff should expect from their organisations. It is aimed at anyone working to provide, manage or support education services in emergencies, and complements the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction

Mainstreaming disability into disaster risk reduction : a training manual

SILCOCK, Nathalie
January 2009

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This manual aims to build professionals' capacities to mainstream disability in disaster risk reduction and to improve general knowledge on disability and disaster risk reduction. It is designed in a logical modular sequence, providing practical tools and guidelines for topic-related training sessions. Each training session is detailed with suggested time allocation, methods, tools and learning objectives. The information is based upon a 'Mainstreaming disability and people with disabilities into disaster management in Nepal' project, which was implemented by Handicap International in December 2007. A CD-Rom is available to accompany the manual. This manual is useful for people interested in mainstreaming disability into disaster risk reduction

Anthropological perspectives on disasters and disability : an introduction

FJORD, Lakshmi

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Using a disability conceptual framework to anthropologically review disasters, this article emphasises the needs of those with fewest resources and highlights the benefit of the inclusion of disabled people in disaster preparedness, response and recovery plans. This article is useful to people interested in disability and disasters
Human Organization, Vol 68, No 1

What are we learning about protecting children in the community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms|Executive summary


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"Drawing on findings from 60 countries and 160 documents, this executive summary: describes different types of community-based child protection groups; identifies common factors that appear to make groups effective (including community ownership, building on existing resources, children’s participation, links between formal and non-formal systems, and balancing power across groups); looks at examples of scaling up, and ensuring the sustainability both of groups and of positive outcomes for children; sets out six key challenges to maximising the effectiveness of groups; puts forward recommendations to practitioners and donors on how to strengthen community support for children’s protection and wellbeing.
This summary will be of interest to everyone who works in this area - practitioners, policy advisers and donors"
Note: The full report is on the CD-Rom

Building capacity in six disadvantaged communities vulnerable to natural disasters

BERKE, Philip
et al
September 2008

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This paper aims "to describe and analyze an Emergency Preparedness Demonstration (EPD) project aimed at reducing the risk to life and property in six disadvantaged communities in Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. EPD involves a community-based participatory planning process aimed at building the capacity of disadvantaged communities threatened by disasters. To understand the successes and limitations of the EDP approach we used multiple sources of evidence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 key informants, field notes were taken during attendance of community planning meetings, and documentary materials prepared by local planning teams (memoranda, vulnerability assessments, household surveys) were content analyzed"

Checklist to facilitate health emergency planning for at-risk people

et al

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The purpose of this checklist is to assist emergency managers to develop and implement plans and operational protocols to maintain the safety and health of more vulnerable people during emergencies.  Emergency planners can use the checklist to identify the key risk factors that may affect different population groups during emergencies and prioritise responses

