Resources search
3115 records. Displaying 141 to 160 of 3115.
November 2020
Self-reported barriers to activities of daily living of persons with disabilities living in IDP sites in northwest Syria
November 2020
Funding ≠ Inclusion: Segregation and CRPD Non-Compliance in Official Development Assistance
November 2020
No one left behind? Exclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Official Development Assistance
November 2020
Being a girl & disabled in West Africa : the educational situation in question Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso
October 2020
Être une fille et handicapée en Afrique de l’Ouest : La situation éducative en question : etude pays - Mali
October 2020
Disability rights during the pandemic. A global report on findings of the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor
October 2020
Source e-bulletin on Disability and Inclusion