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Cross-generational and transactional sexual relations in sub-Saharan Africa : prevalance of behaviour and implications for negotiating safer sexual practices

LUKE, Nancy
KURZ, Kathleen
September 2002

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This paper is a literature and evidence survey of cross-generational and transactional sex in Africa. It examines the age and economic asymmetries in sexual relationships in an African context, prevalence of cross-generational and transactional sexual relationships, adolescent girls' and men's motivations and adolescent girls' negotiating power in relationships. It comes to the conclusion that adolescent girls have power when negotiating the start and end of relationships and they are strongly motivated to enter into cross-generational relationships for the material benefits and status that they bring. However, once they have entered the relaltionship the balance of power shifts to the man, especially in the context of gift-giving.
The paper also examines the evidence around cultural acceptance of cross-generational and transactional sexual relationships, violence and rape within the relationships, multiple relationships, and outcome of the relationships. The authors' recommendations are to: gather policy support for changing the social norm; mount programmatic responses; conduct research to investigate the success of programmatic responses, document the policy process, and fill other important information gaps

Report of the second meeting of the Global Alliance to eliminate lymphatic filariasis


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This meeting was an opportunity for Global Alliance members to take stock of activities related to lymphatic filariasis (LF) elimination programmes at country, regional and global levels. This report aims to capture the basic elements of the discussion at the meeting. The aim was to enable the Alliance to build on progress to date and scale up coverage to ensure that by 2020 LF is eliminated. It is a useful resource for health managers

Making health communication programs work


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This handbook presents key principles and steps in developing and evaluating health communication program for the public, patients, and health professionals. It expands upon and replaces two earlier publications titled Pretesting in Health Communications and Making PSA's Work. Referring primarily to the context of the United States, the guide discusses specific steps in program development and includes examples of their use. Sources of additional information on each subject are included at the end of the chapters

Guide to WHO documents concerning adolescent health and development

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development

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Bibliography of WHO documents relating to adolescent health and development. It is divided into four sections which follow the logical programming steps: building political commitment, assessing priorities for action, maintaining implementation, and monitoring and evaluation

Human rights and disability : the current use and future potential of United Nations human rights instruments in the context of disability

DEGENER, Theresia
QUINN, Gerard

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This study reviews the current use of the United Nations human rights instruments and how they can be developed further. It addresses the shift from a charity based and medical approach towards a human rights, advocacy and empowerment based approach of disabled people's organisations.The study examines different human rights conventions and how they can be applied to people with disabilities and offers national case studies.The study is aimed at people with disabilities, policy makers and organisations working with disabled people

Methodological guide for designing and implementing a multimedia communication strategy


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This manual describes the process of drawing up a multimedia communication strategy. It describes general principles for planning communication for development, and goes into some detail about how to apply these principles. Sections cover situation analysis, drawing up a strategic framework, validating the strategy, and implementation of the communication plan

Bridging research and policy : an international workshop

STONE, Diane
KEATING, Michael
July 2001

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This report from a workshop discusses what is meant by policy and the policy process, and the move from the traditional linear approach to presenting alternative models. It sets out a framework for thinking about the interaction between research and policy and deals with the challenges that are facing researchers and policy makers. The conclusion suggests that the impact of research is uncertain and contingent on social and political context

Understanding community approaches to handicap in development (CAHD)

March 2001

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This document, part of the Handicap and Development Collection, introduces an expanded concept of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) called CAHD (community approaches to handicap in development). It is aimed at CBR planners, policy-makers and managers. CAHD aims to develop two-way relationships within communities to change attitudes so that community practices will include disabled persons and provide them with services and assistance

Leading to choices : a leadership training handbook for women


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This handbook is the result of work across three continents and engages the ideas and skills of women and men from a variety of sectors including those from NGOs, scholars, political leaders and development practitioners. It is a tool adaptable to any community, designed to enhance women’s participation and leadership in various spheres of social interaction and decision-making. It is based on the concept that women need to be empowered if they are to achieve their rights, participate in building civil society, and help attain sustainable and equitable development. The handbook seeks to enable the reader to identify for herself and develop the best means to communicate, listen, build consensus, create shared meaning, and foster learning partnerships at work, at home, and in her community. There are twelve workshop sessions in the book, useful for facilitating leadership training sessions but also as a general resource for facilitating any type of meeting. The first part of the book is about ‘Developing the Self for Leadership’, the second concerns ‘Communicating with Others’ and the third is ‘Creating Learning Partnerships’. Appendices contain alternative culture-specific sessions, ideas for alternative lesson and exercise facilitation tactics, and strategies for enhancing communication among workshop participants

The value of advocacy in promoting social change : implementing the new Domestic Violence Act in South Africa

USDIN, Shereen
MAKER, Aadielah
November 2000

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This paper describes an advocacy campaign to ensure the effective implementation of South Africa's Domestic Violence Act. Lessons from the campaign stress the importance of coalition building to draw on diverse strengths, and the use of a combination of advocacy tools, including lobbying, media advocacy and social mobilisation to achieve campaign goals. While many advocacy efforts focus on the development of policy and legislation, ongoing efforts are needed to ensure effective implementation, the commitment of adequate resources and monitoring to identify gaps and propose new solutions. The experience presented highlights the important role of policy advocates in connecting the multiple streams at play in the policy and legislative arena

