This country report describes the situation of disabled people in India. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation, describes disability organisations and development agencies and lays out the results of a participatory programme. In addition to this, the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality
This country report describes the situation of disabled people in Cambodia. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation and describes disability organisations and development agencies. In addition to this the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality
Presents the preliminary results of the project Hispano-American Connection of Health Program - EHAS- Alto Amazonas, that investigates how the new information and communication technologies can help improve the processes of primary health care and to have a positive impact in the health of the people
"The toolkit begins with a general introduction that sets the stage for mental health and psychosocial interventions in the context of conflict affected populations. A discussion of programming issues then follows which is then followed by two sections that outline the steps to take to operationalise mental health and psychosocial interventions"
Paper considers the increasingly critical role that PRSPs play in determining national policy. It argues for action to ensure effective participation of civil society organisation in PRSPs in order to safeguard the health interests of society
This guide aims to provide reproductive and sexual health programme planners, managers and providers with the information necessary to integrate voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS within their services. In particular it considers integration within the context of family planning (FP) service provision. FP and VCT provision have similar aims of reaching sexually active people and promoting safe and healthy sexuality. FP settings therefore offer specific opportunities for reaching women with VCT. This guide looks at the continuum of possibilities available for integrating VCT. It is divided into 5 sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to VCT; section 2 details an assessment process for use when considering how to integrate VCT services; section 3 describes factors to consider when planning the integrated service; section 4 covers specific implementation issues; and section 5 focuses on monitoring and evaluation. The appendices contain checklists, sample monitoring tools and further reference material. Most of the references are available through the Internet
There is widespread evidence of failure to implement health interventions that have been demonstrated to be cost-effective by high-quality research; this failure affects both high-income and low-income countries. Low-income countries face additional challenges to using research evidence including: the weakness of their health systems, the lack of professional regulation and a lack of access to evidence. There is a need to strengthen institutions and mechanisms that can more systematically promote interactions between researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders who can influence the uptake of research findings. The concept of public engagement with health research requires a public that is both informed and active. Even when systematic reviews are available further work is needed to translate their findings into guidelines or messages that are understandable to patients and health professionals. Many of the commonly used approaches for keeping health professionals' knowledge up-to-date appear to have small or inconsistent effects. The evidence-base is more extensive for interventions directed towards professionals, such as education, reminders or feedback, than for those directed at organisations or patients. The effect of interventions varies according to the setting and the behaviour that is targeted. Case studies in low-income settings suggest that some strategies can result in increased coverage of evidence-based interventions, but there is a lack of evidence from systematic reviews of rigorous research. Given the potential for near-term improvements in health, finding more effective ways of promoting the uptake of evidence-based interventions should be a priority for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers
This workbook on facilitation skills provides training material for people who plan to use PILLARS Guides in their local communities. It can be used as part of regular training sessions or can be delivered as a five day workshop. Participants will become familiar with the content of several PILLARS Guides and learn how to adapt their use. They will gain participatory learning skills, understand the qualities and skills of a good facilitator and gain confidence in using PILLARS Guides with community groups. The training uses participatory methods and role play
This study discusses the history of open source, how open source works, and why developers contribute to open source. After examining open source markets and business models, it presents a strategy framework and strategy map for developing countries to go down the open source path. Finally, it presents a classification of the current status of developing countries in relation to its IT policy and infrastructure and how a donor agency can assist in exploiting open source to create value in the economy. A case study of Sri Lanka illustrares how the donor action plan, strategy implementation and strategy map all tie together
Churches are often at the forefront in helping the poor and supporting communities, playing a role that goes beyond biblical teaching and spiritual support. This guide provides church members with material for discussion, designed to help churches to successfully manage their interventions, understand their role in the community, develop facilitation skills, increase confidence in their ability to carry out practical work and activities, improve relationships with other organisations and encourage openness and sharing of differing views. Drawing on key passages of the Bible, this guide consists of a brief introduction to each topic, accompanied by a set of questions designed to encourage group discussion
In 1998 the Ethiopian government scaled up the response to HIV/AIDS by forging a multi-sectoral and multi-level partnership with various stakeholders. A national policy on HIV/AIDS was enacted in August 1998. This resulted in a Strategic Framework for the National Response to HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia for 2001-2005. This monitoring and evaluation framework was developed to strengthen the multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS, to systematically track progress and evaluate the effects of the national response, and to meet the international reporting requirements for funds secured to fight HIV/AIDS in the country. It covers basic monitoring and evaluation concepts, an implementation strategy, national level indicators and resource requirements
This is a seachable database designed to present information on previously implemented programmes in an accessible format. It focuses on public health interventions and programme models rather than medical practices. It is continually updated, and each submission is reviewed by a technical advisory review board
The paper reviews the installation of a new health management system in Uganda. The authors noted that technological issues, rather than wider organisational issues, dominated the planning of the change. The need to consider the organisational context when changing information systems arises because the process is more complex than some practitioners have realised. It is a useful case study of the implementation of information and communication technology
Many governments are in the process of developing National Plans of Action to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document is intended to present suggested guidelines for how to include the rights of disabled children into action plans in a way that promotes and protects inclusion
This report highlights the lessons learned from 25 years of primary health care. It highlights the gains that there have been in health status, but also looks at the setbacks, for example the increased gap between the health of rich and poor, and the resurgence and spread of old communicable diseases and new epidemics. It highlights the mixed progress in implementing primary health care and makes proposals for the revitalisation of primary health care
This manual is based on Oxfam's experience working with local disabled people's organisations before, during and after the recent crisis in Kosovo. Case studies from West Africa and South and East Asia also show how the principles and training can be translated to a wide range of political and social contexts. It suggests practical materials useful for trainers working in geographically isolated areas without access to sophisticated equipment. Most of the activities and exercises can be adapted for use in groups of people with a wide range of impairments and educational levels. The text is written in clear and simple language
VISION 2020 is a joint initiative by the WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, which intends to eliminate avoidable blindness (eg caused by cataract, refractive errors, trachoma, vitamin deficiencies, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma) by the year 2020. The strategy of VISION 2020 is built upon the foundation of community participation. VISION 2020 has the following objectives: implementation of disease control interventions; development of human resources and development of infrastructure. This CD-ROM serves as a toolkit for countries and organisations that want to enforce a VISION 2020 action plan to combat blindness at the national, provincial and/or district level. Relevant background information for planning exercises are provided in the form of reports from expert committees, scientific articles, manuals, guidelines, software packages, websites, and contact addresses. [Abstract courtesy of CAB International]
Looks at efforts to include disabled people in mainstream micro-finance initiatives. Defines three fundamental requirements to achieve this. Also looks at the multidimensionality of poverty
Provides information on the Biwako Framework that was adopted in 2002. The document sets out a draft regional framework for action that provides regional policy recommendations for action by governments in the region and concerned stakeholders to achieve an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for disabled people. The regional framework for action explicitly incorporates the millennium development goals and their relevant targets to ensure that concerns relating to disabled people become an integral part of efforts to achieve the goals