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Pastoral action on HIV and AIDS

March 2008

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These guidelines are for training pastors and lay church leaders in addressing the pastoral challenges of the AIDS epidemic. These challenges affect churches in their teachings about sickness and healing, their forms of workshop and their pastoral ministries. The toolkit contains numerous role plays, discussion guidelines, Biblical references, individual case studies and illustrations by African artists

School-centred HIV and AIDS care and support in Southern Africa : technical consulation report

BOLER, Tania
February 2008

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This report maps out the various activities in school-based HIV treatment, care and support that are being undertaken in Southern Africa, as a response to the changing needs of teachers, students and local communities. It highlights successful factors and common challenges and suggests five broad principles that help provide a comprehensive response to treatment, care and support,and reinforce prevention messages

HIV & AIDS and supportive learning environments


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This booklet addresses the following issues for learners: - Rights and access to education - Protection - Knowledge, attitudes and skills - Care and support Schools and other educational settings play an important role in educating young people about HIV and AIDS, developing the skills they need to protect themselves from HIV infection, tackling fear, stigma and discrimination and promoting care and support of those who are infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS

Our future : Preparing to teach sexuality and life-skills|An awareness training manual for teachers and community workers

January 2008

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The activities in the manual will strengthen teachers' understanding of sexuality, gender, sexual and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS as well as the self-awareness, values and skills that play an effective role in HIV prevention, care and mitigation in their schools and the community. This includes providing supportive, positive role-models, creating a safe environment, reducing stigma and discrimination and teaching sexuality and life skills effectively

Invisible : the notion of disability in the context of HIV/AIDS in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

January 2008

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This thesis explores how the cultural context in which people think about disability and HIV exposes disabled people to a higher risk of infection. To investigate this issue, this work analyses the macro-cultural, micro-cultural and individual level of people in the KwaZulu-Natal region of South Africa. This resource would be useful for anyone interested in the cultural aspects of disability and HIV and AIDS

Operational guide for implementation of IICCHAA project


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This operational guide provides a broad direction for implementing memory work in India in the field, based on a communication needs assessment carried out as part of the Indian Initiative for Child Centred Approaches to HIV & AIDS (IICCHAA). The guide is divided into two sections: how to roll out the training effectively at field level and some basic information about HIV and AIDS

HIV/AIDS and disability : an exploration of organizations' responses to HIV/AIDS as it affects people with disabilities

ROHLEDER, Poul Andrew

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This dissertation in clinical psychology explores the extent to which South African schools and organisations that work with persons with disabilities deal with issues of HIV and AIDS. The study indicates that although HIV education takes place, issues relating to HIV and AIDS are handled with much anxiety. The results reveal that in some cases HIV education is used to control and oppress disabled people’s sexual expression, instead of empowering them to have fulfilling sexual lives. Issues regarding sexual abuse and rape are also discussed. The dissertation ends with recommendations regarding further research on disabled people’s experiences and the need to address the silence around issues such as rape and abuse. This resource would be useful for people looking for in-depth information on disability and HIV in general (chapters 2 and 3), and with a focus on South Africa in particular (chapters 5 to 7). Moreover, it would be useful to people interested in the psychological aspects of working in the field of HIV (chapter 4)

Sexuality in subjects with intellectual disability : an educational intervention proposal for parents and counsellors in developing countries

KATZ, Gregorio

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This article provides information to assist in the development of sexuality in individuals with intellectual disability and to foster their social integration. The article highlights priorities to consider when developing educational interventions for promoting sexual health. This resource is useful to people interested in sexuality in individuals with intellectual disability
Salud pública de México, vol 50, suppl.2

Sex and relationships for people with learning disabilities : a challenge for parents and professionals


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"This paper considers some of the issues around sex and relationships for people with learning disabilities. It is essentially a discussion paper, highlighting previous research, and information about the rights of people with learning disabilities to have sex and relationships. It particularly focuses on concerns for parents and some implications for professional practice that have arisen from a research project that is trying to find out more about the issues. The main messages coming from parents within the research project is that there is a need for clear, concise information about sex and relationships for young people with learning disabilities and there is also a need for professionals to give parents more support"
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice Journal, 5

What works? interventions for maternal and child under nutrition and survival

BHUTTA, Zulfigar
et al
January 2008

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This article "reviews interventions that affect maternal and child undernutrition and nutrition-related outcomes. These interventions included promotion of breastfeeding; strategies to promote complementary feeding, with or without provision of food supplements; micronutrient interventions; general supportive strategies to improve family and community nutrition; and reduction of disease burden (promotion of handwashing and strategies to reduce the burden of malaria in pregnancy). (The authors) showed that although strategies for breastfeeding promotion have a large effect on survival, their effect on stunting is small"
The Lancet, Vol 371, Issue 9610

HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Africa : end of project report

NDUTA, Sally
December 2007

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This is the final report of the HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Including a summary of the workshops and trainings conducted across these countries, the aim is to highlight achievements, share research and put forth a set of recommendations about mainstreaming disability issues into HIV & AIDS programmes

Positive prevention : HIV prevention with people living with HIV. A guide for NGOs and service providers

September 2007

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This guide is intended as a resource to help nongovernmental organisation (NGO) staff and HIV service providers working across the spectrum of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to take steps towards integrating HIV prevention for, by and with people living with HIV. It is hoped it will also be of use both to individual people living with HIV and to their partners. The guide does not intend to discuss or review all HIV prevention strategies. Rather, it is a starting point from which to consider different strategies to assist NGO staff and HIV service provider organisations to support HIV positive people to live well with HIV and have safer sexual relationships within a full and healthy life. This guide focuses largely on the sexual transmission of HIV

Community based approaches to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV : findings from a low income community in Kenya

KAAI, Susan-Baek
et al
August 2007

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This is the report of an intervention study in Kibera, an urban slum in Nairobi, to determine what effect three different community-based activities had on the utilisation of key prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services. The interventions included moving services closer to the population via mobile clinics, as well as increasing psychosocial support through the use of traditional birth attendants and peer counsellors as PMTCT promoters

Key findings from an evaluation of the mothers2mothers program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

BAEK, Carolyn
et al
June 2007

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Mothers2mothers (m2m) is a peer support programme that aims to provide education and psycho-social support to HIV-positive pregnant women and new mothers' help women access existing health care services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT); and follow up with mothers and babies to ensure they receive appropriate medical care after delivery. While there has been much interest in innovative psycho-social support programmes that complement PMTCT clinical services, only a few such programmes exist, and there are very little data about their effectiveness. Although m2m is a well known programme with anecdotal accounts of successfully supporting HIV-positive women, it had yet to undergo an external evaluation. The Horizons Program of Population Council, in collaboration with Health Systems Trust, completed the first evaluation of m2m as part of its introduction in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

The deaf peers' education manual : a training manual, developed by the Kenyan Peer Education Network, with interactive-based activities for basic understanding of sexual health, HIV and AIDS

June 2007

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The purpose of this manual is to provide deaf youth and adults, teachers, parents and guardians with a tool for addressing basic health awareness within an independent framework utilising optimal communication. The activities are participatory and interactive, and are designed with and by deaf Kenyans fluent in Sign Language (SL), and acknowledge the use of other SL variations within the various deaf groups. The three main issues addressed cover sexual education, relationships and hygiene. The manual is designed to blend with the school curriculums/co-curriculum activities, plus other issues that affect students while in school. It also befits other settings such as seminars and workshops, and can be used to tackle a specific subject. It is appropriate for varied ages, communities, cultures, religions, and literacy levels

Our future : sexuality and life skills education for young people. Grades 6 - 7

March 2007

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To help support young people, the Government of Zambia has a comprehensive strategy for sexual and reproductive health and HIV education in and out of school. This is the first in a series of three books which focus on young people of different ages. Each book contains learning activities and illustrations, which engage young people in understanding themselves and their world. They reflect on the virtues and skills needed to develop caring and loving relationships, make good decisions, solve problems and seek help. The topics and activities are designed to fit into the national curriculum or to be used in extra curricula activities in or out of school. The books are accompanied by a Teachers’ Guide

HIV/AIDS and disability : differences in HIV/AIDS knowledge between deaf and hearing people in Nigeria

March 2007

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This quantitative study compares HIV and AIDS knowledge among hearing and deaf individuals in Nigeria, in order to identify if, and in what way, deaf community members lack access to AIDS information due to low literacy or problems in communication. Significant differences in levels of understanding and access to accurate information were found, indicating the need for inclusion of people with disabilities in HIV and AIDS strategies, and the need to address their specific vulnerabilities. The article would be useful for health and development professionals working in the field of HIVand AIDS, or with deaf individuals in Nigeria

Infant and young child feeding in emergencies : operational guidance for emergency relief staff and programme managers

IFE Core Group
February 2007

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This document aims to provide concise, practical (but non-technical) guidance on how to ensure appropriate infant and young child feeding in emergencies. A number of elements are also applicable in non-emergency settings. It is intended for emergency relief staff, programme managers, national governments, United Nations agencies, NGOs and donors, and it applies to all countries. It includes six sections of practical steps, references, key contacts and definitions. Members of the IFE Core Group are: UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, WFP, IFBAN-GIFA, CARE USA, Fondation Terre des hommes and Emergency Nutrition Network. It is also available in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesian, French, Portuguese and Spanish

ICDS and nutrition in the eleventh five year plan (2007-2012)


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This report gives the background to the Integrated child development services (ICDS) initiative, which takes a holistic approach to child nutrition, health and development and sees the first three years of life as crucial, before going on to explain the expansion in this 11th five-year plan in order to accelerate implementation for achieving the core objectives of the programme, especially to reduce the child malnutrition and help reduction in mortality rates. The plan seeks to address the challenges of issues such as the prevention and management of malnutrition, poor maternal and adolescent nutrition, gender discrimination, lack of nutrition and health education, and inadequate community participation in the programme

