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Employment assessment toolkit


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"The toolkit enables employment advisors who work with blind and partially sighted people to gain a clear understanding of what your client’s aspirations are in relation to employment, and what types of support and development are needed to help fulfil these aspirations. It provides a way of having a structured conversation with clients...The questions in the toolkit should be self-explanatory. They are arranged under different sub-sections: employment activity, current job search activity, access to information, computer skills, independent travel, vision, health related issues, and target job"
Note: It is recommended to use this toolkit in conjunction with the action plan development kit; the toolkit is available to download in four different formats: PDF, Word, Word non-breaking table, and Word text only

Employment assessment toolkit : action plan development


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"This document is intended to help the employment advisor use the important information collected from the assessment tool to develop an action plan for your client. The process has two stages: Scoring the screening questions, Action plan development. The employment advisor should initially carry out these tasks after completing the assessment tool. It is important to then discuss the score and plan with your client before finalising. The action plan will then be the basis of the on-going work with your client until it is agreed to reassess the situation"
Note; This resource is available in pdf and word formats

The key informant child disability project in Bangladesh and Pakistan


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The Key Informant Method (KIM) has previously been tested by CBM, LSHTM and others, and found to be a valid method for the identification of children with severe visual impairment and blindness in Bangladesh, using community volunteers in the place of a door-to-door survey. This report outlines a study that set out to expand this and test whether voluntary, community-level Key Informants (KIs) could be trained to effectively identify children with moderate or severe physical impairments, sensory impairments (visual and hearing) or epilepsy in Bangadesh and Pakistan, and if so whether this process could be used to assess prevalence and plan appropriate referral services for children meeting these criteria

Impact of community-based rehabilitation on persons with different disabilities

MAURO, Vincenzo
KUMAR, Jayanth
GRIFFO, Giampiero

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There are some barriers that persons with different kinds of impairments commonly face, and there are also some impairment-specific barriers. Disaggregated data are needed to assess the impact of different CBR activities on different groups of persons with disabilities.


Purpose: This article assesses the impact of CBR on key variables linked to the five domains of the CBR Matrix, on 4 groups of persons with disabilities - visual, hearing and speech, physical and intellectual disabilities.


Method: A questionnaire survey was carried out involving 2,332 persons with disabilities, in a random stratified sample of villages covered by a CBR programme, in 9 sub-districts of Karnataka state (India) and in a control area. Data were collected pertaining to different activities in the lives of persons with disabilities. Through a participatory approach involving CBR workers and DPO representatives, some key indicators were identified to assess the impact of CBR on the five domains of the CBR Matrix - health, education, livelihood, social participation and empowerment.


Results: Among all the 4 groups of persons with disabilities, the CBR programme was found to have had a positive impact across all the five domains of the CBR Matrix. However, there was no uniform impact on different variables among the 4 groups; different groups of persons with disabilities benefited differently from different activities. Persons with physical disabilities seemed to benefit in more areas compared to persons in the other groups.


Conclusions: CBR programmes can have a positive impact on persons with visual, hearing and speech, physical and intellectual disabilities. Disaggregated data can help CBR programmes to identify groups of persons who benefit less from specific activities and adopt strategies to improve their participation.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol. 24, No. 4

HIV & AIDS "train the trainers" manual


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"This manual is for use by Trainers of Trainers. i.e. trainers of visually impaired Peer Educators. It has been developed to provide awareness and training on HIV&AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support and to equip blind and partially sighted participants with Peer Educations skills. It is hoped that blind and partially sighted participants will become effective Peer Educators in training other visually impaired persons in their communities"
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Count me in campaign


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This resource presents information about a Signtsavers’ campaign that "focuses specifically on addressing the primary educational needs of children who are visually impaired. Without provision for these children the MDG of universal primary education for all will not be achieved." The campaign aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding inclusive education and to generate funding. Information is highlighted about Sightsavers’ work across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean

Are current guidelines for categorization of visual impairment in India appropriate?

MONGA, Parveen K
et al
October 2009

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Visual disability in India is categorised based on severity, and sometimes the disabled person does not fit unambiguously into any of the categories.  This study aimed to identify and quantify disability that does not fit in the current classification, and propose a new classification that includes all levels of vision. The research team found that around 10% of patients did not fall within did not fall within any of the existing categories, forcing the disability board to use its own judgement, and resulting in a tenancy to over-garde the disability. The authors propose a classification based on the national program in India for control of blindness' definition of normal vision (20/20 to 20/60), low vision ( < 20/60 to 20/200), economic blindness ( < 20/200 to 20/400) and social blindness ( < 20/400). It ranges from the mildest disability (normal vision in one eye, low vision in the other) up to the most severe grade (social blindness in both eyes).  The article concludes by acknowledging that the current classification of visual disabilities does not include all combinations of vision; some disabled patients cannot be categorised. The classification proposed by the authors is comprehensive, progresses logically, and follows the definitions of the national India program

Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol 57, Issue 6

Future sight loss UK (1) : the economic impact of partial sight and blindness in the UK adult population

July 2009

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This report estimates the economic impact of partial sight and blindness in the UK adult population, including the direct and indirect costs of partial sight and blindness, and the burden of partial sight and blindness on health. In addition, the report completes an international comparison (Australia, US, Japan, and Canada) and several cost effectiveness analyses on strategic interventions that are expected to prevent and ameliorate the impact of sight loss in the UK adult population. Useful figures and tables are provided to present the results

Gender & eye health : equal access to care


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The long-term goal is to achieve global gender equity in the use of eye care services and service outcomes. There is good evidence that in most developing countries, women are less likely to receive eye care services than men, particularly services that will prevent or treat blinding conditions. Added to the fact that women comprise more than half of the elderly population, and that the natural incidence of some blinding diseases (cataract and trachoma) is higher among women than men, this results in a situation where women account for 60-65 per cent of blind people worldwide. While there have been some successful programmes to improve gender equity in eye care, a more systematic approach needs to be adopted

Future sight loss UK (2) : an epidemiological and economic model for sight loss in the decade 2010 to 2020

REIDY, Angela

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This report provides estimates of the numbers of persons that were likely to have age-related macular disease, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma at two points in time 2010 and 2020. Estimates of the baseline and cumulative costs to society of the prevailing health and social care provision and support in that time frame are provided using a cost of illness approach from the societal perspective. Useful figures and tables are provided to present the results

Cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent disability in leprosy : a systematic review

VAN VEEN , Natasja H J
RICHARDUS, Jan Hendrik
SMITH, W Cairns S

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"Prevention of disability (POD) is one of the key objectives of leprosy programmes. Recently, coverage and access have been identified as the priority issues in POD. Assessing the cost-effectiveness of POD interventions is highly relevant to understanding the barriers and opportunities to achieving universal coverage and access with limited resources. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the quality of existing cost-effectiveness evidence and discuss implications for future research and strategies to prevent disability in leprosy and other disabling conditions"

PLoS One, Vol 4, Issue 2

Eye doctor

January 2008

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The fact sheet contains two sections of question and answers about refraction and cataracts

How do people who are deafblind communicate?


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This resource outlines various means of communication with deaf-blind individuals. It also outlines the challenges facing people with hearing and vision impairments, and the various assistive technolgy available

HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Africa : end of project report

NDUTA, Sally
December 2007

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This is the final report of the HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Including a summary of the workshops and trainings conducted across these countries, the aim is to highlight achievements, share research and put forth a set of recommendations about mainstreaming disability issues into HIV & AIDS programmes

Disability and deafness in East Asia : social and educational responses from antiquity to recent times. A bibliography of European-language materials with introduction and some annotation

August 2007

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This extensive bibliography includes over 900 articles, chapters and books relating to the social and educational responses to disability, deafness and mental health issues in China, Korea and Japan from antiquity to present day. It would be useful for anyone interested in disability studies, research and disability and development

Needs, barriers, and concerns regarding HIV prevention among South Africans with visual impairments : a key informant study

SWARTZ, Leslie
February 2006

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This article reports on work preparatory to the development of a programme focusing on the needs of people with visual impairments in South Africa regarding HIV prevention. Fifteen participants were interviewed, most of whom were in senior positions of organisations in the field of visual impairment and the majority of whom had a visual impairment themselves. Their responses support the view that more work is needed regarding HIV prevention for persons with visual impairments in South Africa. Social exclusion was viewed as an overarching risk factor. This article may be of interest to those working with people with visual impairments in Africa

