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The sexual heath needs of young people with learning disabilities

FRASER, Shirley
SIM, Judith

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This briefing paper summarises the key findings from an evidence review on the sexual health and wellbeing of young people with learning disabilities. The review assimilates various forms of evidence, including the voices of young people themselves and emerging findings from practice. It also identifies a number of potential future actions that will help ensure that sexual health services and sex and relationships education are better able to meet the needs of young people with learning disabilities, as well as those of their parents and the professionals that support them

Successful projects : what makes them work? a cross-national analysis of the studies of projects that have improved the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities in India, Romania, Kenya and South Africa

et al
January 2007

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“This cross national analysis is based on national studies made by research teams in India, Kenya, Romania and South Africa. It aims to draw out the lessons learnt from successful social development processes in these countries. In each country, studies have been made of projects identified as interesting, successful and/or outstanding in the way they have improved the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. This comparative report briefly describes the national studies, from which the respective teams made their own national conclusions and continues with across national analysis attempting to identify circumstances or factors that are common to these successful projects. Finally, the report summarises the conclusions and their implications”

Employment leads to independent living and self-advocacy : a comparative study of employed and unemployed persons with cognitive disabilities

SHARMA, Raj Narayan
SINGH, Shobra
KUTTY, A T Thressia

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[Authors' abstract] : The main purpose of this study was to measure the effect of employment on independent living and self-advocacy of persons with cognitive disabilities. The other purposes of the paper were to measure the effect of severity of disability and type of employment, on self-advocacy skills and independent living skills. A ten item-five point rating scale was developed to measure the independence level and self advocacy of persons with cognitive disabilities. A qualitative and quantitative study of fifty unemployed and fifty employed persons with cognitive disabilities was carried out. The results were statistically analysed and a significant difference was found between the groups, with the unemployed persons with cognitive disabilities scoring significantly lower in independent living and self-advocacy skills. Those in open employment showed more independent living and self-advocacy skills than those in group employment. The practical implications of the findings of this study are discussed

An analysis of reading errors of dyslexic readers in Hindi and English

GUPTA, Ashum
JAMAL, Gulgoona

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[Authors' abstract] : The present study examined the nature of reading errors made by dyslexic readers in Hindi and English. A detailed analysis of error type showed 60% and 57% of phonological errors; 15% and 35% of orthographic errors; 25% and 7% of mixed errors; and 0.38% and 0.94% of unrelated errors in Hindi and English, respectively. Further, in both Hindi and English, the majority (65% & 69%, respectively) were the scaffolding errors, followed by the errors preserving the initial phoneme (22% & 23%, respectively), errors preserving the final phoneme (9% & 6%, respectively) and errors with orthographic overlap (4% & 2%, respectively). In Hindi, a far greater percentage of nonword (89%) than word (11%) errors was found, whereas in English, 54% of nonword and 46% of word errors was found. A significant correlation was found between reading accuracy in Hindi and in English. The findings are discussed in terms of linguistic interdependence hypothesis and orthographic transparency

Children's transition to school : learning and health outcomes. Research study summary report

et al

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"The aim of the study was to look at how children responded to the experience of starting school and how they had adapted after six months of the start of their first term. In total, one hundred and five children (53 boys and 52 girls) and one of their parents signed up for the study. In addition, 76 teachers agreed to take part and provide information relating to adjustment to school. The first issue that we explored was that of physical stress responses of children before, during and after starting school, which we measured by collecting saliva samples in the morning and evening at specific time points throughout the study. Secondly, we set out to look at the relationship between these responses and children’s behaviour, on their ability to learning and on their physical health (common cold and flu)"

Psychosocial support for families of children with autism

GUPTA, Ashum

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[Author's abstract]: This paper draws attention to the stress levels and coping strategies used, in the families of children with autism. Differences in the stressors perceived and coping strategies adopted by the father, mother and siblings of a child with autism have been discussed. Given that pre-intervention parental stress levels predict the success of early intervention programmes and determine the prognosis, the paper highlights the importance as well as the lack of providing psychosocial support to the families of children with autism. The authors have illustrated various ways of delivering effective support services for parents. The article progresses from child-centred, professional dependence for service delivery to developing strategies that are family centred and encourage active participation of parents of children with autism themselves. The paper also draws attention to the prevailing scenario of autism in India.

Employing people with learning disabilities : a handbook for employers


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This guide shares the experiences of employers who have successfully employed people with learning disabilities. The information and advice contained in the guide comes entirely from the experiences of 26 employers who were interviewed. It is therefore based on the practical realities of employing people with learning disabilities.
Each chapter of the guide deals with an important aspect of being an employer from recruitment through to disciplinary procedures. Examples are given to illustrate ways in which employees with learning disabilities can make a positive contribution and what action is required to make this happen

A review of good practice in ICT and special educational needs for Africa


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This study focuses on the use of ICT in education and in particular to support special education needs in Africa. Assistive technology can do much to help hearing and vision impaired and children with general learning disabilities. The study includes some non-African approaches that could be easily applied to the African context and looks into the African experience in some detail

Sexuality and relationships education for people with down syndrome

WOOD, Mandy

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"This article describes why Sexuality and Relationships Education (SRE) as part of the school curriculum is especially important for individuals with Down syndrome and how parents and professionals can work together to ensure that it is delivered effectively"
Down Syndrome News and Update 4(2)

A world fit for all children : including the rights of children with disabilities in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.|National plans of action : guidelines for inclusion

March 2003

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Many governments are in the process of developing National Plans of Action to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document is intended to present suggested guidelines for how to include the rights of disabled children into action plans in a way that promotes and protects inclusion

Disability and social responses in some Southern African nations : Angola, Botswana, Burundi, D.R. Congo (ex Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. A bibliography, with introduction and some historical items

January 2003

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(From introducton) This bibliography, currently with approx. 1400 items, began in 1996 with a focus on the development of non-medical services concerned with mental retardation (mental handicap, learning difficulties, intellectual impairment) in Zambia. The development of services for people with other disabilities, and for children, and childrearing and language use, and then developments in neighbouring countries, soon began to be added. Then the weight of the new material outgrew the initial focus. Some biomedical papers have been added for their social contents or where a community-based or health education program concerned with biomedical conditions seems relevant to the development of disability awareness in communities. Newspaper and magazine-type articles have mostly been omitted. Available to download from the CIRRIE website

Music therapy and leisure for persons with disabilities


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This book explores the use of music therapy in school and community settings to enhance the development of independent leisure skills with a variety of client populations, including children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly with mental health needs, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease and other aging-related conditions, substance abuse problems, brain injuries, and physical disabilities

Human rights of persons with intellectual disability : country report Czech Republic

January 2002

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This country report is one of the main outcomes of an Inclusion Europe project which was conducted in partnership with 8 local organisations of people with intellectual disability. Each chapter in the report describes the legislation, government policy, statistical info, views of NGOs and reactions of persons with intellectual disability and their parents on the subjects. The report also looks at the situation surrounding : awareness of the general public, employment, treatment and residential institutions

