The aim of the guide is to help develop the capacity of NGOs by critically analysing thematic areas with examples for effective NGO management in developing countries, especially Africa, thereby making them become accountable to the community they serve, the government and the funding agencies
"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in stroke care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence...This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"
"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in diabetes care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence....This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing diabetes care. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"
"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in cancer. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence. This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the NHS Outcomes Framework and the Improving Outcomes: a strategy for cancer (Jan 2011); Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing cancer services. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"
"The Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities is a forum for description of evidence-based policy and practice related to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It features content related to policy development, service design, working methods and treatment procedures, and financial, administrative and legal frameworks"
Published quarterly
An easy to read document outlining the strategy for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the development agenda of the International Conference on Financing for Development regarding the discussions and allocation of funds. A helpful glossary is provided for key terms on the final page
The Rural Finance and Investment Learning Centre (RFILC) is a web platform dedicated to the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge for the promotion of rural and agricultural finance and investment in developing countries. It provides access to related materials for capacity development and policy design, in addition to the dissemination of news, events and multimedia
Target clients include all public and private organisations working towards greater financial inclusion and rural and agricultural development, such as financial institutions, governments, civil society organisations, development agencies and academia, among others. Materials such as training manuals, policy guides, and on-line training sessions are disseminated through the RFILC with the purpose of further developing clients’ capacity to deliver improved financial services that meet the needs of rural enterprises and households
This directory presents management tools and information for nonprofits worldwide in the following categories: general resources, organisational development, performance management, managing finances, developing human resources, communication and marketing
This guidance considers how self help groups are supported and the factors that are needed to ensure that they are functional, inclusive and sustainable.
This was a small-scale enquiry that involved looking at case studies from six partners that employ self-help group development for a range of purposes and in a range of geographical locations. A questionnaire was used by project officers with each of the six selected projects, and the resulting information was analysed by a group from CBMA’s International Programs department, with key areas of learning identified from this discussion. Findings are not comprehensive or conclusive and there is not one model for success. Instead the aim is to draw some useful tips from partners’ experiences.