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This is an online tool providing UK local authorities and their partners with inspiring examples of technology enabled services that are improving the lives of disadvantaged people. It aims to help local partnerships share innovative ways to meet Local Area Agreement targets and improve performance against the National Indicators. It also provides examples of projects in the UK that use technology to enhance social inclusion

Oslo conference on disability and conflicts in emergency


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This resource presents information about an international conference on disability in conflicts and emergencies which focused upon meeting the needs of vulnerable and disabled people in humanitarian situations. It features a summary from the chair of the conference, participant interviews, and conference presentations. This website would be useful to those who work with disabled and vulnerable people in conflict and disasters situations
"Reaching the most Vulnerable" Conference
Oslo, Sweden
30-31 May 2011

African journal of disability

SWARTZ, Leslie
et al

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This journal "introduces and discusses issues and experiences relating to and supporting the act of better understanding the interfaces between disability, poverty and practices of exclusion and marginalisation. Its articles yield new insight into established human development practices, evaluate new educational techniques and disability research, examine current cultural and social discrimination, and bring serious critical analysis to bear on problems shared across the African continent"
One issue published per year

Disability in the European Union


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This website describes the long-term strategy of the EU for the active inclusion of people with disabilities, with links to related resource documents

Gender and women's mental health


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This article provides facts about gender disparities and mental health, gender specific risk factors and gender bias. Links are provided to related resources

CBR, social relationships, sexuality and reproductive rights


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This website presents the workshop reports and presentations of the first part of an international workshop titled: "Going beyond the taboos in community-based rehabilitation (CBR)." The workshop focused on social relationships, sexuality and reproductive rights. Links are provided to the workshop report and presentations in pdf format “"Going beyond the taboo areas in CBR" workshop, part 1
Agra, India
29 November 2012

KING, R. A. & S.

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This is an international web site designed by and for people with disabilities, which is devoted entirely to accommodation and leisure venues which are accessible to people with disabilities. The web site is BrowseAloud enabled and presents information on accessible tourism and venues from around the world, as well as details of global organisations and information regarding equipment rental and repair. Additionally there is information for tourism providers. Users can also access self-assessment forms and surveys on accessible holidays and accessible transport



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Newsletter series published by Inclusion International, the international organisation of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.  The newsletters will be useful to persons with disabilities, particularly those fighting for the right to live independently, disabled person’s organisations and NGOs interested in inclusion and Article 19 of the CRPD

​Published quarterly

