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IDA submission for the joint general comment/recommendation of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on harmful practices

December 2011

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This report presents harmful practices that violate the rights of women and children with disabilities and details the standards protecting against harmful practices in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It concludes with recommendations from IDA

Freedom guide : paving the way towards free movement for people with disabilities

NYMAN, Maria
December 2011

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"This publication provides an overview of the implications of the rights recognised by the European Union Treaties linked to Free movement of persons, goods and services, for persons with disabilities. The Freedom Guide concretely aims to illustrate the fact that Freedom of movement is still not a reality for persons with disabilities. On the other hand, it also highlights that the internal market is still a place of exclusion due to the continued circulation of inaccessible goods and services. This must change, to ensure that all citizens can enjoy their human and civil rights. The UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) provides for an instrumental framework to establish a more inclusive society"
Note: Easy read version is available 68-73 p

Water discourse, ableism and disabled people : what makes one part of a discourse?

November 2011

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This article discusses how disabled people are not mentioned and addressed within high level policy documents about access to clean water and sanitation and other water related problems. The article suggests that certain forms of ableism are responsible for the invisibility of disabled people in various water discourses
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Vol 21, No 6

Assistive Technologies in a Workplace Environment: Barriers for the Employment of People with Disabilities


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Purpose: The employment equity policies and implementation of technology- specific guidelines within the South African ‘Code of Good Practice on the Employment of People with Disabilities’, was created to encourage employment equity for employees with disabilities, by companies in Johannesburg.


This study reports on the results of the investigation in assistive technologies in a workplace environment, and barriers for the employment of persons with disabilities in the South African environment.


Method: Qualitative data, collected from two retail and service companies in the form of semi-structured individual and focus group interviews, was analysed using a constant comparative method, identifying major themes and sub-themes.


Results: A surprisingly small number of persons with disabilities were found to be employed by participating companies, which tended not to focus on these people when formulating their policies and plans. In addition, technological aspects of the Code were largely unacknowledged, with little effort being made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. An even lower incidence of assistive technology usage was found, along with a large number of conceptual and perceived barriers that hinder the employment of persons with disabilities and the implementation of appropriate technology.

Employability of People with Disabilities in the Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia: Employers’ Perspective


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Purpose: This study investigates employers’ perspective towards employing people with disabilities in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. The research also endeavoured to identify factors that promote or hinder gainful employment of people with disabilities in Malaysia.


Method: The data were collected through postal questionnaires distributed to several types of industries in the northern region of Malaysia.


Results: The results indicated that most of the employers are in favour of employing persons with disabilities. However, very few have such enabling policies, or a mechanism to handle issues related to persons with disabilities, or a built environment which is fully accessible to persons with disabilities. They are also concerned about the ability of workers with disabilities to comprehend and follow orders, as well as the costs involved in employing and training them. These results imply that if employers want to fulfil their intentions of recruiting persons with disabilities, a lot has to be done to employ and sustain them in their jobs.

Disability inclusion in drought and food crisis emergency response

et al
July 2011

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"This factsheet provides base level information to practitioners for awareness raising, training, advocacy, project design and proposal writing. The information may be used and sent out widely, with reference to the Kenya Red Cross, The Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya, CBM and Handicap International. The overall information in this factsheet is also applicable to older persons and other vulnerable groups"

Quality of Life, Perceived Stigma, Activity and Participation of People with Leprosy-Related Disabilities in South-East Nepal


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In Nepal, many people live with leprosy-related disabilities. The objective of this stdy was to evalate dierences in socio-economic characteristics, ality of life , perceived stima, activity and participation amon people aected by leprosy as a group and between this group and the general population, and to identify prime determinants of among the leprosy-aected people.


People with leprosy-related disabilities (N=100; 54DGI/46DGII) and community controls (N=100) were selected from Morang district, South-East Nepal, using uota sampling. , perceived stigma and participation and activity limitations were measured using the Nepali abbreviated version of the World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQOL) assessment and the Nepali versions of the Jacoby Scale, Participation Scale and Green Pastures Activity Scale (GPAS), respectively.


Total QOL, participation and activity levels of people aected by leprosy were worse than those of the general population. Regression analysis showed that the ability to maintain a family, satisfaction with health, vocational training, se, activity and participation limitations (the laer for QOL only), perceived stigma and living situation (i.e. joint family, type of house) were signicantly associated with a deterioration in QOL and higher participation restriction in one or both of the grading groups.


There is an urgent need for interventions focused on uic referral of people with leprosy, to minimize the development of visible impairments, and social rehabilitation. The laer can be achieved by creating more public awareness, providing (nancial) support for income generating projects and /or vocational training to leprosy- aected people, and by encouraging them to be involved in all community development activities. The current results indicate that such measures would help improve the uality of life of people with leprosy-related disabilities.


‘Welcome to My Life!’ Photovoice: Needs Assessment of, and by, Persons with Physical Disabilities in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana


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Persons with physical disabilities face many architectural and social barriers to community participation. This research employed the ‘Photovoice’ method. The aim was to gain insight into the daily lives of persons with physical disabilities, and to assess their needs in the Kumasi metropolis. Participants in this study were trained and instructed to photograph their everyday activities, so as to document their struggles and concerns, to promote critical dialogue and to reach policymakers. Results indicated a number of concerns, such as poor accessibility to public toilets, transport and buildings, as well as a need for attitudinal change and equal opportunities. Other needs which were raised by theparticipants included economic empowerment, marketable vocational training, accident prevention, affordable and quality rehabilitation, and the establishment of emergency shelters. It was concluded that the most pressing needs of persons with disabilities were related to overall social, employment and accessibility issues. Finally, the ‘Photovoice’ methodology offered a suitable, structured, and participatory way to assess the needs of persons with disabilities. It gave this marginalised group a voice through photographs, and formed an excellent way of disseminating the findings of this study to the stakeholders involved.

The rights of women with disabilities in Africa : does the protocol on the rights of women in Africa offer any hope?

KAMGA, Serges Alain Djoyou
February 2011

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"The aim of this paper is to analyze how women with disabilities can fully benefit from the legal framework afforded to African women by the African Women’s Protocol. The paper argues that the challenges faced by women with disabilities are huge and therefore should not be confined to a single provision, especially if disabled women’s rights are to be addressed efficiently. The Paper presents the situation of women with disabilities in Africa, discusses the implications of having a stand-alone provision on the rights of women with disabilities, and makes use of the guidelines for States’ reporting under the African Women’s Protocol with special attention to reporting on 'Special Protection of Women with Disabilities' (article 23) to demonstrate the added value of having many and more explicit provisions on the rights of women with disabilities"
Barbara Faye Waxman Fiduccia Papers on Women and Girls with Disabilities

Adolescence : beyond the stereotypes


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This report highlights the state of the world from a young perspective by reflecting on adolescents’ experiences and providing insights into their lives. The report contains essays and messages written by adolescents highlighting the impact of racial and other discriminations. This resource is useful for people interested in adolescents’ perspectives of the world

Thematic study of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the issue of violence against women and girls and disability


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"The present study is submitted pursuant to paragraph 11 of Human Rights Council resolution 17/11. It examines the causes and manifestations of violence against women and girls with disabilities. The study provides an analysis of national legislation, policies and programmes for the protection and prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities. It highlights the remaining challenges in addressing the root causes of violence against women and girls with disabilities and incorporating women and girls with disabilities into gender-based violence programmes. The study concludes with recommendations on legislative, administrative, policy and programmatic measures to address violence against women and girls with disabilities, emphasising the need for a holistic approach aimed at eliminating discrimination against women and girls with disability; promoting their autonomy and addressing specific risk factors that expose them to violence"

Community attitudes to people with disability : scoping project

et al

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"This report investigates current research on community attitudes towards people with disability. It was an initial step towards building an evidence base on Australian community attitudes to people with disability, on the impact of these attitudes, on outcomes for people with disability, and on effective policies for improving community attitudes towards them"
Occasional Paper #39
Note: Available in pdf and word formats

Enabling equality : furthering disability equality for staff in higher education

EWENS, David
et al

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Informed by in-depth interviews and a widely distributed survey of disabled staff in higher education institutions, this research identifies ten areas that are influential in shaping the experiences of disabled staff in the workplace, and offers recommendations for best practice
Note: This report is available in both pdf and word format

Understanding disability and the importance of design for all


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This paper addresses "recent debates surrounding the nature and cause of the complex process of disablement and their relevance to understanding calls for a universally accessible physical and cultural environment"
Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, Vol 1, No 1

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 1|What is health-related stigma?

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community. This first Guide provides basic information on stigma, its causes, manifestations, and effects"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 2|How to assess health-related stigma

VOOREND, Carlijn
et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The second Guide describes when and how to assess stigma using qualitative and quantitative methods and instruments. It also explains how to use the instruments"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 3|A roadmap to stigma reduction : an empowerment intervention

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The third Guide provides recommendations on how to develop an approach for reducing stigma. Through the use of a roadmap, several steps are discussed for reducing stigma related to a particular health condition"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 4|Counseling to reduce stigma

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The fourth guide explains the use of counselling at a basic level in dealing with stigma. It provides an explanation on different techniques and approaches for counselling persons affected by stigma"

Access to services for people with disabilities in Freetown, Sierra Leone


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"The purpose of the DECISIPH project is to promote the rights of people with disabilities in six countries in West Africa: Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The first expected outcome of the project is to enhance the availability and access to relevant and reliable information on people with disabilities, their rights and their organisations in order to foster advocacy campaigns by disabled people's organisations. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare access to services for people with disabilities with that for people without disabilities in the project's intervention zones. This study in no way attempts to determine the disability prevalence rate. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in several of the DECISIPH project countries. Despite its limitations, this was the first study to be conducted in Sierra Leone and the first to provide data for gaining a better understanding of access to services for people with disabilities compared to that of people without disabilities"
SD/RS 06 No 8

