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Inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming

March 2012

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"This policy brief is an introduction to Handicap International’s 2012 Policy Paper "Inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming". Handicap International promotes an inclusive approach to improving quality of life and access to services for persons with disabilities. This means that basic health care and socioeconomic services are developed according to the principle of Universal Access, where all people with impairments (whether physical, sensory, intellectual or mental), have equal access and opportunities for participation. This inclusive approach also ensures that gender considerations and disparities are acknowledged as a cross-cutting issue"
Policy brief No 7

An assessment of the factors of risk and vulnerability of women and men with disabilities to sexual and gender-based violence

HADI, Melinda
MUTONI, Sophia
February 2012

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This report presents the findings of a situational assessment that explored the risk factors and vulnerabilities of women and men with disabilities to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and highlights the complexity of addressing SGBV, sexuality, and the stigma and discrimination that is part of the daily reality for persons with disabilities. Recommendations are provided for various stakeholder groups
SD/ RS 05

Intergenerational poverty and disability : the implications of inheritance policy and practice on persons with disabilities in the developing world

GROCE, Nora Ellen
LONDON, Jillian
STEIN, Michael Ashley

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"In this paper, we examine the existing data and discuss the implications of current inheritance policies and practices that affect the lives of persons with disabilities and their families, arguing that when persons with disabilities are routinely denied equal rights to inherit wealth or property, this denial has a profound impact on their ability to provide for themselves and their families. The stigma, prejudice and social isolation faced by persons with disabilities and the widespread lack of education, social support networks, and the right to appeal injustices at the family, community or national level, further limits the ability of persons with disability to contest inequities encountered in inheritance policies and practices"
Working paper series No 17

Human rights for women and children with disabilities


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This report highlights various human rights abuses against women and children on the following topics: sexual and gender-based violence targeted at women and girls with disabilities; discrimination in health and reproductive rights, including forced sterilization and HIV and disability; barriers to education for children with disabilities; violence against children with disabilities in schools; and abuses in institutions. This resource is useful to anyone interested in human rights of women and children with disabilities

Forgotten Europeans

January 2012

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This video highlights that many children and people with disabilities and older persons continue to be placed in long-stay residential institutional care in countries across Europe, often for life. The video features the experiences of Mikhail in Moldova and Assen in Bulgaria who both grew up in institutional care

Like a death sentence : abuses against persons with mental disabilities in Ghana


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"Focusing on the southern parts of the country, this report examines the experiences of persons with mental disabilities in Ghana in the three main environments in which they receive care: the broader community, the country’s three public psychiatric hospitals, and residential prayer camps...Human Rights Watch found that persons with mental disabilities in Ghana often experience a range of human rights abuses in the prayer camps and hospitals that Human Rights Watch researchers visited. These patients are ostensibly sent to these institutions by their family members, police, or their communities for help. Abuses are taking place despite the fact that Ghana has ratified a number of international human rights treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which was ratified in July 2012. These abuses include denial of food and medicine, inadequate shelter, involuntary medical treatment, and physical abuse amounting to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment"
The report is available in pdf, easy to read and html formats

Mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-related sexual violence : principles and interventions

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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This resource outlines principles and interventions in relation to mental health and psychosocial support for conflict-related sexual violence
"Responding to the psychosocial and mental health needs of sexual violence survivors in conflict-affected Settings"
Ferney-Voltaire, France
28-30 November 2011

Minds that matter : report on the consultation on human rights, mental health and addictions


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"Minds that Matter reports the findings from the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (OHRC) province-wide consultation on the human rights issues experienced by people with mental health disabilities or addictions. It provides a summary of what we heard from more than 1,500 individuals and organizations across Ontario. Many people with mental health issues or addictions don’t know they have a legal right to be free from discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code"

Ageing in the twenty-first century : a celebration and a challenge


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"This report, a collaborative effort of the United Nations and other major international organizations working in the area of population ageing, sheds light on progress towards implementing this Plan. It aims to raise awareness about the speed of population ageing and, more generally, about the experience of being old in our changing world. It recommends moving urgently to incorporate ageing issues into national development plans and poverty reduction strategies. It also shows that abuse, neglect and violence against older persons are much more prevalent than currently acknowledged, and points the way towards more effective prevention strategies and stronger legislation that can protect their human rights"

Celebration to "make the right real" : promotion of the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Myanmar

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE (DSW) Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement of Myanmar
et al

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This report provides a summary of the first event on the rights of persons with disabilities in Myanmar. It was designed and prepared by the Government of Myanmar in collaboration with local persons with disabilities and international partners. The report presents the speeches and examples of media coverage
Celebration to "Make the Right Real": Promotion of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
27 June 2012
Note: Contact the publisher for text format

Rocking the cradle : ensuring the rights of parents with disabilities and their children


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"The report analyzes how U.S. disability law and policy apply to parents with disabilities in the child welfare and family law systems, and the disparate treatment of parents with disabilities and their children. Examination of the impediments prospective parents with disabilities encounter when accessing assisted reproductive technologies or adopting provides further examples of the need for comprehensive protection of these rights"

Disabilities, human rights and international cooperation : human rights-based approach and lived experiences of Ugandan women with disabilities

KATSUI, Hisayo

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"This study investigated human rights--based approaches of international and development cooperation towards the equality of persons with disabilities in Uganda...A case study method as well as a participatory research approach among others was applied to create evidence-based and in-depth knowledge on the theme, particularly from the viewpoint of women with disabilities and deaf women on the grassroots"
Publication series number 8

Disability in people affected by leprosy : the role of impairment, activity, social participation, stigma and discrimination

et al

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"Leprosy-related disability is a challenge to public health, and social and rehabilitation services in endemic countries. Disability is more than a mere physical dysfunction, and includes activity limitations, stigma, discrimination, and social participation restrictions." This paper assesses the extent of disability and its determinants among persons with leprosy-related disabilities after release from multi drug treatment
Global Health Action, Vol 5

The equal rights review : volume nine

PETROVA, Dimitrina

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The Equal Rights Review (ERR) is an interdisciplinary biannual journal intended as a forum for the exchange of legal, philosophical, sociological and other ideas and practical insights for those who are promoting equality. This issue contains a special section on disability equality, as well as an interview on the same issue with Hiroshi Kawamura, Founder and President of the DAISY Consortium, Japan, and Kapka Panayotova, Director of the Centre for Independent Living in Sofia, Bulgaria
The Equal Rights Review, Vol Nine

Journal of inclusive practice in further and higher education|Issue 4.1

MARTIN, Nicola

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This journal focuses "on disabled student’s experience of STEM subjects and includes two papers on maths. Several other papers were offered around dyslexia and related SpLDs and it’s interesting to consider Pat Mulcahy’s propositions around integrating AT and dyslexia study skills"
Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education 2012, Vol 4, Issue 1

Stigma and the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation, report of the special rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation


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This document presents the link between stigma and the human rights framework as it relates to water and sanitation. The report outlines that stigma, as a deeply entrenched social and cultural phenomenon, lies at the root of many human rights violations and results in entire population groups being disadvantaged and excluded. The link between stigma and explicitly water, sanitation and hygiene is detailed, and stigma is then placed within the human rights framework considering human dignity, the human rights to water, sanitation, non-discrimination and equality, the prohibition of degrading treatment and the right to privacy. The report acknowledges that States cannot fully realise the human rights to water and sanitation without addressing stigma as a root cause of discrimination and other human rights violations


Impact Assessment of a Vocational Training Program for Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh

NURI, Reshma Parvin
HOQUE, Tohidul
WALDRON, Samuel Matthew
AKAND, Mustafa Kamal

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a vocational training programme in enabling 261 persons with disabilities to find employment in Bangladesh.


Methods: A qualitative method, which employed interviews and focus group discussions, assessed the effect of the training programme on key individual, societal and physical factors set out by the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2001).


Results: 157 persons with disabilities (60%) secured employment after training. Of these, 74% reported that they were able to provide a better livelihood for their families, 92% reported increased social acceptance, and 83% reported improvement in overall quality of life. Of those who did not find employment, 15% cited issues related to the training course, 6% mentioned discriminatory attitudes of potential employers and 12% had problems related to physical access.


Conclusions and Implications: These results suggest that the vocational training programme improved the (re)entry of persons with disabilities into employment, which in turn aided their rehabilitation. However, discriminatory attitudes towards them at the workplace were reported.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol 23, No 3

Submission to the United Nations thematic study on violence against women with disabilities

December 2011

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"In mid June 2011, at its 17th session, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a Resolution to accelerate efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women. The Resolution called for a study to be conducted on the issue of violence against women and girls and disabilities, with the report of the study to be presented to the 20th session of the Human Rights Council in 2012. WWDA's Submission to the preparation phase of the UN Analytical Study on Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities, provides an overview of the legislation, regulatory frameworks, policy, administrative procedures, services and support available within Australia to prevent and address violence against women and girls with disabilities. It provides detailed information under the following themes: data and statistics; legislation and policies; prevention and protection; prosecution and punishment, and recovery, rehabilitation and social integration"

