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Inclusion in education : towards equality for students with disability


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All children in Australia have the right to an inclusive education. However, there are many barriers to the realisation of this right in the lived experience of children and families. Current efforts towards upholding the rights of all children are impeded by a lack of understanding of inclusive education and misappropriation of the term. Additional barriers include negative and discriminatory attitudes and practices, lack of support to facilitate inclusive education, and inadequate education and professional development for teachers and other professionals. Critical to addressing all of these barriers is recognising and disestablishing ableism in Australia.

This paper draws from recent research in addressing gaps in current understanding to provide a firm basis from which to inform research based policy development. Taking a rights-based approach, the paper focuses on developing a clear understanding of inclusive education and identifying strategies to enhance the education of all children in Australia

Equal rights at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda : position paper in response to the report of the high-level panel of eminent persons on the post-2015 development agenda

September 2013

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This position paper calls for the adoption of comprehensive equality legislation to be included as a specific development goal in the framework established to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper argues that a failure to address inequality has been one of the undeniable failings of the MDGs. It presents research to illustrate that status-based discrimination is a driver of both income poverty and denial of access to economic and social rights, such as education and health, which are central to the current MDG framework. The paper argues that establishing effective legal protection for the rights to equality and non-discrimination can provide an important mechanism for alleviating poverty and its consequences, and concludes that this is only possible with the adoption of comprehensive equality legislation

Rights should be central to the post 2015 agenda

September 2013

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This report highlights that "a new global framework on development should be rooted in existing, internationally-agreed human rights standards, as set out in core documents like the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Governments have legal obligations to Governments have legal obligations to respect, protect and fulfil these rights, including in their development programs and policies...Making human rights integral to development and a post-2015 development framework would contribute to more just and inclusive development outcomes, especially through an emphasis on participation, empowerment, and transparency"

Training CBR Personnel in South Africa to contribute to the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities


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Purpose: Recent conceptualisations of community based rehabilitation include empowerment of persons with disabilities as a key activity. This article reports on a study which explored the training of mid-level CBR workers in South Africa, with a specific focus on the ability of the course participants to address the oppression and empowerment of persons with disabilities.


Method: Over a three-year period, one cycle of action research was conducted in a non-government organisation that conducts mid-level CBR training in South Africa. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews with staff, students and past graduates of the course, document analysis, participatory rural appraisal techniques and two focus group discussions with the students’ clients.


Results: Personnel, who had been trained in CBR before the year 2003, were found to have some difficulty in explaining the social model of disability and the oppression of persons with disabilities at a cultural and structural level. It was noted that after changes were implemented in the CBR course, the students had an orientation to working with, rather than for, persons with disabilities. They began to understand the complexities of empowerment and also engaged in social action to address the oppression of persons with disabilities.


Conclusions: The CBR Guidelines require a new skill-mix in mid-level CBR personnel. This study illustrates a possible training approach which can contribute to the development of these skills.

Exploring Knowledge and Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among Deaf People in Ghana


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Purpose: By exploring the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and attitudes towards persons with HIV/AIDS among deaf people in Ghana, this article aims to identify and correct possible gaps in awareness.


Method: A participatory sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs assessment was conducted, targetting deaf people who were fluent in the Ghanaian Sign Language (GSL). The study design was a two-phase, sequential, mixed methods approach. Three focus groups assisted in the development of a survey, which was then implemented for needs assessment data collection. The 179 study participants consisted of 26 focus group participants, 152 survey respondents and 1 key informant. Of the focus group participants, 7 were executives of Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD), 10 were adult males, and nine were adult females. Apart from the key informant, all the participants were deaf persons.


Results: The study indicated that many respondents still had misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and had difficulty identifying preventive methods, but their attitudes towards persons with HIV/AIDS was generally positive.


Conclusion: More attention needs to be paid to the requirements of the deaf community and to designing HIV/AIDS programmes and services that are deaf-friendly and accessible.

The state of the world’s children 2013 : children with disabilities

May 2013

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This report examines "the barriers from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination - that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from participating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world"

OHCHR Report 2012

May 2013

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This comprehensive report presents OHCHR’s role, work, structure, managerial outputs, finance and expenditure. It details information about the focuses of their work on various thematic issues including: discrimination; immunity and the rule of law; poverty and economic, social and cultural rights; migration; violence and insecurity; and human rights mechanisms. The report highlights OHCHR’s progress towards the expected accomplishments illustrated by numerous results
Note: CD is also available

Statement of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities on including the rights of persons with disabilities in the post 2015 agenda on disability and development

May 2013

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This statement, issued by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, supports the inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 agenda on disability and development. The statement calls upon the international community to recognize that development goals in the post-2015 agenda, in order to be sustainable, should be rooted in a human rights-based approach and take into account the enjoyment by all persons with disabilities of their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights

Challenges Faced by Malaysians with Disabilities in the World of Employment


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Purpose: This paper aims to explore and understand the challenges that are encountered by Malaysians with disabilities in the world of employment.


Method: A survey was undertaken in four Northern Malaysian states (Perlis, Kedah, Penang and Perak) to obtain the primary data. Two sets of questionnaires were formulated. The first questionnaire was addressed towards Malaysianpeople with disabilities, while the second one was for the employers. Descriptive statistics were used to explore, summarise and describe the data collected.


Results: This paper argues that integrating people with disabilities into the mainstream workforce should be the way forward, given that they are a pool of untapped human resources. Crucially, this study also highlights some of the key challenges faced by Malaysian people with disabilities, such as discrimination and exploitation at work.


Conclusions: This paper concludes that equal employment and training opportunities should be extended to Malaysian people with disabilities, in an effort to integrate them into the mainstream workforce. The existing Disability Act 2008 should be revised to address the challenges and issues highlighted in this paper.

Leprosy: Knowledge and Attitudes of Physiotherapists in Nigeria


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Purpose: The objectives of this study were to investigate the knowledge and attitudes towards leprosy of physiotherapists in Nigeria.


Method: A cross-sectional survey of 330 physiotherapists, with minimum 1-year work experience in public hospitals in the 6 geo-political zones of Nigeria, was carried out. A pre-tested, self-administered questionnaire with open and close- ended questions was employed. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of Chi-square tests with Alpha level at 0.05.


Results: The respondents’ mean and range of years of job experience was 8.6 + 5.51 and 1 to 27 years respectively. Close to half (44.5%) of the physiotherapists had only a fair knowledge about leprosy and 165 (50%) had poor attitudes towards leprosy and persons with leprosy. There were significant associations between the schools of training and each level of knowledge (χ2 = 45.04; p = 0.0001) and attitudes of physiotherapists to leprosy and to persons who have suffered from leprosy (χ2 = 20.26; p = 0.009). There was, however, no significant association between years of job experience and each of knowledge (χ2 = 4.76; p = 0. 312), or attitudes of the physiotherapists to leprosy (χ2 = 4.55; p = 0.337).


Conclusions and Implications: It was concluded that a substantial number of physiotherapists in Nigeria had fair knowledge but poor attitudes towards leprosy. The institution of training appears to have an influence on their knowledge and attitudes. It is therefore recommended that educational and training programmes on leprosy should be organised and emphasised at the basic training institutions for physiotherapists.

Synthesis report on the global thematic consultation on addressing inequalities : synthesis report of global public consultation

March 2013

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This report presents the key messages that emerged from the Global Thematic Consultation on addressing Inequalities. It explores why there are inequalities, what structural factors produce them, their effects, and how to tackle them. The report also makes recommendations for the post-2015 framework

The Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
September 2012 - January 2013

Community not confinement

ZAJA, Tomislav
KLEIN, Judith
March 2013

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This short video by film-maker Tomislav Zaja chronicles the stories of persons with disabilities in Croatia and Romania and their testimonies about institutional care and independent living in the community. The supporting article by Judith Klein, Director of the Mental Health Initiative at the Open Society Foundations, gives further background to the fight for the right to independent living in the community for and by persons with disabilities, and refers to a petition submitted to the European Union by  the  Open Society Mental Health Initiative. This video will be useful to anyone working particularly on social inclusion issues in eastern Europe

Study on the situation of indigenous persons with disabilities, with a particular focus on challenges faced with regard to the full enjoyment of human rights and inclusion in development

February 2013

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"The study reviews the situation of indigenous persons with disabilities in the enjoyment of their human rights. It looks at the main relevant legal standards - the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - and how those standards interact to protect relevant rights. The study examines some areas in which, according to indigenous persons with disabilities, there is discrimination in the enjoyment of rights, such as political participation, access to justice, education, language and culture, and issues specific to indigenous women and children with disabilities. It is concluded that more attention should be paid to the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities"

Knowledge, Beliefs and Perception of Leprosy


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Purpose: For intervention to be effective, it is essential that the knowledge, beliefs and perception of a specific social group are taken into account. This is particularly true of leprosy where the problems of social stigma and ostracism are more prominent than the disease itself. There are many misconceptions about the cause, methods of transmission, and treatment.


The main objectives of the study were to examine the socio-demographic profile of persons with leprosy and to explore their knowledge, beliefs and perception about the disease and its initial symptoms, within a specific socio-cultural milieu.


Method: Semi-structured interviews were held with a persons with leprosy at various clinics and care-homes for affected persons in and around Chandigarh, India. Those who had completed their treatment and those who were still undergoing treatment were included in the study. Data collection was done through case studies and in-depth interviews.


Results: The name of the disease varied across different geo-cultural zones. Many respondents who were afflicted with only red patches and had no ulcers, believed that they suffered from a skin disease which would turn into leprosy if proper medication was not received. The perception of 64.9 % of the respondents was that leprosy resulted from supernatural causes like God’s punishment, karma, and sin.


Conclusion: There is a need to educate persons with leprosy and their families about the etiology of the disease.

Triple jeopardy : gender-based violence and human rights violations experienced by women with disabilities in Cambodia

WALJI, Fareen
January 2013

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This paper presents the findings of a "participatory research project, developed collaboratively between Australian and Cambodian partners, (that) investigated prevalence and experiences of gender-based violence of women with disabilities in comparison to women without disabilities; assessed the extent to which existing policies and programs include or address women with disabilities; and explored how women with disabilities are supported or denied access to existing programs"
AusAID Research Working Paper 1

Triple jeopardy : violence against women with disabilities in Cambodia|Research policy brief

WALJI, Fareen

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This policy brief paper presents an overview of a participatory research project developed collaboratively between Australian and Cambodian partners that sought to provide comparative information about the lives of women with disabilities and those without in Cambodia. Information is provided about the experience of violence, barriers to disclosure and services, policy directions, and policy and program recommendations
AusAID Research policy brief

One in seven


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"This report brings to light the countless individuals and organizations - whose voices are so often marginalized and ignored - who are now asserting control over their own lives and insisting on inclusion as subjects and not objects of the rights-respecting world. Their mantra is "Nothing about us without us." And the foundation of their demands is impossible to ignore: a human rights treaty ratified by 129 countries in the space of four years, codifying a rights-based approach to disability in international law. In the course of four years of grant making, the Disability Rights Fund has uncovered thousands of stories that add up to a single larger story - the story of a movement out to change who is included in the definition of human"
Note: This report is available in html, pdf and word versions. Contact the publisher for alternative formats

