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Guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys : ESCAP project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacific region

December 2010

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These guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys document the overall experience of the improving disability measurement and statistics project with the aim so it can be replicated by other countries to collect accurate disability statistics. The handbook’s target groups include National Statistical Offices and other stakeholders who want to learn from and build on the project’s experience, and apply the methodology in other fields

Europeans, development aid and the millennium development goals

September 2010

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Based upon a survey, this report provides an overview of European perspectives towards development. The report analyses the European public opinion on development policy and the role that the EU plays as aid donor in the context of the current economic crisis and the forthcoming UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals. This report is useful for anyone interested in European development aid and the millennium development goals
Special Eurobarometer 352

Early childhood stimulation interventions in developing countries : a comprehensive literature review

BOO, Florencia Lopez
September 2010

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"This report reviews the effectiveness of early childhood stimulation interventions in developing countries. The report aims to answer the questions: What works in terms of early stimulation for young children in developing countries? For whom and under what conditions do these programs work and why do they work. The report is divided into several sections. Firstly, a brief discussion of the importance of early stimulation for young children in developing countries is provided. Secondly, the methods used to identify and characterize studies are provided and a review of randomized or quasi-experimental trials is presented. Thirdly, a review of the evidence for who benefits most from early interventions is presented followed by a review of program characteristics that affect the success of interventions and an examination of potential mechanisms through which interventions achieve their effects. Finally, recommendations for practice and future research are provided"
IDB working paper series

Evaluating the impact of rehabilitation in the lives of people with disabilities and their families in low and middle income countries : a review of tools

August 2010

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“As there are many tools available for evaluating impact in the international literature, CBM commissioned this review in order to obtain clear guidance on how research can be carried across their programmes in order to generate high quality and reliable evidence on the impact of their programmes in the lives of people with disabilities and their families”

Evaluative review of the development account project : improvement of disability measurement and statistics in support of the Biwako millennium framework and regional census programme

BUGNION, Christian
August 2010

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“The current evaluation is meant to evaluate the UN Development Account Project, “Improvement of Disability Measurement and Statistics in Support of the Biwako Millennium Framework (BMF) and Regional Census Programme” implemented by ESCAP in cooperation with internal and external partners, including the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, WHO and selected national statistical offices and experts. The project started in August 2007 and is coming to an end in December 2010, after having received a one‐year extension”

Measuring up : a guide for facilitators|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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The overall purpose of this training is to increase users’ capacity to evaluate the progress and results of their advocacy work. It aims to help users identify and confront the challenges faced by community-based organisations evaluating HIV-related advocacy; introduce new thinking for designing advocacy evaluations; give users the opportunity to apply some aspects of the evaluation design process to their specific contexts; and make users aware that advocacy evaluation is a fast-growing and evolving field, with a large number of publications on advocacy evaluation design, approaches and methods available via the Internet and summarised in the resources section of the learner’s guide

Keeping the promise : realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond

July 2010

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This report presents a "comprehensive biennial review on the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, and the progress and challenges concerning the advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of development and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals." It consists of an introduction, five informative sections, and recommendations to advance disability-inclusive Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals by member states and other stakeholders. The detailed annexes provide further technical information in support of the recommendations

Mapping of child protection M&E tools

AGER, Alastair
July 2010

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The availability of effective measurement tools is a clear prerequisite for the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation within the field of child protection. This report provides a structured review of a sample of 124 child protection M&E tools
Note: Annexes are available to download in separate files

Implementation completion and results report on a trust fund grant in the amount of US$5 million to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for a earthquake disability project

WORLD BANK (WB) Social Protection Sector, Human Development Unit
June 2010

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This paper reports on the implementation and the results of a earthquake disability project in Pakistan that aimed to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families in areas affected by the October 8, 2005 earthquake, by ensuring better mobility, improved physical and mental health, increased participation in social and economic life and strengthened empowerment. This study was designed to assess the key factors affecting the implementation and outcomes of this project, the outcomes, the risk to development outcome as well as the bank and borrower performance

Report No ICR00001584

Capacity development in disability and development for CLMV government officers

June 2010

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This is a completion report of a disability project which started from July 2007 to June 2010 with the objective of enhancing the capacities of government officers engaged in disability issues to analyse, formulate and implement policies and programmes in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV countries). This project report reviews and summarises FASID’s activities and achievements

CBR stories from Africa : what can they teach us?


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"Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is an evolving concept. Its effectiveness depends on continuous reflection, debate and learning. This book aims to facilitate this process through the stories of five CBR programmes in Africa, told by those involved with the programmes and reflected on with honesty...Each of the five programmes has been invited to document their work, describing how its programme started and assessing the effectiveness of the approach it has chosen. They were asked to identify their successes and challenges, and to reflect on how difficulties are being overcome. Life stories illustrate the impact each approach can have on individual lives. The book offers itself as a reflective tool, to be used by practitioners. Each chapter asks specific questions of its readers, inviting them to draw comparisons with their own programme. The concluding section of the book outlines ideas for evaluating and developing their CBR programmes"

Features of integrated professional training for physically disabled people in a community-based rehabilitation programme in the rural and urban areas of Congo

et al

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This study evaluates the professional integration of trained disabled people using a retrospective survey which included all physically disabled people admitted to two rehabilitation centres in Congo between 1996 and 2005. The study concludes that, despite a high rate of integration in Congo, professional training and subsequent integration would still benefit from a comprehensive approach that considers the type of disability, training and socio-demographic features
South African Family Practice, Vol 52, No 3

How-to-guide : preparing teachers for inclusive education

NGUYET, Dinh Thi
HA, Le Thu

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"This guide aims to help CRS and partner education programs prepare teachers to implement successful models of inclusive education at the school level. It builds upon the previous publication while focusing more specifically on issues relating to teacher training and human resource development. Though the Vietnamese experience may not be universally applicable in all country contexts, it is hoped that the examples provided will serve as a reference of core themes that can be tailored to suit individual country needs"

Advocacy toolkit : a guide to influencing decisions that improve children’s lives

COHEN, David
et al

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This toolkit "provides a broadly accepted definition of advocacy and underscores UNICEF’s unique position and experience in advocacy. The heart of the Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. The Toolkit also outlines eight foundational areas that can help strengthen an office’s capacity for advocacy, and covers several crosscutting aspects of advocacy including monitoring and evaluating advocacy, managing knowledge in advocacy, managing risks in advocacy, building relationships and securing partnerships for advocacy and working with children and young people in advocacy. Special focuses examine a variety of specific topics, including human rights and equity approaches to advocacy, theories of change, and conducting advocacy in humanitarian situations"

Monitoring and evaluating capacity building : is it really that difficult?

SMITH, Rachel
January 2010

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This paper is based on a literature review and interviews with a range of capacity building providers based in the North and South examining both theory and current practice of capacity development, and discusses some of the key barriers to progress. “Primarily concerned with capacity building within civil society organisations (CSOs), although many of the lessons apply equally to organisations in the commercial or state sectors... it begins by looking at some key concepts in both capacity building and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It examines different ways of thinking about M&E, and describes a variety of different tools and approaches used to plan, monitor and evaluate capacity building work. It goes on to discuss M&E in relation to donors and provides an outline of current practice, based on the interviews. Finally, it highlights key areas for further discussion, and presents some conclusions based on the research”

Praxis Paper No. 23

Disability inclusive flood action plan and WASH in a Bangladeshi community

BARI , Nazmul
January 2010

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“From October 2009 to July 2010, the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), working in partnership with local non-government organisation (NGO) Gana Unnayan Kendra(GUK) and with the support of CBM Australia, implemented a pilot project titled Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project (DiDRR). The DiDRR project broadly addressed inclusive disaster preparedness with a sub-component on improved water and sanitation access for PWD. This case study focuses on the project actions and resulting changes regarding disability inclusive water and sanitation before and during floods, and how it benefited not only PWD but also the wider community”

Case study 10

Child-centred disaster risk reduction : building resilience through participation : lessons from Plan International


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This report “presents the results and recommendations of a five-year programme and…includes a series of case studies illustrating how child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) supports the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, as well as the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation within disaster risk contexts…Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction is an innovative approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that fosters the agency of children and youth, in groups and as individuals, to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more resilient to disasters”

