A network bringing together research centres, universities, enterprises, government departments, trade unions and organisations of and for disabled people. Their common goal is to advance competitive employment and training opportunities for disabled people. Through its InfoBase, Gladnet collects and indexes a wide variety of documents, such as reports, goverment documents, external websites and project descriptions, that relate to employment and training for people with disabilities. Most of the InfoBase content falls into the following subject themes -- definitions, evaluation, human rights, legislation & policy, research, and statistics
ELDIS is a gateway to information on development issues, providing free and easy access to a wide range of high quality online resources. It provides summaries and links to online documents. It also offers a directory of websites, databases, library catalogues and email discussion lists, and an email news service that can bring the latest research to your mail-box. Its resource guides offer easy access to information on a wide range of subjects
This network seeks to strengthen child-centred research to contribute towards real improvement in children's well-being. It was founded in 1993 as a response from the research community to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention serves as a common agenda for research aimed at improving children's living conditions, well-being and participation. The aim of the website's Resources page is to compile lists of relevant links to child-centred research institutions, on-line research reports and journals, and bibliographies. The page is by no means complete, and the intention is to add links continuously. Also on the resources page are a selected number of child rights related links which are not primarily research based, but which could be helpful in research on children’s issues. A news section with relevant information is also available. There is also a list of well-working child rights related mailing lists
The globalisation resource page on the Eldis website has the latest news on globalisation as well as links to over 1000 other documents and websites relating to globalisation. The themes of the resource guide cover production, trade and labour markets; capital flows, investment and debt; globalisation and poverty; global governance and institutions; watching the World Bank/IMF; corporate social responsibility; aid, growth and governance
The European Centre for Development Policy Management's (ECDPM) mission is to facilitate cooperation between African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and the European Union (EU). Its two long term objectives are to enhance the capacity of public and private actors in ACP and other low-income countries; and to improve cooperation between development partners in Europe and the ACP region. The website holds information about the centre's core themes: political dimensions of partnership, ACP-EU trade relations, actors of partnerships and three cross-cutting programmes: communications and information technology, strategy and innovation and finance and administration. The site also gives access to the centre's key publications in these areas
This website contains Information Society Research Group/ DFID research project reports on ICT and telecommunications use in Ghana, South Africa, Jamaica and India. These reports analyse ICT usage and impact on development opportunities in urban and rural sites. The reports discuss the impact of ICTs on health and welfare, civil society, education, gender equity and livelihood/economy in these environments
This website contains useful resources for researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners interested in social interactions and social capital. Resources are organised by topics, including: social capital and the economy, social capital in developed countries, social capital in low-income countries, social capital and institutions, social capital and transition, social capital and well-being. Includes directories on specialised websites, digital libraries, and social scientists interested in social capital
Afrobarometer is a state-of-the-art research survey that measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Afrobarometer surveys are conducted in more than a dozen countries. Because there are a standard set of questions, countries can be systematically compared and, ultimately, trends in public attitudes can be tracked over time. Each survey collects data about individual attitudes and behavior. Surveys have been done on democracy, governance, livelihoods, macro-economics and markets, social capital, crime, participation and national identity
This website has information about the work of Motivation; an organisation that works to address issues relating to the social, economic and physical situation of disabled people in low income countries, with the ultimate aim to improve quality of life, alleviate poverty and empower disabled people to take part in society. Motivation works in four areas: products and services; capacity; rights; and economic empowerment
www.DandC.eu is a website that focuses on international development and explores how it relates to other fields of policy-making, such as security, peace, trade, business, public health and education. D+C stands for Development and Cooperation. We publish in two languages. The German version is E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit.
We specialise in opinion journalism and analytical essays. The website shares the name D+C/E+Z with our print magazine, which is published every two months, and a monthly e-paper
Reports on the issues of world poverty and inequality, focuses on the unjust relationship between the powerful and the powerless in both rich and poor nations. A selection of articles from each issue are available free online
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