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Promises promises : the reality of the Oslo peace accords. A report on the socio-economic impact of the Oslo peace accords on the Palestinian community in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

O'REILLY, Siobhan
May 1999

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The aim of this report is to examine how the lives of ordinary Palestinians have been affected by the implementation of the accords coming out of the Oslo peace process in 1993. It draws on the evidence and experience of World Vision, which has been working in the area since 1975, and also of its partners who are working to provide economic, medical, educational, psychological and spiritual assistance to Palestinians throughout the Occupied Territories. The report finds that the majority of Palestinians have experienced a serious deterioration in living standards, in terms of income, employment, ownership of property and land, and freedom of movement. The Palestinian economy has also declined with GNP per capita falling by 35%. Several key trends are identified: denial of individual rights; weakening of the collective strength of the Palestinian community; demographic engineering; continuation of the long-term strategy to control the West Bank and East Jerusalem; accelerated dehumanisation of the "other"; widening disparities and use of the language of apartheid; and "security" breeding insecurity. The report makes a number of policy recommendations in the light of the findings

Gender and HIV/AIDS : taking stock of research and programmes


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Discusses public health and social science research on risk and vulnerability as applied to both men and women (in terms of prevention, care and support). Examines current programming priorities in public health and development for gender and HIV, highlights trends and issues, and identifies challenges and gaps

Integrating women and girls with disabilities into mainstream vocational training : a practical guide

SIM, Foo Gaik

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This manual describes the challenges women and girls with disabilities face in the context of vocational training and employment. It recommends action that can be taken to break the negative cycle of exclusion of women in the three fields of education, vocational training and employment .
The manual gives practical advice and background information on inclusive employment of women and will be of interest to NGOs and government organisations

Empowering the rural disabled in Asia and the Pacific

et al

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This article provides a summary of papers related to rural rehabilitation in the Asia and Pacific regions. An introduction is given, including a table reviewing the region's disability statistics, and seven paper summaries are highlighted. This article would be useful for people interested in rural rehabilitation in the Asia and Pacific region

Social capital : the missing link?

GROOTAERT, Christiaan

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This paper describes social capital as the missing link in the understanding of growth and development, which has traditionally been analysed in terms of physical, natural and human capital. It also discusses the definition, monitoring and measurement of social capital, and ends with a list of suggestions for donors seeking to incorporate these ideas in their work

