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ASAN : the autistic self advocacy network

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The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a website and organisation run by and for autisitc people. The aim is to include the representation of autistic people in public policy discussions, advocacy and legislation

Iodine Global Network


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This site contains a range of information relation to iodine and iodine deficiency, including reports and other publications; country information; data and statistics; and blogs. While IGN continues to play a strong scientific and advisory role on iodine nutrition, it is the network of over 100 regional and national coordinators and partner agencies (the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, the Micronutrient Initiative, and UNICEF) who are at the core of its activities and global efforts to eliminate IDD

Iron deficiency project advisory service


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A section of the site, called Iron World, provides links to publications on the following general topics: technical information; specific country information; advocacy and communication; international guidelines and issues; and other related micronutrients. The Iron Deficiency Project Advisory Service (IDPAS) is a project of the International Nutrition Foundation and United Nations University. It aims to support those working to improve iron nutrition in developing and transitional countries

Globalization and health

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Globalization and Health is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal. It encompasses all aspects of globalization and its effects on public health. Globalization in the journal will refer to economic, political, social and technological processes, which transcend the geopolitical boundaries of the nation-state and have resulted in increased interconnectedness of the world. The journal examines market liberalization, the changing role of nation-state, supra-national structures, poverty and equality, the changing distribution of communicable and non-communicable diseases and the risk factors associated with these diseases, and the growing awareness of our collective responsibility for one another. Global warming, global governance, global public goods for health, equity and justice and a host of related topics are emerging as priorities and illustrate the need for interdisciplinary thinking and debate

WHO : mental health


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This video provides an overview of the global mental health situation with detailed information and statistics. It highlights the mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) which is an WHO initiative that advocates for proper care, psychosocial assistance, and medication in limited resource settings for the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, and epilepsy and for the prevention of suicide

Sexuality and reproductive health


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The mission of the Center for Research on Women with Disabilities is to promote, develop, and disseminate information to improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities. This section addresses issues for sexuality and reproductive health for women with disabilities by providing useful information and related resources for specific thematics

10/66 Dementia Research Group


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The 10/66 Dementia Research Group is a collective of researchers carrying out population-based research into dementia, non-communicable diseases and ageing in low and middle income countries. This website features general information about the group, highlights their research and policy work, and provides details about their participants. Additional sections are given for links to their newsletter, other news items and registration. This website is useful to anyone interested in population-based research into dementia, non-communicable diseases and ageing in low and middle income countries

AHP diabetes toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in diabetes care. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence....This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the Outcomes Framework; Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing diabetes care. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

AHP cancer toolkit


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"This toolkit has been developed by a range of clinicians working in cancer. The information has been provided by a national collaboration of clinicians in conjunction with their professional bodies and is based on available research evidence. This toolkit provides information on the following: Which interventions most positively benefit patient care; What range of interventions over time will reap the most benefits during illness and lead to independence; How do the interventions match to the NHS Outcomes Framework and the Improving Outcomes: a strategy for cancer (Jan 2011); Which interventions are able to save money to the system; How is the functional ability of patients enabled by using Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)...This information is aimed at those involved in commissioning or developing cancer services. The toolkit will provide an interactive method of ensuring that patient care is meeting quality standards and providing essential elements of the QIPP agenda"

Global health observatory (GHO) : non-communicable diseases (NCD)


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This area of the global health observatory (GHO) provides access to WHO's global non-communicable disease (NCD) statistics. It presents general NCD information, mortality and morbidity statistics, risk factors, and the health system’s response and capacity to address and respond to NCDs. Links are also provided to related NCD data products. This database is useful to anyone interested in NCD related statistics and data

The WHO global infobase


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"The WHO Global InfoBase is a data warehouse that collects, stores and displays information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states...The Infobase assembles, for the first time in one place, non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factor data collected from WHO Member States. NCD risk factor data are crucial for predicting the future burden of chronic diseases in populations and also for identifying potential interventions to reduce the future burden. The Infobase online dissemination tool provides not only data but also health information to help users understand health enquiries worldwide and improve the health of nations." NCD indicators, mortalities and country profiles are provided, displaying the information with user-friendly tools including graphs, maps and data tables. This database is useful to anyone interested in NCD related statistics and data

High level meeting on non-communicable diseases


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This website presents information from the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. The high-level meeting addressed the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases worldwide, with a particular focus on developmental and other challenges and social and economic impacts, particularly for developing countries. Background information, key documents, civil society participation, resources and letters are provided. This website is useful to anyone interested in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases worldwide
High level meeting on non-communicable diseases
New York, New York
19-20 September 2011

World diabetes foundation


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The World Diabetes Foundation supports the prevention and treatment of diabetes in developing countries through partnerships. This website presents information about the Foundation, their key focus areas, global projects and stories from the field

World heart federation


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The World Heart Federation urges greater action from policy makers, healthcare professionals, patient organizations and individuals to work together to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke, and ensure people all over the world can have longer and better lives. This website presents information about the federation, activities and members, as well as background information about cardio-vascular health. Details about related congress and events, publications and press are also provided

NCDs and millennium development goals


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The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) state that health is critical to the economic, political and social development of all countries, yet they contain no goals or targets for non-communicable diseases, the largest burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries. This paper highlights the links among MDGs and non-communicable diseases including cardio-vascular disease, asthma, diabetes and cancer

Help in higher education


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This resource contains a support pack for higher education institutions to students with epilepsy. This pack contains: a free guide to epilepsy, an epilepsy questionnaire, dedicated online resources for students to manage their epilepsy at university, and online course for higher education staff


Note: this resource is free however users need to fill out the form provided

Medbox : the aid library


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Medbox is an online library aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in humanitarian action. An independent internet platform supported by international agencies and scientific institutions active in humanitarian assistance and development, this resource collates online professional guidelines, textbooks and practical documents on health action.


Resources are divided under the following main headings: Key resources (subheadings include Disaster Preparedness, WASH, Project Cycle Management), Clinical Guidelines, Pharmacy and Technologies, Women and Child Health, Public Health, Countries and Toolboxes

WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme


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The WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) aims at scaling up services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders for countries especially with low- and middle-income. The programme asserts that with proper care, psychosocial assistance and medication, tens of millions could be treated for depression, schizophrenia, and epilepsy, prevented from suicide and begin to lead normal lives– even where resources are scarce.

Resources available include:

mhGAP Operations Manual (2018)
mhGAP Training Manuals (2017)
mhGAP Intervention Guide 2.0 app (2017)
mhGAP Intervention Guide - Version 2.0 (2016)

Reports of the yearly mhGAP Forum are available


