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Ghana federation of the disabled


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This website contains information about the Ghana Federation of the Disabled (GFD), their projects, related legislation and advocacy activities. Links are provided to their members organisations and their development partners. GFD is a national umbrella orangisation of people with disablities. Its main area of focus is advocacy to influence national policies and programmes for full inclusion and active participation of people with disabilities. The website is useful for anyone interested in the disabled people's movement in Ghana

International disability rights monitor (IDRM) regional reports


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These regional reports are the primary focus of the International Disability Rights Monitor (IDRM) project and have been compiled by local IDRM researchers. Each report focuses upon several key areas such as legal protections, education, employment, accessibility, and health and housing services for people with disabilities. The reports include a detailed report on each country and a report card that compares the progress made by countries across the region. Reports are available on the Americas, Asia and Europe, as well as two thematic reports, in downloadable pdf format. They are useful for people interested in research on disability and development

The European journal of development research

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A multi-disciplinary journal that seeks to broaden our understanding of the processes that advance or impede human development, whether from a political, economic, sociological or anthropological perspective
Produced 5 times a year
Rest of World: 448 GBP (institutional) 70 GBP (personal)
Europe: 448 GBP (institutional) / 70 GBP (personal)
US: 740 USD (institutional) 116 USD (personal)

Disability in conflicts and emergencies


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This factsheet presents a general overview of disability in conflict and emergencies. Case studies are highlighted to emphasise that disabled people are often the most at risk in emergency situations, that disasters and crises lead to disability, and the importance of good planning and accessiblility. This resource is useful to people interested in disability, conflict and emergencies

Oslo conference on disability and conflicts in emergency


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This resource presents information about an international conference on disability in conflicts and emergencies which focused upon meeting the needs of vulnerable and disabled people in humanitarian situations. It features a summary from the chair of the conference, participant interviews, and conference presentations. This website would be useful to those who work with disabled and vulnerable people in conflict and disasters situations
"Reaching the most Vulnerable" Conference
Oslo, Sweden
30-31 May 2011

Washington group on disability statistics


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"The Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) is a United Nations (UN) City Group commissioned to improve the quality and international comparability of disability measurement in Censuses and surveys." This website provides the WG's background, objectives, meetings, documents, and short set of questions. This website is useful to anyone interested in disability and statistics

Washington group on disability statistics : short set of questions


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This section of the Washington Group's website provides the internationally comparable short set of questions on disability for use on national censuses for gathering information about limitations in basic activities in national populations. The related protocols for implementing tests of the short set are also provided. This resource is useful for anyone interested in disability and statisitics

Global disability rights library


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The Global Disability Rights Library (GDRL) is an enhanced online version of the WiderNet Project’s eGranary Digital Library, an off-line information storage and collaboration platform that provides internet-like access to digital resources without requiring internet connectivity. The resources include websites, reports, journals, books and software applications relating to various disability and development topics, such as independent living, advocacy, education, transportation, public policy, employment, vocational rehabilitation, and other topics. This library is useful for policymakers, advocates and people with disabilities

The interaction between disabled and non-disabled people in Tanzania : community experiences with promoting human rights for people with disabilities

LINTNER, Natalija

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"This action research was conducted in 2011/2012 by ICD to investigate the interaction between disabled and non-disabled community members in Tanzania. Disabled teachers and other human rights activists discussed in a workshop setting and observed in the field to answer the questions of how are PWDs interacting with their communities, how are the communities interacting with PWDs and what are the challenges (and possible solutions) of their activist work...This research wanted to get a comprehensive picture of the current situation of PWDs in Tanzania. It concludes that mutual distrust is the main attitude that characterizes the relationship between disabled and non-disabled Tanzanians and that only intensive and targeted confrontations and exchanges between the two parties can achieve a signifi cant attitude change"
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African journal of disability

SWARTZ, Leslie
et al

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This journal "introduces and discusses issues and experiences relating to and supporting the act of better understanding the interfaces between disability, poverty and practices of exclusion and marginalisation. Its articles yield new insight into established human development practices, evaluate new educational techniques and disability research, examine current cultural and social discrimination, and bring serious critical analysis to bear on problems shared across the African continent"
One issue published per year

Annual disability statistics compendium


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This is a web-based tool of statistics on people with disabilities and related government programs modeled after the Statistical Abstract of the United States. The Stats RRTC annually examines large quantities of survey data and administrative records from various sources related to people with disabilities. These are compiled into a Compendium which serves as reference guide for the government, policymakers, researchers, administrators, advocates, and other relevant stakeholders; and provides accessible, valid statistics to support policy improvements, program administration, service delivery, protection of civil rights, and major life activities. Statistics are provided according to topic, year, as well as links to related events, glossary, research on disability

Victim assistance


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"This resource presents background information about victim assistance and links to related key documents on victim assistance"

Adaptech research network


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Adaptech research network consists of a team of academics, students and consumers who conduct research involving college and university students with a variety of disabilities in Canada. Their goal is to provide empirically based information to assist and inform decision making that ensures that new policies and new information and communication technologies reflect the needs and concerns of a variety of stakeholders. Specifically their areas of focus are use and accessibility of information and communication technologies in postsecondary education, facilitators and barriers to academic success, and free or inexpensive software useful to students with various disabilities. The network’s website presents general information about the network and team, their research and related publications, and a database of free or inexpensive software and hardware for Windows, Mac, and Apple

FIRAH resource center : applied research and disability


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This resource centre develops and disseminates applied research on disability. The centre’s aim is to facilitate the establishment of collaborative applied research projects between researchers and people in the field; raise awareness and share new concepts and approaches with project starters and the public; and promote the results of applied research and share knowledge to facilitate their use on the field. The website has a documentary database, a section to facilitate the setting-up of research projects, which includes proposals for collaboration and a list of organisations supporting research, and general disability information 

Disability data portal (Nepal)

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The Disability Portal is a centralised repository of data and information about disability in Nepal. It brings together data, studies and other resources on disability in Nepal and makes them openly available to all. The repository contains data and information from government, academic and civil society. The Portal is open for anybody to publish valid datasets and publications related to disability



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The African Network for Evidence-to-Action on Disability (AfriNEAD) facilitates networking among researchers, persons with disability, government representatives, business and civil society within the African region as well as with international communities to ensure that research contributes to a better quality of life for people with disabilities in Africa. This website contains information about its network, symposia, discussions, research and resources. Links are also provided to archives and related websites

Handbook on Disability Services


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The Online Handbook on Disability Services in Finland supports social workers in their work with persons with disabilities. Information is available on disability rights and legislation, disability services and research and statistics

EuRADE : European research agendas for disability equality


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This website provides information about the project European Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE). It outlines the project, provides updated news and events, and contains links to related resources. The aim of the project is to increase and enhance the full participation of disabled people's organisations (DPOs) as equal and active partners in future research initiatives. This website is useful for researchers and organisations interested in DPO involvement in Europe

