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Disability in people affected by leprosy : the role of impairment, activity, social participation, stigma and discrimination

et al

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"Leprosy-related disability is a challenge to public health, and social and rehabilitation services in endemic countries. Disability is more than a mere physical dysfunction, and includes activity limitations, stigma, discrimination, and social participation restrictions." This paper assesses the extent of disability and its determinants among persons with leprosy-related disabilities after release from multi drug treatment
Global Health Action, Vol 5

Improved and standardized method for assessing years lived with disability after injury

et al

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"This article presents the results of study that aimed to develop a standardized method for calculating years lived with disability (YLD) after injury. The method developed consists of obtaining data on injury cases seen in emergency departments as well as injury-related hospital admissions, using the EUROCOST system to link the injury cases to disability information and employing empirical data to describe functional outcomes in injured patients. The novel method for calculating YLD after injury can be applied in different settings, overcomes some limitations of the method used to calculate the global burden of disease, and allows more accurate estimates of the population burden of injury"
Bull World Health Organ, 90

Processes and approaches to enable sustainable access to quality rehabilitation services : comparative study of Handicap International programmes in Albania, Kosovo and Mozambique

HAZARD, Damien

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This comparative study of Handicap International programmes in Albania, Kosovo and Mozam-bique analyses processes and approaches that have been used by Handicap International to enable access to quality rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, and specifically to look at their impact in terms of Sustainability
SD/RS 07

Impact Assessment of a Vocational Training Program for Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh

NURI, Reshma Parvin
HOQUE, Tohidul
WALDRON, Samuel Matthew
AKAND, Mustafa Kamal

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a vocational training programme in enabling 261 persons with disabilities to find employment in Bangladesh.


Methods: A qualitative method, which employed interviews and focus group discussions, assessed the effect of the training programme on key individual, societal and physical factors set out by the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2001).


Results: 157 persons with disabilities (60%) secured employment after training. Of these, 74% reported that they were able to provide a better livelihood for their families, 92% reported increased social acceptance, and 83% reported improvement in overall quality of life. Of those who did not find employment, 15% cited issues related to the training course, 6% mentioned discriminatory attitudes of potential employers and 12% had problems related to physical access.


Conclusions and Implications: These results suggest that the vocational training programme improved the (re)entry of persons with disabilities into employment, which in turn aided their rehabilitation. However, discriminatory attitudes towards them at the workplace were reported.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol 23, No 3

Report of the regional stakeholder consultation for the high-level intergovernmental meeting on the final review of the implementation of the Asian and Pacific decade of disabled persons, 2003-2012 (Second Session)

UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
December 2011

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"This meeting report provides information from a meeting reviewing the roadmap of the 'Implementation of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012'. The report provides a review of the key issues identified by Governments and civil society as contained in the responses to surveys conducted by the secretariat on the regional implementation of the Second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons. It also presents the inputs and views of stakeholders as a basis for the preparation of the outcome document for the High-level Intergovernmental Meeting"
Regional stakeholder consultation for the high-level intergovernmental meeting on the final review of the implementation of the Asian and Pacific decade of disabled persons, 2003-2012 (Second Session)
Bangkok, Thailand
14-16 December 2011

Paying stories of impairment - parasitic or ethical?|Reflections undertaking anthropological research in post-conflict Sierra Leone

December 2011

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This article presents ethnographic research in Sierra Leone with people with disabilities. The author explores challenges faced with the research and the importance of engaging in more reciprocal and collaborative communal research using a social model of disability framework to try and access discourses
Journal of Disability Research, Vol 3, No 4

Annual disability statistics compendium : 2011

RUIZ, Tony
November 2011

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This report presents "statistics on people with disabilities and government programs that serve the population with disabilities and is modeled after the Statistical Abstracts of the United States, published yearly by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Compendium is designed to serve as a reference guide to government publications. At the bottom of each table, the source of data appearing in each table is presented. These referenced sources contain additional statistical and information about the way the data were collected and the statistics were generated"

Did what? Research project in brief : A-PODD in Malawi

WAZAKILI, Margaret
et al
October 2011

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"This Did What? summarises the activities of the African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) project in Malawi. It outlines the statement of the problem, research context, the A-PODD project itself, the methods used, and the impact of our work. The policy brief also provides recommendations to support the promotion of disability inclusion in the national development agenda. (It) conclude(s) with a list of research and ‘workshop’ participants, the names of the larger A-PODD research team, and acknowledgements"

Did what? Research project in brief : A-PODD in Uganda

et al
October 2011

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"This Did What? summarises the activities of the African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) project in Uganda. It outlines the statement of the problem, research context, the A-PODD project itself, methods used, and the impact of our work. The policy brief also provides recommendations to support the promotion of disability inclusion in the national development agenda. (It) conclude(s) with a list of research and ‘workshop’ participants, the names of the larger A-PODD research team, and acknowledgements"

Did what? Research project in brief : A-PODD in Ethiopia

WAZAKILI, Margaret
et al
October 2011

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"This Did What? summarises the activities of the African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) project in Ethiopia. It outlines the statement of the problem, research context, a brief summary of the A-PODD project itself, the methods used, and the impact of our work. The policy brief also provides recommendations to support the promotion of disability inclusion in the national development agenda. (It) conclude(s) with a list of research and ‘workshop’ participants, the names of the larger A-PODD research team, and acknowledgements"

Did What? Research project in brief : A-PODD in Sierra Leone

et al
October 2011

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"This Did What? summarises the activities of the African Policy on Disability and Development (A-PODD) project in Sierra Leone. It outlines the statement of the problem, research context, the A-PODD project itself, the methods used, and the impact of our work. The policy brief also provides recommendations to support the promotion of disability inclusion in the national development agenda. We conclude with a list of research and ‘workshop’ participants, the names of the larger A-PODD research team, and acknowledgements"

Disability, CBR and inclusive development (DCID), 2011, Vol. 22 No. 3


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Original Research Articles

  • A Low-intensity Approach for Early Intervention and Detection of Childhood Disability in Central Java: Long-term Findings and Implications for “Inclusive Development”
  • Constraint - Induced Movement Therapy: Determinants and Correlates of Duration of Adherence to Restraint use Among Stroke Survivors with Hemiparesis
  • Mental Health and Quality of Life of Caregivers of Individuals with Cerebral Palsy in a Community Based Rehabilitation Programme in Rural Karnataka
  • The Community Based Rehabilitation Programme of the University of the Philippines Manila, College of Allied Medical Professions


  • Interventions for Stigma Reduction – Part 1: Theoretical Considerations
  • Interventions for Stigma Reduction – Part 2: Practical Applications

Brief reports

  • Disability, Art and Potentiality: Reframing Disability as a Metaphor for Potentiality in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Determinants of Quality of Life in Nigerian Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy: A Hospital-based Study
  • Role of NGOs in Identification Camps for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in India

Letters to the Editor

  • Profile of Clients at the National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, India

Disability, CBR and inclusive development (DCID), 2011, Vol. 22 No. 2


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Original Research Articles

  • Sustainability Criteria for CBR Programmes – Two Case studies of Provincial Programmes in Vietnam
  • Promoting Prosocial Beliefs And Behavior Toward People With Disabilities In Nepal Through A Children’s Entertainment-Education Program
  • Complexities in the Provision of Respite Care to Family Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Assistive Technologies in a Workplace Environment: Barriers for the Employment of People with Disabilities
  • Employability of People with Disabilities in the Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia: Employers’ Perspective

Brief reports

  • Health-Related Quality of Life of Nigerian Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Role of Self-help Groups in Promoting Inclusion and Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Life Expectancy After Spinal Cord Injury In a Developing Country-A Retrospective Study At CRP, Bangladesh.

Experiential Accounts

  • Availability and Accessibility of Treatment for Persons with Mental Illness Through a Community Mental Health Programme

Letters to the Editor

  • Postural Reactions: An Elementary Unit for Development of Motor Control

Disability, CBR and inclusive development (DCID), 2011, Vol. 22 No. 1


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Original Research Articles

  • Quality of life, perceived stigma, activity and participation of people with leprosy-related disabilities in south-east Nepal
  • The face of disability in Nigeria: a disability survey in Kogi and Niger states
  • The communication deall developmental checklist - inter rater reliability
  • ‘Welcome to my life!’ photovoice: needs assessment of, and by, persons with physical disabilities in the Kumasi metropolis, Ghana
  • Rehabilitation services for persons affected by stroke in Jordan
  • CBR matrix and perceived training needs of CBR workers: a multi-country study


Brief reports

  • impact of micro credit scheme for persons with physical disabilities in Herat, Afghanistan.
  • impact of physical therapy on burden of caregivers of individuals with functional disability
  • perceptions of parents of typical children towards inclusive education


Realising UNCRPD : learning from inclusive practices in education and employment|Case studies in education and employment

July 2011

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"This document compiles the findings from the case studies and provides a synthesis of their inclusive practices. Further, it provides key pointers for future direction which are open for further debate. The key purpose of this document is to facilitate wider dissemination of inclusive practices in accessible formats and generate dialogue with various, thus serving an essential educational purpose"

Ageing and disability in humanitarian response : a resource book of inclusive practices

QURESHI, Waqas Ashfaq
June 2011

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This report reviews the contributions of international NGOs, NGOs, Disabled People Organisations and other stakeholders in the disability and ageing sector. Their responses to mainstreaming disability and/or ageing issues in humanitarian response in Pakistan are presented, and general recommendations are provided. This report would be useful to those who work with disabled and older people in disaster situations

Access to services for people with disabilities in Freetown, Sierra Leone


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"The purpose of the DECISIPH project is to promote the rights of people with disabilities in six countries in West Africa: Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The first expected outcome of the project is to enhance the availability and access to relevant and reliable information on people with disabilities, their rights and their organisations in order to foster advocacy campaigns by disabled people's organisations. The aim of the study was to analyse and compare access to services for people with disabilities with that for people without disabilities in the project's intervention zones. This study in no way attempts to determine the disability prevalence rate. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in several of the DECISIPH project countries. Despite its limitations, this was the first study to be conducted in Sierra Leone and the first to provide data for gaining a better understanding of access to services for people with disabilities compared to that of people without disabilities"
SD/RS 06 No 8

Guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys : ESCAP project on improving disability measurement and statistics in the Asia Pacific region

December 2010

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These guidelines for cognitive and pilot testing of disability questions for use in surveys document the overall experience of the improving disability measurement and statistics project with the aim so it can be replicated by other countries to collect accurate disability statistics. The handbook’s target groups include National Statistical Offices and other stakeholders who want to learn from and build on the project’s experience, and apply the methodology in other fields

