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CBR update

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This newsletter looks at the issue of CBR from a southern Africa perspective as well as other disability issues such as disability rights, employment, sexuality, HIV/AIDS, inclusive education etc
three times a year

Sexuality and disability

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Sexuality and Disability is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation

Sexuality and disability


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This website is focuses upon questions a woman with a disability might have - about her body, about the mechanics and dynamics of having sex, about the complexities of being in an intimate relationship or having children, about unvoiced fears or experiences of encountering abuse in some form. It discusses a wide range of topics related to sexuality and presents verious perspectives. this website is useful to anyone interested in sexuality and disability

Violence and abuse towards persons with disabilities


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This website presents the workshop reports and presentations from the second part of an international workshop on "Going beyond the taboos in community-based rehabilitation (CBR)." The workshop focused on violence and abuse towards persons with disabilities and role of CBR in preventing them and supporting the victims. Links are provided to the workshop report and presentations in pdf format
"Going beyond the taboo areas in CBR" workshop, part 2
Agra, India
30 November 2012

CBR, social relationships, sexuality and reproductive rights


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This website presents the workshop reports and presentations of the first part of an international workshop titled: "Going beyond the taboos in community-based rehabilitation (CBR)." The workshop focused on social relationships, sexuality and reproductive rights. Links are provided to the workshop report and presentations in pdf format “"Going beyond the taboo areas in CBR" workshop, part 1
Agra, India
29 November 2012

Beyond 2015 : shaping the future of equality, human rights, and social justice


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This is the website for the Beyond 2015 Project, the goals of which are to improve equality, human rights and social justice in the UK by working together more effectively across sectors, disciplines and places. This website provides an introduction to the project and access to various reports on topics ranging from progress towards goals, impacts of the project, challenges to the work, and many more

