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Breaking communication barrier in Ghana using Google’s Project Relate App

AYOKA, Gifty
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


A short presentation highlighting the difficulties of people with communication difficulties and the role and importance of speach and language therapists and of Google's Project Relate app. The app leverages machine learning to aid individuals with non standard speach in real time. The importance of local language and cultural diversity is stressed.  

Future tech: revolutionary solutions and AI – the new face of disability inclusion?

HOLLOWAY, Catherine
CHO, Youngjun
CAVE, Richard
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


Three short talks on future technologies and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). All three emphasise the importance of co-creation with people with disabilities. 


Topics in the first talk include: contributions of the use of AI to SDGs; problems with regulation; improved holistic understanding of non-communicable diseases; street route optimisation for peope with visual impairment; speach to text apps; storytelling for people with dementia; self care biosensors; improvements in the information seeking journey (example motor neurone disease)


The second relates to experiences in Ghana with people with cerebral palsy/speach and language issues and a speach recognition technology project carried out with Google. Issues with measurement of success are raised.


The third introduces work being carried out on mobility solutions for people with visual difficulties in Kenya and Hope Tech.


The start-up model for disability innovation in Africa: A journey through the eyes of an entrepreneur in Ghana

OMARI, Derrick
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


Three models of disability innovation start-up are introduced based on 8 years of experience mainly in the area of the education of children with disabilities in Ghana. The models are: the community centred approach; the student led approach; and the hybrid model which is revenue driven. Outcomes and difficulties are briefly discussed.

Accessibility and inclusion for deafblind people living in the Global South

September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.

A short presentation concerning the challenges surrounding inclusion of and accessibility for deafblind children and adults, particularly in the Global South.

Deafblindness is a spectrum and so a spectrum of approaches and of assistive aids is required. The most common cause of deaf blindness is aging. Most research has been carried out in the Global North. Very little has been carried out in the Global South or into the intersectionality with poverty, race and gender. 

Systems and action to advance disability inclusive financial services in the UK

WARDROP, Pollyanna
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


The importance of access to financial services and the challenges and work towards solutions are briefly overviewed with particular reference to innovation in the Nationwide Building Society in the UK.

Priorities identified for long term decision making concerned with services for people with disabilities were people with learning disabilities/neurodivergence/dementia, deaf people and the customer experience. The Nationwide introduced British Sgn Language (BSL) virtual interpretation for deaf people using a third party interpreter to enable independent banking. Difficulties encountered concerning risk and governance are highlighted.  Lessons learned and other progress e.g. provision of letters in BSL are briefly mentioned.

Disability inclusive financial services

DECKER, Daniella
September 2023

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Presented at the Disability Innovation Summit: Inclusive Interactions conference organised by the GDI hub on 13 Sept 2023.


A short presentation concerning the work of the International Finance Corporation and financial services in general towards inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities. 

Topics covered include: disability commitments; expansion of the disability economy; the European Accessibility Act; generating awareness in financial services providers; links with partnership companies; Cephable - a company introducing use of ATMs with facial expressions; work of large banks and also of small ones in Columbia and India; and momentum towards change and the challenges associated with it. 

The global birth prevalence of clubfoot: a systematic review and meta-analysis

SMYTHE, Tracey
LAVY, Chris
August 2023

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Estimates of the birth prevalence of clubfoot in low and middle income settings range from 0.5 to 2 per 1000 births. However, there is currently no estimate of global birth prevalence of clubfoot.

A systematic review of studies was carried out reporting the birth prevalence of clubfoot across all countries and regions worldwide in the last 10 years. Africa Wide Information, EMBASE, CINAHL, Global Health, LILACS and Medline databases were searched for relevant studies from January 1st 2012 to February 9th 2023. Pooled prevalence estimates were calculated using the inverse variance method, and a random effects model was applied to account for heterogeneity between studies.


eClinicalMedicine,  Vol 63 September, 2023


Using a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to explore economic empowerment for youth with disabilities in rural Uganda

August 2023

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This paper presents findings from a community-based participatory study exploring the lived experiences and key livelihood changes post-intervention of a vocational skills training for young people with disabilities in rural Uganda. Twenty-four youth with disabilities (13 female, 11 male) who had previously taken the vocational training were trained to become peer researchers and conducted 72 in-depth interviews with a more recent cohort of youth with disabilities. 


Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2023, 100647

Inclusive Design and Accessibility in Medellín, Colombia. AT2030 Inclusive Infrastructure Case Studies

August 2023

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Prepared by the Global Disability Innovation Hub and partners for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Medellín, Colombia is the sixth and final case study city under the Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub) led and UK Aid funded AT2030 Inclusive Infrastructure sub-programme. Colombia’s second largest city, Medellín is well-known for its progress in urban development in the last 20 years, moving forward from its violent history. Medellín has been designated a district of innovation and is known for innovative urban projects such as its cable cars and electric escalators that connect higher altitude, low-income communities on the peripheries of the city. This case study explores the current state of accessibility and inclusion in the city for persons with disabilities and helps understand whether such urban innovations are inclusive for all the city’s residents.

Medellín is home to nearly 80,000 persons with disabilities and Colombia does have strong legal frameworks in place to support persons with disabilities. However, this case study found that the numerous laws and regulations are not always well implemented and there is also a need to consider more diverse disabilities in city planning and design.

The research took place in 3 phases between December 2022 and May 2023, combining both virtual and face to face approaches. Phase 1 focused on understanding the current state of accessibility through desk-based research and interviews. Phase 2 captured the lived experience of persons with disabilities through interviews, photo diaries and co-design activities. Phase 3 then synthesised the findings, running multiple in-person workshops to validate and create actions towards the creation of more inclusive environments. Thematic analysis was applied to understand the research data, identifying key themes across three different stakeholder groups of People, Policy, and Practice.

The themes identified span across daily life for persons with disabilities including, poverty, transport, housing, healthcare, public spaces and recreational activities. Quotes from participants are interwoven throughout the report and strengthen the concluding actions. The report recognises what has worked in Medellin as well as areas for improvement.

Mainstreaming Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDDR) in Community Based Inclusive Development: A Situation Analysis

GRECH, Shaun
July 2023

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Two publications, developed with the University of Cape Town, aim to provide development practitioners and organisations with the tools they need to ensure that a disability inclusive approach to disaster risk reduction can be integrated into all community development programmes.

A situation analysis reviews the situation and outlines the extent to which DIDRR is infused within CBID. The study points out the barriers in place and highlights the opportunities available to facilitate the process of mainstreaming DIDRR, which means building DIDRR into the core of community development programmes as opposed to these disciplines operating in separate spheres. This mainstreaming will not only ensure greater preparedness for disasters, but also protection of the gains made in community development programmes.

A major outcome of this study is a new set of guidelines for practice on the mainstreaming of DIDRR in community development: Mainstreaming DIDRR in CBID – Guidance for Planning and Practice

Mainstreaming Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) in Community Development: Guidance for Planning and Practice.

GRECH, Shaun
July 2023

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Two new publications, developed with the University of Cape Town, aim to provide development practitioners and organisations with the tools they need to ensure that a disability inclusive approach to disaster risk reduction can be integrated into all community development programmes. A situation analysis reviews the situation and outlines the extent to which DIDRR is infused within CBID. 

A major outcome of this study is a new set of guidelines for practice on the mainstreaming of DIDRR in community development: Mainstreaming DIDRR in CBID – Guidance for Planning and Practice. In twenty action points, the guide provides pointers for practitioners on how community-based initiatives can become more informed about disasters and start mainstreaming DIDRR. It aims to stimulate reflection at multiple stages, from project planning to implementation and monitoring, to ensure DIDRR becomes an integral part of community-based programmes, in an effective, sensitive and responsive way.

The guidelines are available to download either as one document or as 20 separate action points.




Assistive technology in Korea: Findings from the 2017 National Disability Survey

LIN, Myung-Joon
July 2023

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Explicitly monitoring the need, use and satisfaction of assistive product (AP) provision is essential to support population health and healthy longevity in ageing/aged countries, like Korea. We present findings from the 2017 Korea National Disability Survey (NDS) on AP access and compare them to international averages, introducing Korea’s data into the wider coherence of global AP research.


Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 


Prevention against emerging infectious diseases: An Opportunity for Inclusive Health. Understanding the behavioural and social drivers (BeSD) of COVID-19 vaccination among persons with disabilities in Internally Displaced camps in Somalia/Somaliland

ZIVERI, Davide
July 2023

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In close collaboration with the World Health Organization, Humanity & Inclusion adapted and piloted WHO’s behavioural and social drivers (BeSD) of vaccination tools to understand and analyze the perception of COVID-19 vaccines as well as the barriers and drivers of immunization among persons with disabilities in a humanitarian setting in Somalia/Somaliland. This study was funded by the Universal Health Coverage and Life Course (UHL) division of the Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) department of the World Health Organization, Geneva. Humanity & Inclusion also carried out a Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) project, contributing to the inquiry phase described in this report, to foster the right to health as well as access to COVID-19 vaccination in Somalia/Somaliland, funded by the Center for Disaster Philanthropy.


RS I FP I 44

Wheelchair provision guidelines

June 2023

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These Wheelchair provision guidelines aim to support improved access to appropriate wheelchairs, for all those in need, including children, older persons, people with mobility disabilities, and those with chronic health conditions. They are relevant for all countries and apply to all wheelchair users and types of wheelchairs. They emphasize that the best outcomes in wheelchair access occur when wheelchair users have the benefit of an individual process of assessment, fitting, training, and follow up, provided by trained personnel. Their purpose is to ensure that wheelchair users have timely access through wheelchair services that are people-centred and responsive to their needs. Target audiences are those with a role in planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of wheelchair provision. This includes policy-makers, wheelchair service personnel, and wheelchair user representative organizations

WHO disability-inclusive health services training package: a companion to the Disability-inclusive health services toolkit. A resource for health facilities in the Western Pacific Region

June 2023

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The WHO Disability-Inclusive Health Services Training Package is a companion to the “WHO Disability-Inclusive Health Services Toolkit: A resource for health facilities in the Western Pacific Region” published by WHO in 2020. This package offers a range of additional training materials including presentations, workbooks and videos that will allow users to develop the foundational skills and understanding of the Toolkit for its implementation. Together the Toolkit and Training Package will help ensure equitable access to health services, best-quality outcomes and improved quality of life for all people with disabilities to achieve universal health coverage.

Assistive technology: The current perspective in India

MANNAM, Hasheem
May 2023

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Despite many challenges, India needs to formulate evidence-based AT policy, planning within the purview of the healthcare delivery system in collaboration with various government and nongovernment sectors, including industries. This article explores the need, access, and potential challenges associated with AT services in India. Finally, we discussed various initiatives on AT in the country and possible recommendations to improve AT services across.


Indian J Ophthalmol. 2023 May; 71(5): 1804–1809.

doi: 10.4103/IJO.IJO_2652_22

Assistive technology access in longitudinal datasets: a global review

MITRA, Sophie
HUSSEIN, Shereen
March 2023

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Functional limitations become more prevalent as populations age, emphasising an increasingly urgent need for assistive technology (AT). Critical to meeting this need trajectory is understanding AT access in older ages. Yet few publications examine this from a longitudinal perspective.

This review aims to identify and collate what data exist globally, seeking all population-based cohorts and repeated cross-sectional surveys through the Maelstrom Research Catalogue (searched May 10, 2022) and the Disability Data Report (published 2022), respectively. Datasets incorporating functional limitations modules and question(s) dedicated to AT, with a wave of data collection since 2009, were included.


International Journal of Population Data Science; 2023

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): IJPDS Standard Issue

Experiences of lower limb prosthesis users in Kenya: a qualitative study to understand motivation to use and satisfaction with prosthetic outcomes

HOLLOWAY, Catherine
December 2022

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An estimated 1.5 million people undergo limb amputation each year [1]. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are projected to have a rapid increase in people living with an amputation in the coming years due to prevalence of non-communicable disease, trauma and conflict. This paper explores the personal and system factors that motivate and enhance outcomes for patients accessing a prosthetic service and using a lower-limb prosthesis within a low resource setting.

This study employed a qualitative approach to explore the motivations and satisfaction of individuals with lower limb loss engaging with a prosthetic service in Mombasa, Kenya. In-depth interviews were conducted over Microsoft Teams with 10 lower limb prosthesis users and thematic analysis was applied.


Disability and Rehabilitation Volume 45, 2023 - Issue 26

Children with disabilities in the Middle East and North Africa: A statistical overview of their well-being

October 2022

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An estimated 21 million children with disabilities live in the Middle East and North Africa. Each of them – like every child in the world – has the right to be nurtured and supported through responsive care and education, to receive adequate nutrition and social protection, and to enjoy play and leisure time. Too often, however, such rights are denied. The reasons vary. They include stigma, lack of accessible services, institutionalization and physical barriers, but the consequences are sadly consistent. When marginalized from society, the chances for these children to survive and thrive are diminished, along with their prospects for a bright future.

Monitoring the inclusion of children with disabilities in development efforts has long been held back by the lack of reliable and comprehensive data. Recent years, however, have seen renewed efforts to fill these data gaps. The development of new data collection tools has resulted in a substantial increase in the availability and quality of data on children with disabilities, fostering new analyses and contributing to increased knowledge generation.

This report is a testament to these efforts. It includes internationally comparable data from four countries in the Middle East and North Africa and covers 18 indicators of child well-being – from nutrition, health and education to protection from violence, exploitation and discrimination. It also presents global and regional estimates of children with disabilities drawn from more than 1,000 data sources, including 95 from countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

The report’s objective is to promote the use of these data to make children with disabilities in the region more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences. It offers evidence crucial to decision-making to fulfill obligations, both moral and legal, to give every child an equal chance in life.

Inclusive Design and Accessibility of the Built Environment in Nairobi, Kenya

October 2022

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Prepared by the Global Disability Innovation Hub and partners for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

This case study, funded through UK aid AT2030 programme, explores the current situation of inclusive and accessible environments for people with disabilities living in Nairobi. The research findings detailed in this report describe the current challenges and opportunities for embedding inclusive design in Nairobi’s future, providing priority recommendations and forward-thinking next steps.

The research took place in three phases between July 2021 and January 2022, combining both virtual and face to face approaches. Phase 1 focused on understanding the current state of accessibility through desk research and interviews, phase 2 captured the lived experience of people with disabilities utilising interviews, photo diaries and co-design activities. Phase 3 then synthesised findings, running multiple workshops to create actions towards inclusive environments. Thematic analysis was applied to understand the research data, identifying key themes across three different stakeholder groups of People, Policy, and Practice.

The themes identified span across daily life, poverty, transport, housing, sanitation, public spaces and recreational activities. Quotes from participants are interwoven into this report, and strengthen the concluding actions towards inclusion.


