This journal is an online open access international multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly. The papers are double blind peer reviewed research in multidisciplinary areas presenting changes happening in higher education and society as well as research
This database provides water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and inclusion papers presented at WEDC conferences. Topics include inclusive sanitation, urban sanitation, school WASH, emergency sanitation and community led total sanitation in low-income countries
This guide helps to reduce the exposure of people to risks caused by disasters. Assessing vulnerability and capacities provides opportunities for the collection of relevant information about communities and impending risks before the event occurs. Guidance on how to prepare and initiate a vulnerability and capacity assessment is provided
Medbox is an online library aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in humanitarian action. An independent internet platform supported by international agencies and scientific institutions active in humanitarian assistance and development, this resource collates online professional guidelines, textbooks and practical documents on health action.
Resources are divided under the following main headings: Key resources (subheadings include Disaster Preparedness, WASH, Project Cycle Management), Clinical Guidelines, Pharmacy and Technologies, Women and Child Health, Public Health, Countries and Toolboxes
The 24 case studies highlight the important relationship that communication plays in the effectiveness of a community’s understanding and willingness to work together for the most effective response to disasters possible. It provides a clear understanding of the connection between the science behind national disasters and the relationship between effective communication and response efforts
Case Study #1: Early Warning - Early Action;
Case Study #2: Knowledge Timeline;
Case Study #3: Participatory Downscaling;
Case Study #4: Scenario-based risk communication;
Case Study #5: Competency Groups;
Case Study #6: Nanodialogues;
Case Study #7: Tools for participative climate risk communication;
Case Study #8: Café Scientifique;
Case: Study #9: Decision Support System for flood risk management;
Case Study #10: Blending sources of climate information;
This project aims to enhance the capacity of national and international NGO workers and other humanitarian actors to engage with the international humanitarian coordination system in a manner that improves overall coordination and responds to the needs of crisis-affected populations. The program website features capacity strengthening tools including e-learning and in-person workshops that were developed through a consultative approach and related resources. The e-learning courses are self-paced e-certificate course that can be accessed by logging in and signing up in a different languages
Trusted by more than 80,000 humanitarians and developed in collaboration with leading aid agencies and humanitarian experts, makes cutting-edge professional development resources available to aid workers and volunteers - anywhere, anytime, at no cost.’s online learning library of more than 600 training resources is constantly expanding and covers core topics such as Humanitarianism, Program/Operations, Protection, Staff Welfare, Management and Leadership, Staff Safety & Security, and Soft Skills. is available as an open online learning portal for individuals to register on their own or for organizations looking to provide online training to employees and volunteers.
This website provides information about the Disaster Risk Management in East Asia and the Pacific Series which "was started as a part of World Bank East Asia and Pacific Management Unit Initiatives in collaboration with the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) with the aim to promote capacity building and increase knowledge of professionals involved in DRM activities in the EAP client countries. The seminars cover a wide range of topics including post-disaster response, recovery planning, disaster risk assessment, prevention and mitigation, emergency preparedness and early warning systems, community and local level disaster risk management. They are designed to help DRM professionals in EAP client countries to drive the agenda for DRM activities in their respective countries and empower local partners"
"How quickly your company gets back to business after an earthquake, fire or flood often depends on the emergency planning you do today. Though each situation is unique, any organization can be better prepared if it plans carefully, puts emergency procedures in place, and practices for all kinds of emergencies. This planning document outlines common sense measures you can take to start getting ready and provides practical information to help you plan for your company’s future. A commitment to planning will help support your employees, your clients, the community, and the local economy. It also protects your business investment and gives your company a better chance for survival"
In this video the IRS provide advice on steps that organisations can take to plan for disasters in a way that protects the business and maximises the possibility of a fast recovery
This website presents the work of the Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DiDRRN), which is a group of partners working with government and non-governmental colleagues to raise awareness on the importance of disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction. The website contains information about the network and its partners, as well as a wide array of free resources on disability and disasters, ranging from recent news to Disaster Risk Reduction log frames and global events
“In this position paper, German Development and Disabled People’s Organizations stress the need to mainstream disability in disaster risk reduction.” The report outlines the need for increased recognition of disability in planning for disasters, and c provides recommendations with reference to the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This leaflet provides a list of considerations for those seeking to develop inclusive emergency plans. The leaflet contains practical advice and tips on how to do things like identify available resources and develop the emergency plan itself, as well as a checklist to help ensure emergency kits are appropriately stocked.
This section of Prevention Web website hosts a collection of resources on the organisations approach to Disaster Risk Reduction. The approach engages the local community in managing local disaster risk often with the collaboration of external actors from civil society, local government and the private sector. This section provides links to progress reports, meetings notes, training packs and academic resources on community based disaster risk reduction
A toolbox within Medbox, an Open Source library for health related work, humanitarian action and development assistance.
Categories within the Disability toolbox include: key resources; types of disability; physiotherapy and rehabilitation; humanitarian crisis; children with disabilities; and capacity building.
Other toolboxes available are: ebola; natural hazards; conflict; zika; TB; cholera; leprosy; polio; rapid response; refugee and specific hazards.