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Young power in social action (YPSA)


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YPSA is a voluntary, non-profit, social development organization registered with a number of different departments of Bangladesh Government, focusing on youth participation in development programmes. It envisions a society without poverty where everyone’s basic needs and rights are ensured. YPSA exists to participate with the poor and vulnerable population with all commitment to bring about their own and society’s sustainable development. The website contains a number of reports and publications, as well as details on the various YPSA projects, the focus of which range from health to human rights to economic development

Applied research on disability in Africa : the East Africa report


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“This literature review concerns the achievements of a project which started in 2014 and will last three years. The aim of this project is the dissemination and promotion of applied research results and disability to researchers and field stakeholders of the African continent (particularly to Disabled People Organizations), in order to increase knowledge on the situation of people with disabilities and the recommendations made to improve their social participation… The goal of this literary review is to report on existing knowledge about applied research on East Africa, regarding physical disability, mental health and less on learning disabilities, the concerns of people with disabilities and their carers’, adults and children, medical aspects of disability, identification of disability, experiences of disability, policy and policy implementation”

For sensitizing intermediaries on sexual rights of young people with learning disabilities


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“This manual has been developed for organizations who wish to educate and sensitize staff, teachers and carers about the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people with mild to moderate learning disabilities. Although it mainly focuses on intermediaries that are staff in an institution for young people with learning disabilities, it may well also be appropriate as a programme for the parents and family of young people with learning disabilities. The manual provides a menu of exercises that can be used to sensitize intermediaries on how to create a protective environment for young people with learning disabilities to prevent sexual abuse and violence”

Beyond 2015 : shaping the future of equality, human rights, and social justice


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This is the website for the Beyond 2015 Project, the goals of which are to improve equality, human rights and social justice in the UK by working together more effectively across sectors, disciplines and places. This website provides an introduction to the project and access to various reports on topics ranging from progress towards goals, impacts of the project, challenges to the work, and many more

Community-based DRR


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This section of Prevention Web website hosts a collection of resources on the organisations approach to Disaster Risk Reduction. The approach engages the local community in managing local disaster risk often with the collaboration of external actors from civil society, local government and the private sector. This section provides links to progress reports, meetings notes, training packs and academic resources on community based disaster risk reduction 

Do2Learn : Educational resources - Printable picture cards


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View2Do gives schools and families a powerful tool to create, share, network, and teach, all in an engaging visual medium ideal for students with learning and communication differences. Resource picture cards to teach daily living, social and behavioural skills are available with or without text and cover the topics of: healthcare, self-help, activities, home and school, social, safety, calendar and technology. Black and white picture cards are provided to help you make your own schedules, story strips and talking back cards. They can be printed as full-size coloring pages, in one or two-inch sizes with or without words. Printed and cut out, these can be used singly or grouped together.  

Inclusive transition


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Challenges faced by learners during education transition from class to class or school to school and ways in which these transitions can be made more inclusive and supported are presented. 

Age, gender and diversity


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Within the overall humanitarian response architecture, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) works to improve the predictability, leadership, effectiveness and accountability of response to ensure that protection is central to humanitarian action. It is the GPC's responsibility to engage in three key areas: standards and policy setting, building response capacity, and operational support. Through the systematic application of an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) approach, it seeks to ensure that all individuals in affected communities have access to their rights on an equal footing. Various Essential Guidance and Tools are available in each of the areas of age, gender and diversity (persons with disabilities and minorities and indigenous people). 

Creating an accessible website


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Tips for creating an accessible website are presented. It advises to begin the project with accessibility in mind, to structure HTML properly and to preserve functionality for visitors using just a keyboard. In the working with visual content section, tips provided include: not depending on colour alone, not using CSS to convey critical information, offering alternative to audio and video content, using descriptive link text and using ARIA roles. Links are provided and additional resources listed. 

Medbox: Disability toolbox

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A toolbox within Medbox, an Open Source library for health related work, humanitarian action and development assistance. 

Categories within the Disability toolbox include: key resources; types of disability; physiotherapy and rehabilitation; humanitarian crisis; children with disabilities; and capacity building.

Other toolboxes available are: ebola; natural hazards; conflict; zika; TB; cholera; leprosy; polio; rapid response; refugee and specific hazards.

The Lao Disabled Person's Association

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Established in 2001, the Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disabilities advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs. 

The LDPA has over 11,000 members from across the country but seeks to represent the interests of all people with disability within Lao PDR irrespective of their membership status. The LDPA does this at a national and provincial level. The LDPA’s head office in Vientiane Capital works in partnership with several organisations on strategic advocacy and rights-based projects and also provides outreach, opportunity and empowerment at a provincial level where members are organised into groups.

CBM Australia self-help group enquiry


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This guidance considers how self help groups are supported and the factors that are needed to ensure that they are functional, inclusive and sustainable.

This was a small-scale enquiry that involved looking at case studies from six partners that employ self-help group development for a range of purposes and in a range of geographical locations. A questionnaire was used by project officers with each of the six selected projects, and the resulting information was analysed by a group from CBMA’s International Programs department, with key areas of learning identified from this discussion. Findings are not comprehensive or conclusive and there is not one model for success. Instead the aim is to draw some useful tips from partners’ experiences.

Supporting deafblind people to live, learn and thrive.


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Sense International is a global charity supporting deafblind people in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, Romania and Uganda. An overview is given of work by Sense International in the areas of early intervention, education and health services, livelihood support, building local capacity and advocacy for deafblind people.

Youth infonet

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Youth InfoNet is a one-stop electronic source for new publications and information on youth reproductive health and HIV prevention, presented in two parts: Programme Resources. Summaries of tools, curricula, programme reports, unpublished research findings, and other items that may be useful for youth programming. Most items are available online and links to those are included with the summaries; Research Articles. Summaries of peer-reviewed research papers published in the last month on developing country research
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Roll Back Malaria : a global partnership


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The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is the largest global platform for coordinated action towards a world free from malaria. It is comprised of over 500 partners - from community health worker groups and researchers developing new tools, to malaria-affected and donor countries, businesses and international organisations.

Handbook on Disability Services


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The Online Handbook on Disability Services in Finland supports social workers in their work with persons with disabilities. Information is available on disability rights and legislation, disability services and research and statistics

EuRADE : European research agendas for disability equality


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This website provides information about the project European Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE). It outlines the project, provides updated news and events, and contains links to related resources. The aim of the project is to increase and enhance the full participation of disabled people's organisations (DPOs) as equal and active partners in future research initiatives. This website is useful for researchers and organisations interested in DPO involvement in Europe

Disabled parents network

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Set up by disabled people, the aim of the website and of the Disabled Parents Network is to facilitate training, raise awareness, and provide a range of information and advice for disabled people who would like to become parents or are parents already

