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Chapter 11 : protection of persons with specific needs

May 2008

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This chapter outlines the key issues of persons with specific needs in internally displaced persons(IDP) or refugee communities and provides practical recommendations for a camp management agencies
Published in Camp Management Toolkit by The Camp Management Project

Impact assessment : drivers, dilemmas, and deliberations

CHAPMAN, Jennifer
MANCINI, Antonella
April 2008

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This paper investigates key debates and issues around impact assessment and performance measurement for UK development NGOs. Initially, it was created to stimulate internal debate at Sightsavers, however, it has been adopted for use by the NGO sector at large. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in organisational management and development

NGOs & UN agencies assisting persons with disabilities : a non-exhaustive reference list of organizations working with and for persons with disabilities world-wide

EGUEZ, Maria Isabel
April 2008

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"This reference list is a mapping of specialized organizations working with and for persons with disabilities around the world. This reference list is intended to help UNHCR field staff identify specialized organizations that may be willing to support UNHCR by including persons of concern with disabilities into their programs...The reference list has been divided into five regions: Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Asia & the Pacific, Europe, and the Americas. Each region is then alphabetically categorized by country"

Improving global road safety

April 2008

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This resolution adopted by the General Assembly highlights the importance of improving global road safety. It recognises recent global initiatives and concludes by outlining eight points to further strengthen international cooperation and knowledge-sharing in road safety taking into account the needs of developing countries. This paper is useful for anyone interested in improving global road safety
87th plenary meeting on 31 March 2008

Toolkit for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the education sector : guidelines for development cooperation agencies

January 2008

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This toolkit aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies, including both development and humanitarian-oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations, to support the process of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and opportunities; and to establish priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and discussion, depending on the local needs and context

Making schools inclusive : how change can happen|Save the Children's experience

LEWIS, Ingrid

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This report looks at how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) can help school systems in developing countries become more inclusive. It shares experience of developing tools and approaches that have improved education for the most excluded children in society. Taking examples from 13 countries around the world it describes case study programmes that: target specific groups of vulnerable children; build inclusive school communities; promote change throughout an education system; and address financial barriers to inclusive education. This report will be of interest to policy-makers, managers and advisers in government, donors and NGOs, and to education students

Guide for documenting and sharing 'best practices' in health programmes


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This document provides guidance on the process for identifying, documenting and sharing knowledge on country experiences in the planning, implementation and monitoring of health programmes and services that can be considered as 'Best Practices' and that can contribute to the acceleration and expansion of health sector actions. It has been written for WHO staff, ministries of health and civil society organisations

The Kampala declaration and agenda for global action


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This resource contains both the Kampala declaration and an agenda for global action to "guide the initial steps in a coordinated global, regional and national response to the worldwide shortage and mal-distribution of health workers, moving towards universal access to quality health care and improved health outcomes. It is meant to unite and intensify the political will and commitments necessary for significant and effective actions to resolve this crisis, and to align efforts of all stakeholders at all levels around solutions"

World health report 2008|Primary health care : now more than ever


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This report considers four sets of reforms that reflect a convergence between the values of primary health care, the expectations of citizens and the common health performance challenges that cut across all contexts. These include: universal coverage reforms, service delivery reforms, public policy reforms, and leadership reforms. "While universally applicable, these reforms do not constitute a blueprint or a manifesto for action. The details required to give them life in each country must be driven by specific conditions and contexts, drawing on the best available evidence"

The right to live in the community : making it happen for people with intellectual disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo


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This report concerns the situation of people with intellectual disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Montenegro and Serbia. It describes how five organisations working in the region have successfully developed innovative services to support people with intellectual disabilities to live in their communities as equal citizens. The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of developing a range of client-focused, community-based services as alternatives to institutionalisation; demonstrate that such services can successfully be developed in the region; identify barriers to the development of such services; and make recommendations on how to address such barriers

What is the effectiveness of community based rehabilitation in improving the well-being of adults with physical disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa?|Policy recommendations for international non-government organizations

BOGGS, Dorothy

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This policy report examines the effectiveness of community based rehabilitation (CBR) in improving the well-being of people with disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa and provides recommendations to international NGOs for improving CBR strategy
Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
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Civil society engagement for mainstreaming disability in the development process : report of an action research project initiated in Gujarat with multi-stakeholder partnership

Handicap International

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This report describes "a three-year action research (2002-2005), in Gujarat, to understand the prevailing situation and invoking the participation of civil society groups for mainstreaming disability... The four key strategies adopted in the project have been detailed to share how civil society groups can be mobilised and invoked to take concrete action for promoting participation of persons with disabilities on local issues, creation of a barrier-free environment, developing materials for public education and social communication and influencing development organisations for mainstreaming disability"

Expert seminar on freedom from torture and ill treatment and persons with disabiliities

December 2007

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The aim of this seminar and associated seminars is threefold: first, to properly identify and define torture and ill treatment in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; second, to distinguish the forms of torture that affect disabled people the most; third, to mainstream the rights of persons with disabilities within the work of the United Nations human rights mechanisms

From exclusion to equality : realizing the rights of persons with disabilities.|Handbook for parliamentarians on the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and its optional protocol

BYRNES, Andrew
et al
October 2007

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This handbook is the result of extensive collaboration between the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. It aims to raise awareness about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disseminate information and help stakeholders understand the key elements of the Convention as they put the articles into practice. Extensive insights and a range of examples are designed to aid parliamentarians as they promote and protect the rights of disabled people. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and disability and development. It will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish

Recommendations for the victim assistance provisions in a treaty banning cluster munitions : a practitioner's perspective

October 2007

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This resource is a set of recommendations for victim assistance provisions in a treaty banning cluster munitions developed by international civil society organisations in a workshop . It presents what this group believes should be included in a future treaty to ensure that its implementation will respond to the needs and rights of cluster submunition victims

Child-friendly text UN disability convention

September 2007

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This resource clearly outlines the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in a child-friendly format. This document would be an ideal teaching aid for disabled and non-disabled children. It includes easy-to-read explanations of concepts like: human rights, disability, ratification, universal design and accessibility. This source would be useful for anyone with an interest in teaching, child rights and disability and development

