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Mental health and development : integrating mental health into all development efforts including MDGs

September 2010

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This paper focuses upon integrating mental health into all development issues, including the MDGs. It presents mental health as an emerging development issue, highlights the vulnerability of persons with mental / psychosocial disabilities, and outlines mental health related to each millenium devleopment goal. It concludes by stating the response from the international community and makes recommendations for a way forward
UN(DESA)-WHO Policy Analysis

"As if we weren’t human" : discrimination and violence against women with disabilities in northern Uganda

BARRIGA, Shantha Rau KWON, Soo-Ryun
August 2010

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After 20 years of displacement and war in northern Uganda, this research report presents information about the situation of women who acquired their disabilities due to the war or who already had disabilities before the war. The report presents interviews from women with disabilities, their family members, international agencies and NGOs, and analyses their responses given the context that Uganda is a signatory to international treaties, such as the CRPD. The report concludes by making recommendations to the government of Uganda

CBR policy paper 2010

August 2010

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CBM is an international Christian development organisation, which employs community-based rehabilitation strategies to achieve its aim of improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. This policy paper discusses the benefits of CBR, effective development of CBR strategies, and CBM’s future work in CBR

Fallen off the agenda? more and better aid needed for Iraq recovery

et al
July 2010

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This policy briefing produced jointly by 17 NGOs provides recommendations to the British government, other EU Member States and the European Commission, on how to build democracy and stability in Iraq. This would be of interest to anyone working in international development and reconstruction in Iraq

Handbook for coordinating gender-based violence interventions in humanitarian settings

WARD, Jeanne
July 2010

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This Handbook has been produced by the global Gender-based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility Working Group as a quick reference tool for all individuals and agencies involved in GBV programming and coordination in humanitarian/emergency settings. The handbook contains practical guidance on leadership roles, key responsibilities and specific actions to be taken when establishing and maintaining a GBV coordination mechanisms in a humanitarian setting. The focus is primarily on work that should be done to scale up coordination from the onset of an emergency (both conflict and natural disasters) but is also relevant to contingency planning and post-emergency stabilization phases
The goal of the handbook is to improve coordination capacity at the field level in order to facilitate accessible, prompt, confidential and appropriate services for survivors according to a basic set of principles and to put in place mechanisms to prevent GBV
The handbook can also be used as an advocacy tool to educate non-GBV programmers--including UN personnel, government officials, NGO staff and donors--about basic protection responsibilities related to GBV coordination, prevention and response

Heightened risk identification tool (HRIT)

June 2010

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"The Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) and User Guide have been developed to enhance UNHCR's effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk by linking community-based / participatory assessments and individual assessment methodologies. They have been designed for use by UNHCR staff involved in community services and/or protection activities (including resettlement) and partner agencies"

The heightened risk identification tool : user guide

June 2010

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"The Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) and User Guide have been developed to enhance UNHCR's effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk by linking community-based / participatory assessments and individual assessment methodologies. They have been designed for use by UNHCR staff involved in community services and/or protection activities (including resettlement) and partner agencies"

PMTCT strategic vision 2010 - 2015 : preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV to reach the UNGASS and millennium development goals

February 2010

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This strategic vision defines WHO’s commitment to help countries achieve agreed international goals on the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, increase access to quality PMTCT services and integrate these services with maternal, newborn and child health and sexual and reproductive health programmes

World health statistics 2010


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This annual compilation of health-related data for the World Health Organization's 193 member states, includes a summary of the progress made towards achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and associated targets

Mental health and development : targeting people with mental health conditions as a vulnerable group

FUNK, Michelle
et al

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"This report on mental health and development is a call to action to all development stakeholders - governments, civil society, multilateral agencies, bilateral agencies, global partnerships, private foundations, academic and research institutions - to focus their attention on mental health
The report presents compelling evidence that persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities are a vulnerable group but continue to be marginalized in terms of development aid and government attention. It makes the case for reaching out to this group through the design and implementation of appropriate policies and programmes and through the inclusion of mental health interventions into broader poverty reduction and development strategies. The report also describes a number of key interventions which can provide a starting point for these efforts. By investing in persons with mental and psychosocial disabilities, development outcomes can be improved"

INEE pocket guide to supporting learners with disabilities

LEWIS, Ingrid
LITTLE, Duncan

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This guide offers practical ideas for including children and young people with disabilities in education during or after an emergency. It addresses current barriers to inclusive education. Specific sections cover curriculum content , tests and learning assessments. This guide will assist anyone working with teachers or facilitators in an emergency, whether as part of the formal education system or a non-governmental programme

Disability in the workplace : company practices


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This paper is "a compilation of 25 company profiles, which describes how companies address hiring and retention, products and services and corporate social responsibility (CSR) from the perspective of disability. The publication is for companies, employers’ organizations and other representative business organizations, workers’ organizations, ILO staff, people with disabilities, and others interested in learning about company practices as it relates to disability. It is one of the first knowledge sharing initiatives of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network"
Working Paper No 3

Youth to youth|Disability-sensitive youth to youth : methodologies in HIV and AIDS


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This video features HIV and AIDS prevention and education initiatives in Kenya. It particularly targets the youth population due to a lack of available information and risk behaviours, such as sexuality, drug use and alcohol use. In order to prevent risks and present treatment options for the youth who are AIDS-carriers, several youth groups organized the following activities to prevent and fight the disease: street theatre for awareness-raising, group education sessions, and promotion of VCT services for communication and information. This video contains several testimonies and one features Mercy, a young girl who has AIDS after working as prostitute to feed her two children and is now involved in a support group

Child-centred disaster risk reduction : building resilience through participation : lessons from Plan International


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This report “presents the results and recommendations of a five-year programme and…includes a series of case studies illustrating how child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) supports the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, as well as the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation within disaster risk contexts…Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction is an innovative approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that fosters the agency of children and youth, in groups and as individuals, to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more resilient to disasters”

Moscow declaration

November 2009

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This declaration from the first global ministerial conference on road safety acknowledges the global road safety crisis and recognises current initiatives. It highlights 11 resolutions and invites the UN to establish a Decade of Action for Road Safety from 2011-2020. This declaration is useful to those interested in road safety
First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety : Time for Action
Moscow, Russia
19-20 November 2009

Just do it : dealing with the dilemmas in monitoring and evaluating capacity building

November 2009

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This report draws on the author’s practical experience in the field suggesting some pragmatic ways to deal with the dilemmas often faced by organisations when monitoring and evaluating capacity building.  The author suggests starting simple, focusing on what is feasible and doing it [capacity building] in such a way as to reinforce NGO ownership of that capacity building

Praxis Note n°49

Road safety : call for action

October 2009

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This report presents details about global road safety initiatives. It provides background information on the call for action, outlines the global recognition of the road safety crisis and highlights the actions taken by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies by presenting related figures, case studies and recommendations. This report is useful for anyone interested in road safety initiatives

JICA thematic guidelines on disability

March 2009

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These guidelines were compiled to show the direction of JICA’s projects and the points to be noted based on an exploration and analysis of the status quo, trends, approaches, and techniques of assistance for persons with disabilities

World health statistics 2009


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This book contains WHO’s annual compilation of data from its 193 Member States, and includes a summary of progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and targets. This edition also contains a new section on reported cases of selected infectious diseases. An online version of this publication and metadata describing the sources, estimation methods and the quality of estimates is available at The online version will be regularly updated as new data become available during 2009

Global polio eradication initiative : annual report 2008


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This is the annual report of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) measuring progress made in 2008 against the objectives of the GPEI Strategic Plan 2004-2008 and against milestones set for the current Intensified Eradication Effort 2007-2008. Set up in 1988, the GPEI is spearheaded by WHO, Rotary International, CDC and UNICEF

