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Impact Assessment of a Vocational Training Program for Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh

NURI, Reshma Parvin
HOQUE, Tohidul
WALDRON, Samuel Matthew
AKAND, Mustafa Kamal

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a vocational training programme in enabling 261 persons with disabilities to find employment in Bangladesh.


Methods: A qualitative method, which employed interviews and focus group discussions, assessed the effect of the training programme on key individual, societal and physical factors set out by the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2001).


Results: 157 persons with disabilities (60%) secured employment after training. Of these, 74% reported that they were able to provide a better livelihood for their families, 92% reported increased social acceptance, and 83% reported improvement in overall quality of life. Of those who did not find employment, 15% cited issues related to the training course, 6% mentioned discriminatory attitudes of potential employers and 12% had problems related to physical access.


Conclusions and Implications: These results suggest that the vocational training programme improved the (re)entry of persons with disabilities into employment, which in turn aided their rehabilitation. However, discriminatory attitudes towards them at the workplace were reported.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol 23, No 3

Strengthening programme and policy implementation to meet the needs of young disabled people in East Africa

UTTING, Kirsten
November 2011

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This report outlines key learning and discussion points from a disability workshop held in Tanzania involving ICT's East African partners from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, and a variety of DPOs representing different impairments. The aim of the workshop was to improve understanding and knowledge of participants on issues of disability and exclusion. There was a particular focus on learning practical strategies and tools which would be put into practice to make programmes more inclusive and accessible. This report is useful for practitioners working with young people with disability and includes presentations from a Disabled Peoples’ Organisations and Advocacy Plans.
International Childcare Trust Workshop
Arusha, Tanzania
7-10 November, 2011
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Working methods of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities adopted at its fifth session : 11-15 April 2011

September 2011

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"These working methods, which are subject to periodic review, were developed to guide the work of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to complement the Committee’s rules of procedure. The present working methods reflect the eight general principles that underpin the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities"

The New Delhi recommendations

September 2011

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This report highlights recommendations from representatives of disabled people’s organizations and international agencies to improve the lives of disabled people following a workshop, and the mechanisms to complete these recommendations
Regional Workshop to Accelerate the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
New Delhi, India
18-21 August 2011

Of course we can : report on the rights of persons with disabilities in Timor-Leste

September 2011

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From 2010 to 2011, UNMIT’s Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section (HRTJS) conducted research on the rights of persons with disabilities. This report presents an overview of the research and highlights that, even though progress has been made in Timor-Leste to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, further steps are still needed. The report gives priority recommendations for the government, donors and the United Nations for these steps to be implemented

Realising UNCRPD : learning from inclusive practices in education and employment|Case studies in education and employment

July 2011

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"This document compiles the findings from the case studies and provides a synthesis of their inclusive practices. Further, it provides key pointers for future direction which are open for further debate. The key purpose of this document is to facilitate wider dissemination of inclusive practices in accessible formats and generate dialogue with various, thus serving an essential educational purpose"

Non-Communicable diseases in an ageing world : a report from the International Longevity Centre UK, HelpAge International and Alzheimer’s Disease International lunch debate

BAMFORD, Sally-Marie
SERRA, Valentina
July 2011

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This report, based on the discussion and recommendations from the expert meeting, presents information about the need for a life-course focus on prevention, treatment, management and related care issues on NCDs and for dementia to be addressed as a global priority for action. "The first part of the report highlights salient policy and political issues on the NCD question and summarises some of the key international developments in this regard. The latter section of the report provides a summary of the presentation by Professor Martin Prince, and identifies some of the key themes which emerged from the meeting"
Expert stakeholder lunch meeting
London, UK
4 May 2011

Ageing and disability in humanitarian response : a resource book of inclusive practices

QURESHI, Waqas Ashfaq
June 2011

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This report reviews the contributions of international NGOs, NGOs, Disabled People Organisations and other stakeholders in the disability and ageing sector. Their responses to mainstreaming disability and/or ageing issues in humanitarian response in Pakistan are presented, and general recommendations are provided. This report would be useful to those who work with disabled and older people in disaster situations

Assisting landmine and other ERW survivors in the context of disarmament, disability and development

June 2011

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"Building upon the precedents established through more than a decade of efforts to implement the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, this publication brings together over a decade of experience in efforts to assist the victims of landmines and other ERW. It aims to raise awareness among a broad range of actors working on issues and in sectors central to efforts to assist survivors and other persons with disabilities and highlights opportunities for ensuring coherence, closer cooperation and efficiency on victim assistance, ultimately with a view to achieving the greatest impact on the ground in affected communities"

Insight plus : perspectives on social inclusion

June 2011

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This newsletter presents information about social inclusion and how working together with disabled people, their families and local communities can break down barriers and ensure that disabled people are able to participate fully in society, receive an education, gain employment and be part of local decision-making processes. Featured case studies include joint efforts towards an accessible electoral process in Cameroon, new ways of working towards social inclusion in Uganda, and campaigning for accessible banking systems in India
Insight Plus, Issue 3

Rehabilitation : a crucial component in the future of HIV care and support

NIXON, Stephanie
et al
June 2011

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"Provision of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is not an end in itself but a means to achieving improved wellness for people living with HIV. Rehabilitation, broadly defined, is another key contributor to wellness within this context. Understanding the potential for rehabilitation requires that one is able to consider HIV not only within a biomedical model that focuses on body systems, diagnoses and symptoms, but also within a rehabilitation framework that focuses on how these diagnoses and symptoms affect people’s lives more broadly. Furthermore, rehabilitation is a human rights imperative, which deserves the energetic attention enjoyed by other aspects of HIV treatment and care. In particular, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is shining a long-overdue spotlight on the human rights imperatives associated with disability. For South Africa and other countries, proactively and meaningfully engaging rehabilitation in the HIV response will require major shifts on several fronts, including practice, education, policy and research. We argue that in settings where ART delivery is now widespread, HIV should be understood not only as a medical issue, but as a rehabilitation and disability concern. Whereas medicine adds years to life, it is rehabilitation that aims to add life to years"
Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine, Vol 12, No 2

World report on disability


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This report "reviews evidence about the situation of people with disabilities around the world. Following chapters on understanding disability and measuring disability, the report contains topic-specific chapters on health; rehabilitation; assistance and support; enabling environments; education; and employment. Within each chapter, there is a discussion of the barriers confronted, and case studies showing how countries have succeeded in addressing these by promoting good practice. In its final chapter, the report offers nine concrete recommendations for policy and practice which if put in place could lead to real improvements in the lives of people with disability"

Call for the recognition of ageing, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in the 2011 UN Summit on NCDs

et al

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This joint position paper highlights that ageing and the associated risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is a key factor for the 21st century’s social and economic sustainability and should therefore be an essential component of the UN’s NCD considerations. This paper outlines seven related considerations for the UN Summit on NCDs and highlights eight recommendations. This paper is useful to anyone interested in NCDs and ageing

Ageing and the challenge of non-communicable diseases in low and middle-income countries : a position paper


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This position paper presents detailed information to advocate for a "whole life course approach to NCDs, which is inclusive of all ages, should be adopted for any recommendations on detection and diagnosis, and strategies for prevention, management and treatment as well as more effective care." It concludes with key messages and recommendations, and is useful for anyone interested in ageing and non-communicable disease in low and middle-income countries

Nutrition, physical activity and NCD prevention : a briefing document


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"The NCD Alliance Proposed Outcomes Document calls on governments around the world to commit to actions in a number of key areas to tackle the global burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This briefing document works in synergy with the Proposed Outcomes Document and provides evidence-based actions for nutrition and physical activity related aspects of NCD prevention...(This) briefing document is divided into two sections. Part A provides Key Messages and Guiding Principles together with clear Calls for Action to improve nutrition and increase physical activity. Part B presents an overview of the available evidence of nutrition, physical activity and NCDs, and of effective policies and interventions to reduce the common risk factors"

Advocacy toolkit : guidance on how to advocate for a more enabling environment for civil society in your context

TOMA, Costanza D

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This toolkit aims for civil society organizations (CSOs) to continue advocating for a more enabling environment for their work, capitalizing on the global momentum to improve their effectiveness as development actors. "This toolkit encourages advocacy among and between CSOs and towards external stakeholders. The toolkit is divided into three sections. Section 1 is an overview summarising the main points and key steps in advocating for a more enabling environment for CSOs. Section 2 provides essential information and documents on CSO development effectiveness and enabling environment. Section 3 provides step-by-step guidance and tools on activities and logistics to assist CSOs develop, implement, monitor and evaluate their advocacy for an enabling environment. A variety of advocacy tools are included throughout the toolkit and templates are available in the annexes. Each section also includes practical tips, case studies and quotes representing Open Forum members’ voices"

Achieving equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities through legislation : an education and training guide


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This education and training guide has been designed to support improved capacity of governments in collaboration with social partners and civil society agencies to design, implement and evaluate legislation that effectively supports equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. It presents seven modules outlining different methods and strategies in for practitioners and advocates individuals to achieve a positive legislative impact

Ensuring access to microfinance services for people with disabilities

GIORDANO, Alexandra
DOUCET, Grégory
December 2010

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This facilitator’s workshop guide is addressed to microfinance institutions and Disabled People´s Organizations to assist in the provision of access to microfinance services for persons with disabilities. This training tool is useful for operational managers, decision-makers, community leaders and NGO managers to build the capacity of participants during workshops to provide access to microfinance services for persons with disabilities

