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Communication in water supply and sanitation : resource booklet

LING, Jack
January 1994

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This booklet is designed to support people to put a communication programme into effect, in and for the water sector. Offers guidance based on the experiences of many people in many countries, and outline the steps that need to be taken to develop and implement a communication strategy. Such a strategy should be designed to support the sector goal of supplying everyone in each country in the years to come with sustainable basic water supply and sanitation. Included as an appendix is a collection of short advocacy pieces which address some of the key questions raised in and by the booklet and which can be referred to or used as a short summary. Together, these pieces set out to make the case for the creation of a communication culture in the Water and Sanitation Sector

Communication case studies for the water supply and sanitation sector

August 1993

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This publication presents eight case studies that demonstrate that effective and sustainable action depends on changes in people; those who make and influence decisions about development priorities and at village level those who change their everyday lives. The cases show that these changes depend on effective communication efforts. They also demonstrate that communication is more than just information, it is a two-way process involving asking and listening

How to investigate drug use in health facilities : selected drug use indicators

Action Programme on Essential Drugs

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This manual defines a limited number of objective measures that can describe the drug use situation in a country, region or individual health facility. Such measures, or indicators, will allow health planners, managers and researchers to make basic comparisons between situations different areas or at different times. In addition, when an intervention is undertaken to improve aspects of drug use, the indicators can be used to measure impact. Indicators can also serve as simple supervisory tools to detect problems in performance by individual providers or health facilities

Let's teach about AIDS : how to assess the community's understanding of AIDS


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Ideas and practical activities to help HIV/AIDS workers understand better how groups see the problem of HIV/AIDS. One in a series of six booklets developed in southern Africa for use by AIDS educators, describing participatory learning exercises that can be used with adults and young people. Other booklets in this series cover a range of issues, including drama, AIDS education and evaluation

Resource kit for independent living : tools for power


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Produced for the Disabled Peoples' International Independent Living Committee, this document is intended to empower disabled individuals and organisations of disabled persons by providing them with easily accessible information on Independent Living philosophy and approach, model projects, and sources of technical assistance in organising grass-roots initiatives. It also serves as a handbook for professionals working in such areas as community planning, social policy and services, rehabilitation, and vocational training. Finally it wants to aid NGO's in their disability work and to inform potential sponsors about the innovative approach that Independent Living entails for the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities

