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Towards a handbook for India : overall assessment, case studies, strategies/conclusion/recommendations


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This handbook is based on a UNESCO project on cultural approaches to HIV and AIDS, which focuses on culture as the core element in ensuring relevance, efficiency and sustainability of prevention and care policies and projects. The handbook is intended to be an instrument for taking a cultural approach to HIV/AIDS in the India. It presents a set of methodological and learning approaches to be implemented in planning and training activities. It also presents a series of case studies demonstrating the approach in projects targetting settled and migrant communities in Delhi, female sex workers, men who have sex with men, street children, and drug users. It concludes with lessons learned and recommendations

Evaluation and poverty reduction


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This collection of papers includes contributions from leading figures in development including policy makers and a Nobel Laureate. It covers a broad spectrum from methodological issues to policy concerns, whilst emphasising 'what works' in poverty reduction programmes. Contributors emphasise social funds and safety nets, social services, crisis prevention, informal social security and insurance systems, anti-corruption programmes, mobilisation of the poor and ultimately the creation of a workable civil society

Curriculum development for learning to live together : the Caribbean sub-region. The final report of the sub-regional seminar held in Havana, Cuba, 15-18 May 2001

BYRON, Isabel

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This report presents the proceedings of a conference which brought together "citizenship education" curriculum developers and and school principals in the Caribbean region. In Part I, the report opens with a synthesis of the national presentations on curriculum development, processes and reforms by a number of countries participating in the seminar, and examines the role which education should play in furthering human development through focusing on human rights and peace. Parts II, III and IV include lecture presentations and the outcomes of the three workshops. These include contributions on the practice of citizenship education in Cuba; the integration of citizenship values in the daily experience at school, and implications for classroom practice; the importance of emotional well-being for pupils and teachers; the social, ethical and educational factors necessary for achieving social cohesion; a description of a school in Anguilla, where teachers and students learn values, attitudes and behaviours for positive citizenship through daily practice; and the content and skills which should be integral to secondary school curricula aiming at education for living together. Part V summarizes the final debate, and concludes with proposals for action

5050 : 50 years : historical review. 50 months : countdown to a TB-free future

MACH, Adrea

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This document presents a comprehensive historical review of TB control, focusing in particular on the progress since Amsterdam, on global initiatives and international funding, and success stories. It also looks at the challenges for the near future, arguing for an expansion of DOTS coverage, better education, effective public-private partnership and greater involvement of NGOs and calling for a scaling up of realistic programmes designed to control, rather than eliminate as yet, the disease. This publication will be useful to programme managers, NGOs and policy makers working in the area of TB control. Including a range of case studies and success stories, it shows what works best and what priorities should be set in the short and medium term

Measuring maternal mortality from a census : guidelines for potential users

HILL, Kenneth
STANTON, Cynthia
GUPTA, Neeru

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This publication, the result of a workshop held in Nairobi in 1998, aims to document and evaluate experiences of measuring maternal mortality from a recent census in developing countries, to encourage countries to build upon these experiences, and to compile recommendations for Statistical Offices considering using the census methodology for maternal mortality estimates

Advocacy tools and guidelines : promoting policy change


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This manual provides "a step by step guide for planning advocacy initiatives, as well as advice for successful implementation. They are intended for country office program managers who wish to include advocacy in their programs. These guidelines will help you to: Learn about advocacy concepts and advocacy vocabulary; Analyze policies that lie at the root of poverty and discrimination; See how advocacy can help you increase your impact; Devise a strategy to achieve your advocacy aims; Acquire essential skills to help you become an effective advocate"

Putting child rights and participatory monitoring and evaluation with children into practice : some examples in Indonesia, Nepal, South Africa and the UK

NURICK, Robert

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This paper focuses on children's rights and includes examples of participatory monitoring and evaluation with children. In particular, it looks at organisational mapping and case studies of child-sensitive monitoring and evaluation activities in South Africa and Nepal and reports on young people's participation in the evaluation of the Saying Power Scheme. Examples of evaluation techniques such as 'confidence lines' and the 'H method' are given

Investing in our future : psychosocial support for children affected by HIV / AIDS : a case study in Zimbabwe and the United Republic of Tanzania

FOX, Susan

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The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had an enormous impact on children. Coping with the cumulative impact of over 17 million AIDS deaths on orphans and other survivors, on communities, and on national development is an enormous challenge, especially in African countries with social and health services already reeling from lack of human and financial resources. Hence, this report is intended for people concerned about and working with families affected with HIV/AIDS. Through providing examples of successful interventions being undertaken by organizations in Zimbabwe and the United Republic of Tanzania, the report shares experiences of essential psychosocial support to children who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS to stimulate new awareness of needs and to open new doors for action. Furthermore, it focuses on what can be done for the child of an infected parent before and after the parent dies, to enable the child to cope better with the situation. Thus, this report illustrates how networking between organizations enables them to collaborate in addressing a variety of children's issues that they could not tackle alone

Comprehensive participatory planning and evaluation

et al
December 2000

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This publication aims to assist individuals and organisations in planning and evaluating interventions in a flexible, comprehensive and participatory manner. Comprehensive participatory planning and evaluation (CPPE) makes use of both casual and dynamic models and offers a high degree of participation, with increased sense of self-esteem and ownership. It is implementation-orientated and can be applied to a number of situations, including programmes and projects. This guide is clearly written, and the CPPE approach is effectively illustrated in simple steps. Covers a range of topics, including problem assessment, intervention identification, planning, setting up a monitoring and evaluation system and proposal writing. The annexes contain two case studies, practical suggestions for planning workshops and a useful checklist

Investing in knowledge : ECDPM experiences, 1994-2000

November 2000

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New information and communication technologies (ICTs) are changing the way our organisations work. In response, organisations are devising new, collaborative, strategies to manage information and share knowledge. This paper illustrates how ECDPM, a small foundation, has sought to achieve its information and communication goals

Networks for development : lessons learned from supporting national and regional networks on legal, ethical and human rights dimensions of HIV/AIDS

October 2000

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The two principal aims of this publication are to synthesise and disseminate key lessons learned from a decade of experience supporting the establishment and development of networks. It will be useful to anyone considering offering support to networks in order to address a specific development challenge. It should also be useful to those, including activists, who are planning to establish networks

Measuring the difference : guide to planning and evaluating health information outreach

BURROUGHS, Catherine M
WOOD, Fred B
September 2000

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This guide presents a programmatic and goal-orientated approach to outreach activities. The premise of this approach is that evaluation is an integral part of programme development: planning and evaluating an outreach initiative is one and the same process, and asking the right questions at the beginning is essential for getting useful results at the end. The guide is practical in purpose, with checklists, worksheets and examples, but also heavily theory-based, offering a range of methodological possibilities and strategies. The guide should be useful to community organisations, libraries, clinics or other groups seeking to affect the capacity of individuals or communities to use health information resources and to address barriers to access, through simple or complex outreach projects. It is not specifically written for developing-country contexts

Grameen Telecom's village phone programme : a multi-media case study

RAMIREZ, Ricardo
HAQ, Moinul
March 2000

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GrameenPhone is a commercial operation providing cellular services in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, with approximately 40,000 customers. This article describes the company's village phone programme, which is enabling women members of the Grameen Bank's revolving credit system to retail cellular phone services in rural areas. This pilot project currently involves 950 village phones providing telephone access to more than 65,000 people. Village women access micro-credit to acquire digital GSM cellular phones and subsequently re-sell phone calls and phone services within their villages

