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Double burden : a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda


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This analysis was carried out by Save the Children UK after reports from the field suggested that disabled people were not accessing HIV prevention information or services, despite being at higher risk of infection. It outlines ways in which disabled people are not fully included in safer-sex communications: for instance blind people hear talk about condoms, but have never held one; the necessity to have a sign-language interpreter for deaf people compromises their right to confidentiality; young girls with disabilities are more likely to be raped and are less able to negotiate safe sex. It recommends the greater integration of disabled people into health and HIV communications and further research to develop disabled-friendly means of communication

Lessons learned workshop : a review of assistance programs for war wounded and other persons with disabilities living in mine-affected countries


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This review is the result of a workshop in May 2004 which brought together rehabilitation specialists from Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America to review assistance programmes for war wounded and persons who are living in landmine-affected countries. Lessons learned regarding emergency and continuing medical care, physical rehabilitation, psycho-social support, economic integration, capacity-building and sustainability, access to services, data collection, and coordination are presented in some detail, with reference to achieving the aims outlined in the International Campaign to Ban Landmines' Guidelines for the care and rehabilitation of survivors (1999)

Guidelines for counselling men who have sex with men

January 2004

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This booklet advises counsellors on how to work with men who have sex with men. It addresses the terminology and attitudes around men who have sex with men in many African cultures and dispells some myths. It advises counsellors on the skills and attitudes that are appropriate when counselling men who have sex with men. It describes what sexual activities these men might engage in and why, and the levels of STI risk associated with them. Finally, it addresses how counsellors can help men who have sex with men cope with emotions and challenges they face; help them avoid HIV infection or re-infection; and live positive and healthy lives with HIV

Promoting rights-based approaches : experiences and ideas from Asia and the Pacific

THEIS, Joachim

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This book is a collection of experiences with rights-based approaches from Asia and the Pacific. Part One looks at rights-based programming, and provides a general overview of rights-based approaches and their history. This is followed by a review of experiences of different rights-based organisations. Part Two translates human rights principles and standards into practical ideas for education and HIV/AIDS programming and for organisational development and management. Part Three presents four examples of rights-based programmes: promoting children’s participation in Vietnam, the Child Friendly District initiative in Ho Chi Minh City, confronting discrimination in South Asia and strengthening accountability for children’s rights through mass media. Part Four presents experiences and experiments with tools for rights-based analysis, planning, monitoring and evaluation. There is also a section on web resources on rights-based approaches, which lists some of the major organisations that are promoting rights-based approaches to development and relief work

Persons with disability : study commissioned by the Corporate Planning Unit of the City of Joburg as a component of the human development agenda


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The aim of this research is to highlight problems with, and identify gaps in, the human development agenda as they relate to persons with disability in the City of Johannesburg. The research report also gives an overview of the methodologies applied.
The report is useful for organisations and persons who want to learn more about the situation of disabled persons in Johannesburg. Also it is of interest for researchers and organisations that are developing research methodology and policy

Community care, change and hope : local responses to HIV in Zambia


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This case study documents a successful model for facilitating a strong community response to HIV and AIDS. The Salvation Army Change Programme in Ndola and Choma Districts in Zambia illustrates the facilitation process stimulating an appropriate local response to HIV and AIDS and essential component of human capacity development. The model builds on local strengths and resources, stimulating ordinary people to address the barriers that prevent them from using HIV and AIDS information and services to prevent new infections, compassionately care for those who are infected and mitigate the effects of the epidemic on families and the community. Only by addressing personal risk, stigma and the potential for personal and societal change will the demand for and use of voluntary counselling and testing, prevention of mother to child transmission and antiretroviral therapy services increase

A description of the selected interventions for the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe

DLAMINI, Phetsile K

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This report contributes to phase one of a research programme which explores the social, political, economic and systemic determinants that affect vulnerability to HIV. This report documents existing interventions to gain more in-depth knowledge of interventions at grassroots level, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and consider opportunities and threats; analyse and assess the outcomes of such interventions and whether objectives were met, including the impact on vulnerable children, their families and communities, considering nutritional and education status, and psychosocial well-being; ascertain the level of awareness around HIV and AIDS, and especially of prevention strategies and care

HIV/AIDS and the public sector workforce : an action guide for managers

RAU, Bill

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The guide is designed for human resource managers, employee welfare managers, medical officers and labor representatives in government ministries and agencies. It will assist in designing and developing prevention, care, and support programmes, and in mitigating the effect of staff losses due to AIDS in the public workplace. It includes information on the effects of HIV on the public sector, the components of prevention, care and support programmes and policies in the public sector, methods to gain the support of senior management and employees for HIV/AIDS workplace programmes and policies, background information on the disease, and country experiences

Women's stories, women's lives : experiences with cervical cancer screening and treatment

BOYD, Anne R
BURNS, Michele

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This publication is a collection of stories based on interviews with women in developing countries who participated in ACCP programmes. These women's stories illustrate the unnecessary suffering cervical cancer can cause women and their families and how prevention programs can save women's lives. ACCP projects have focused on regions in which cervical cancer incidence and mortality are highest: sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia, and have also focused on reaching women in their 30s and 40s

Gender differences in time use among adolescents in developing countries : implications of rising school enrollment rates

LLOYD, Cynthia B
GRANT, Monica

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Three research questions are addressed in this paper : 1) How does time use change during the transition to adulthood? 2) Does gender role differentiation intensify during the transition? 3) Does school attendance attenuate gender differences? The research addresses significant gaps in the literature, in particular the lack of attention to how time use is affected by school attendance. The study documents differences in time use patterns between students and non-students. Although female adolescent students still work longer hours than male adolescent students, the gender division of labour that typically develops during adolescence is greatly attenuated among students when time spent at work is measured by combining labour market work with noneconomic household work

Communication in participatory approaches to health care

DUNN, Alison

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This policy brief is concerned with the involvement of district-level health workers in participatory approaches at community level. Using participatory approaches improves healthworkers' communication skills and validates community knowledge. This emerged from a study carried out by the Malaria Knowledge Programme (MKP) in Ghana where it was clear that the interaction and communication that took place between health workers and community members provided opportunities for dialogue and building new relationships

Community perceptions of pre-term labour in rural Malawi

DUNN, Alison

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This policy brief looks at perceptions of neonatal and infant death. Death in the first four weeks of life accounts for almost 40% of deaths in children under five years of age. The causes of neonatal death in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly the contribution of pre-term birth, are poorly documented. It is vital to understand community perceptions of ill health in pregnancy through a combination of both traditional and biomedical models of health. The Malaria Knowledge Programme (MKP) carried out a qualitative study to investigate the perceptions of women, men and health workers of pre-term labour, its causes and prevention strategies. Although ante-natal clinic attendance was recognised as one way of preventing pre-term labour, constraints to accessing these services included lack of money and poor quality services

Stepping back from the edge : the pursuit of antiretroviral therapy in Botswana, South Africa and Uganda


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This report looks at what is being done to challenge the pace of progress on access to antiretroviral medicines in three very different African countries - Botswana, South Africa and Uganda. It describes who is driving these initiatives at grass-roots level and how. It offers insights and draws on lessons from firsthand experiences that can help those already working towards better access to antiretrovirals, and encourages others to embark on similar initiatives. It is intended for all those with an interest in this issue, from policy- and decision-makers with the power to create a favourable environment for antiretroviral treatment, to those working on the front line in health services, NGOs and AIDS service organizations, as well as those living with HIV, whose role in the battle for wider access is vital

Strengthening health systems : the role and promise of policy and systems research


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Looks at the relative influence of policy and systems research on health systems in practice. Case studies illustrate the application of health systems research to solving problems of policy and practice. Addresses a number of key areas such as: the setting of research priorities, getting research into policy and practice, and developing research capacity in developing countries

Primer estudio de teledermatología en México : una nueva herramienta de salud pública

LEPE, Verónica
MONCADA, Benjamín
CASTANEDO Cázares, Juan Pablo
et al

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This article analyses the effectiveness and reliability of asynchronous (ie when information is filmed, stored, and presented to the specialist at a later time) teledermatology for adequate diagnosis of skin diseases. Fifty patients with dermatologic disorders were seen in a poor tropical rural zone, first by non-dermatologists in conventional consultation and then by dermatologists - using evaluation of filmed lesions later on - to obtain a diagnosis (gold standard). The results show that there was a high concordance of diagnosis between the two groups of dermatologists when kappa analysis was performed

Low cost access and connectivity : local solutions


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This publication, a UN ICT Task Force Working Group Paper, brings together case studies of local initiatives which highlight innovation in meeting the information and communication needs in developing countries. Seven papers explore connectivity and access issues in different countries. Papers on Benin and Cameroon are in French

Electronic immunisation registry and tracking system in Bangladesh


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This report summarises the 2001 development of a new computerised information system to register, schedule and track the immunisation of children, which was introduced by the Department of Public Health in Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh. While no direct funding was provided for it, the assumed cost was not more than US $5000. The author concludes that system has been working well for the past three years. He also notes that the utilisation of ICTs in poor countries should be targeted at those intermediaries (such as health workers) who play a key role in the lives of the poor through high-contact service delivery. Empowering those workers and helping improve the effectiveness of their service delivery will do more for the poor than any number of e-government portals

Enhancing research uptake through communication, networking and capacity development

DUNN, Alison

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This brief paper describes the research methodology employed by the Malaria Knowledge Programme, and key lessons learned. The programme aimed to enhance the impact of its work through strengthening information and communication flows, involving Southern researchers and institutions and creating international networks for the improvement of research communication throughout its work. Using examples, this paper illustrates how the programme engaged with dynamics of research, policy making and practice, in accordance with DFID recommendations

Rights of the girl child [whole issue]

January 2004

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This issue of CHIN News focuses on the survival rights of girls, gender discrimination in India, the social and health implications of discrimnation, and strategies for action to address this issue

