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Educating children with disabilities in developing countries : the role of data sets

EVANS, Peter

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This report contributes towards the availability of data for education reform of children with disabilities. The report focuses first on data sets which identify children with disabilities, and then highlights preschool and school data sets which better identify whether these children have access to education. The analysis also assesses the achievement of policy goals. This study would be useful to those who have an interest in the education of children with disabilities

NFE-MIS handbook : developing a sub-national non-formal education management information system


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This manual provides "an easy-to-use methodology for setting up a Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS). This includes a conceptual framework for NFE, prototype data collection tools, and guidelines for the development of NFE indicators as well as for data analysis. The methodology presented in this Handbook uses a practical, step-by-step approach...At the national level, the NFE-MIS aims at providing policy-makers and planners with reliable, relevant and timely data to allow for informed decision making, better planning and delivery of NFE as well as for monitoring and evaluation of the development of NFE"

Improving support for black disabled people : lessons from community organisations on making change happen

SINGH, Becca

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“This study reviews the JRF’s Making Change Happen programme, which provided a year’s funding to four grassroots development organisations with a track record in providing support to black disabled people. The report sets out the learning that emerged from the four development projects. It includes: overviews of the four development projects; learning and common themes, with boxed illustrations from the projects; detailed case studies from two of the projects; practical pointers and suggestions for voluntary and community organisations wishing to improve support to black and minority ethnic disabled people; and some questions for funders and service providers to consider”

Great expectations

November 2004

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The subject of World Health Day 2005 is maternal and child health. In the lead up to World Health Day on 7 April 2005, six mothers-to-be living in different countries of the world are sharing their experiences of pregnancy and childbirth. The six unique stories reflect a common theme, the central importance of child health to families, communities and societies and aim to raise awareness of the challenges faced on a global level in improving maternal and newborn health

Briefing note on the collection and dissemination of disability statistics

August 2004

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The first two sections of this briefing note highlight the importance of disability data collection and dissemination, and describe the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The third section contains international recommendations and a framework for the collection, dissemination and measurement of disability data. The final section presents training workshops on the methodology, collection and analysis of data on disability organized by the United Nations Statistics Division to improve national capacity. This resource would be useful for those who work with disability data and statistics

Sharing knowledge for community development and transformation : a handbook

August 2004

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This handbook addresses the information needs of rural communities in Africa and explores the relationship between knowledge and development, and how community information resource centres can contribute to and can spark community development. It provides guidance for establishing community information centres and for ensuring their sustainability. The second edition includes several case studies from Ethiopia, draws out lessons learned, and includes a special section on HIV and AIDS resource centres. Each chapter concludes with suggested discussion questions for community groups

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African public library services

July 2004

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This article concerns the use of computers in public libraries in developing countries. To investigate the current level of use of ICTs and plans for the future within the public library environment, a survey was undertaken of 22 public library services in ten English-speaking African countries. The results indicate great disparities in the level of access to computers between the countries, and within country, and indicate a need for more funding and appropriate training

Autonomy or dependence? North-south NGO partnerships

BREHM, Vicky Mancuso
July 2004

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This paper describes research undertaken by INTRAC into the relationships between northern and southern NGOs working in partnership. It summarises European and southern perspectives on partnership based on research and three case studies, and draws out the key themes. It concludes with some recommendations, especially around funding, accountability/transparency, and working together as organisations rather than pairings of individuals or departments

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in development and humanitarian programmes

July 2004

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This book deals with the need to adapt mainstream development and humanitarian work to address the problem of HIV and AIDS. It explains the concept of 'mainstreaming' HIV/AIDS in simple language, with practical guidelines for applying the approach in a wide range of sectors. The author's previous book, 'AIDS on the Agenda: Adapting Development and Humanitarian Programmes to Meet the Challenge of HIV/AIDS', made the case for mainstreaming, using both theoretical discussion and experiences from the field. She has now adapted that work to produce this shorter and simpler book, to make the idea and practice of mainstreaming more accessible to those who actually do development and humanitarian work, as well as those who manage and fund it

Antiretroviral therapy in primary health care : experience of the Chiradzulu programme in Malawi. Case study

July 2004

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The Chiradzulu programme is one of MSF's largest. MSF currently provides HAART to more than 13,000 patients in 56 projects spread across 25 countries. These programmes provide a continuum of care, including prevention efforts (health education, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV), voluntary counselling and testing, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections, HAART and nutritional and psychosocial support. Although the Chiradzulu project is still evolving, and treatment systems and point of care continue to be modified, the project has already shown that when treatment is adapted to local conditions and is supported by human and financial resources, rural health systems can effectively provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS care

Use of information to address TB/HIV in Cambodia: workshop proceedings from Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Phnom Penh, and Sihanoukville

BONNET, Jayaseeli
SEAK, Kunrath
June 2004

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Cambodia is one of the countries most severely affected by TB and HIV. Partners in Health Reformplus (PHRplus) is providing technical support to government pilot interventions, developing an information component to support HIV/TB activities. It is standardizing the information being collected across all sites and facilitating its use by implementing partners in order to increase case detection and strengthen case management of TB/HIV co-morbidity. In January - March 2004, PHRplus conducted workshops with the four sites to review information and data it had collected, to identify current pilot accomplishments and to recommend how work could be improved. This report presents the workshop findings

Disability issues in East Asia : review and ways forward

May 2004

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This paper provides "the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific region with information and insights necessary for improving a focus on disability in its activities. There are two major parts to this paper. The first part reviews disability related issues in the region by describing (1) the prevalence of disability and related issues; (2) major issues and challenges confronting persons with disabilities; and (3) good practices, innovative approaches, and effective organizations in the region working to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The second part reviews the Bank’s regional level activities through examining project portfolios and AAA products, as well as through interviews with Sector managers and staff members. Based on this review, the paper recommends ways to include disability issues at the regional and sector levels"

HIV prevention and care with especially vulnerable young people : a framework for action

CHASE, Elaine
April 2004

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This document sets out five core principles underpinning effective HIV/AIDS prevention programming with young people: putting the young person first; promoting meaningful participation; a commitment to rights; promoting gender equity; and tackling risk and vulnerability. It also offers a straightforward guide to priority setting, with a focus on action to reduce risk, action to reduce vulnerability and action to mitigate impact. Examples of successful implementation of this framework are presented in 'HIV prevention with especially vulnerable young people: case studies of success and innovation' (2006). This is a useful resource for policy-makers, practitioners and researchers working to promote young people's sexual health in resource-constrained settings

Moving forward : a report on pioneering responses to children affected by HIV/AIDS in Andhra Pradesh, India

March 2004

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Since 2000, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its country office in India has worked in three states in India to establish and support three Lead Partners, including Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM), and 37 implementing NGOs to carry out a pioneering programme of home and community-based care and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families. In this report, VMM draws on its work to identify gaps in existing services and propose effective initiatives, policies and examples of good practice for dealing with the issues that children face when they are affected by HIV/AIDS

Social development and the 'information revolution' : lessons from research in Senegal

POWELL, Michael
March 2004

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This paper brings together a series of research studies that explore the scope of ICT-driven social change in Senegal. The studies focus on government, media, and business, as well as the health and education sectors. Several other studies looked at a broad range of social settings and collected statistics on the public use of ICTs. The paper presents the main findings of the research, and draws out policy implications

A civil society forum for Africa and the Middle East on promoting and protecting the rights of street children

March 2004

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[Publisher's abstract:] In March 2004, Consortium for Street Children coordinated a Civil Society Forum for North Africa and the Middle East. This conference was the fifth in a series of regional forums organised by CSC with the aim of bringing together key NGOs and government representatives from selected countries to exchange experiences and formulate recommendations for the promotion and protection of the human rights of street children within each region. Ten countries from North Africa and the Middle East participated in the forum: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen

Conducting a situation analysis of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS : a framework and resource guide

COX, Adrienne
February 2004

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This document moves towards a standard framework to help people involved in programmes conduct a situation analysis concerning orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in the context of HIV/AIDS. It includes the process of planning the situation analysis, defining its purpose, goals and objectives. It provides advice on methods to gather data and frameworks for assessing health, education and economic impacts of HIV/AIDS on OVCs. Analysis, reporting and communication of the information found is discussed

Facing the abyss : the isolation of Sheikh Sa'ad village - before and after the separation barrier

LEIN, Yehezkel
February 2004

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Discusses Israel's infringement of the right to freedom of movement of residents of the Palestinian village Sheikh Sa'ad and its severe consequences on their right to work, to health, and to education. Also describes the hardships suffered by residents as a result of Israel's siege on the village. The report warns against further human rights violations that would result if the government implements its decision to build a separation barrier between the village and East Jerusalem. The report also includes the official responses to the report of the Israel Defence Force, the Israel Police Force (Jerusalem District) and the Municipality of Jerusalem

Empowering youth and connecting schools : lessons from the SchoolNet Namibia approach

February 2004

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Schools in developing countries are beginning to get computers and access to the Internet. This article draws on the SchoolNet Namibia approach and its achievements. It suggests that programmes like this should give priority to the provision of affordable access using open platforms, pay attention to longer term cost of ownership issues, leverage change through partnerships, work closely with governments, involve school principals and teachers, and seek to ensure that necessary capacities are developed in schools themselves

Institutionalising participation and people-centred processes in natural resource management : research and publications highlights


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This report presents the background and rationale for the IIED-IDS action research on institutionalising participatory approaches and people centered processes in natural resource management. The methodologies used in the different case studies (India, Indonesia, Senegal, Mexico and other settings) are then introduced, along with the complementary studies undertaken in this collaborative research programme. The last section of this report contains highlights of all the publications in the Institutionalising Participation Series, and a summary of each

