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G3ict : the global initiative for inclusive ICTs


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G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies(ICT), is an advocacy initiative of the UN GAID, the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development, launched in December 2006 in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at UN DESA. Its mission is to facilitate and support the implementation of the dispositions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the accessibility of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and assistive technologies. G3ict relies on an international network of ICT accessibility experts to develop and promote good practices, technical resources and benchmarks for ICT accessibility advocates around the world. This website presents information about the initiative, related events, experts and resources. Users can regster to be a fellow and receive their newsletter. This resource is useful for anyone interested in inclusive ICTs

E-accessibility toolkit

et al

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This practical online toolkit is designed for policy makers and regulators focusing specifically on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) provisions regarding accessibility to information and communication technologies (ICTs) for persons with disabilities. It provides comprehensive information about ICT accessibility, and highlights that it is a cross-cutting issue that concerns a broad range of government agencies and ministries, including those for broadcasting, communication, education, employment and human rights areas. It gives detailed information about technology areas, policy guides and assessment framework

ICT resources : home


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This database provides resources "to assist organizations better understand and apply accessible information and communication technologies to their business practices. Although many of these resources specifically address the obligations of businesses in Ontario (Canada) to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), the concepts, strategies and resources presented can be applied to any organization in any location." Useful links are provided to publications, vendors and a glossary related to accessible information and communication services

Using ICT to empower people with disabilities


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This website presents general information and resources related to accessible information and communication technologies (ICTs) for people with disabilities. Information related to specific impairments and links to assistive technology companies and organizations are also provided. This website is useful to people with disabilities, researchers and practitioners interested in accessible ICTs

Accessible digital office document (ADOD) project

RUPLALL, Sabrina

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This project website provides information to create accessible office documents and choose accessible office applications for organisations. The guidance is based primarily on WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 1.0. Governments, public sector organizations, and service organizations will find this resource useful for creating accessible office documents

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)


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This website features general information about the web accessibility initiative and useful resources and guides related to managing and implementing web accessibility in an organization

Adaptech research network


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Adaptech research network consists of a team of academics, students and consumers who conduct research involving college and university students with a variety of disabilities in Canada. Their goal is to provide empirically based information to assist and inform decision making that ensures that new policies and new information and communication technologies reflect the needs and concerns of a variety of stakeholders. Specifically their areas of focus are use and accessibility of information and communication technologies in postsecondary education, facilitators and barriers to academic success, and free or inexpensive software useful to students with various disabilities. The network’s website presents general information about the network and team, their research and related publications, and a database of free or inexpensive software and hardware for Windows, Mac, and Apple



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Scenari-Aid is a free website containing over 100 digitally recorded real-life scenarios for people to work through in their own time and style. Each functional scenario is comprised of a number of steps in which the user can pause at any time and choose to respond in a time and manner that best fits their situation, style and needs. This website is useful to users for the following reasons: fluency and speech therapy for people, stroke recovery, literacy skills for people from non-English speaking backgrounds, addressing social anxiety issues and the empowering the long term unemployed

Review of research journal


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This journal is an online open access international multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly. The papers are double blind peer reviewed research in multidisciplinary areas presenting changes happening in higher education and society as well as research

Vulnerability and capacity assessment guide


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This guide helps to reduce the exposure of people to risks caused by disasters.  Assessing vulnerability and capacities provides opportunities for the collection of relevant information about communities and impending risks before the event occurs.  Guidance on how to prepare and initiate a vulnerability and capacity assessment is provided

Dialogues for disaster anticipation and resilience


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The 24 case studies highlight the important relationship that communication plays in the effectiveness of a community’s understanding and willingness to work together for the most effective response to disasters possible. It provides a clear understanding of the connection between the science behind national disasters and the relationship between effective communication and response efforts

  • Case Study #1: Early Warning - Early Action;
  • Case Study #2: Knowledge Timeline;
  • Case Study #3: Participatory Downscaling;
  • Case Study #4: Scenario-based risk communication;
  • Case Study #5: Competency Groups;
  • Case Study #6: Nanodialogues;
  • Case Study #7: Tools for participative climate risk communication;
  • Case Study #8: Café Scientifique;
  • Case: Study #9: Decision Support System for flood risk management;
  • Case Study #10: Blending sources of climate information;
  • Case Study #11: The Forecast Factory;
  • Cast Study #12: Weather or not?;
  • Cast Study #13: The River Basin Game;
  • Case Study #14: The Archer;
  • Cast Study #15: Two-way exchange;
  • Cast Study #16: UNISDR ‘Stop Disaster’ Game;
  • Case Study #17: Animations;
  • Case Study #18: Knowledge Bazaars;
  • Case Study 19: Participatory Scenario Planning;
  • Case Study #20: Community Radio;
  • Case Study #21: Fishbowl;
  • Case Study #22:Community Forecasting;
  • Case Study #23: Evacuation;
  • Case Study #24: Visualisation

Building a better response


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This project aims to enhance the capacity of national and international NGO workers and other humanitarian actors to engage with the international humanitarian coordination system in a manner that improves overall coordination and responds to the needs of crisis-affected populations. The program website features capacity strengthening tools including e-learning and in-person workshops that were developed through a consultative approach and related resources. The e-learning courses are self-paced e-certificate course that can be accessed by logging in and signing up in a different languages

Enlightening and empowering people with disabilities in Africa (eepdAfrica)


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"eepdAfrica envisions enlightening and empowering people with disabilities and others, in all cases by advocacy, education, mentoring and networking with PWDs locally and globally for an independent and self-sufficient life. It is the only voluntary change agents group existing in Africa to promote the welfare and dignity of persons with disabilities through free consultations, policy analysis, advocacy, education  and awareness creations for a positive change”

Beyond 2015 : shaping the future of equality, human rights, and social justice


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This is the website for the Beyond 2015 Project, the goals of which are to improve equality, human rights and social justice in the UK by working together more effectively across sectors, disciplines and places. This website provides an introduction to the project and access to various reports on topics ranging from progress towards goals, impacts of the project, challenges to the work, and many more

Creating an accessible website


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Tips for creating an accessible website are presented. It advises to begin the project with accessibility in mind, to structure HTML properly and to preserve functionality for visitors using just a keyboard. In the working with visual content section, tips provided include: not depending on colour alone, not using CSS to convey critical information, offering alternative to audio and video content, using descriptive link text and using ARIA roles. Links are provided and additional resources listed. 

Newz Hook

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Newz Hook is an Indian news channel with a special focus on disability related news. It is accessible to visually impaired screen reader users, promotes sign language news for deaf and uses simple English. It has sections on features, accessibility, lifestyle, education, employment, technology and sport

Image Bank

Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

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The NHS have produced an ‘easy on the i’ information design service within the Learning Disability Service at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. A repository of images has been created to help support the creation of easy to read documents.

Include Repository of Accessible Digital Tools

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

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The Include Repository is a platform of existing and freely available digital tools that can support inclusive and accessible education for all learners in remote settings. This repository includes resources for the creation and presentation of accessible digital content. Alongside providing accessibility solutions for specific user needs and disabilities, it also aims to provide tools for use in high and low-resource environments.


This platform aims to provide a single catalogue of tools and resources, in one location, for teaching professionals and students to make their content more accessible or more easily access teaching materials. With the tools on this platform users can:

  • Produce content in more accessible formats.
  • Better meet the special education needs of learners.
  • Be empowered to access learning materials more independently


This platform has been developed by EASPD and the Inclusive University Digital Education (InclUDE) project

