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The deaf peers' education manual : a training manual, developed by the Kenyan Peer Education Network, with interactive-based activities for basic understanding of sexual health, HIV and AIDS

June 2007

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The purpose of this manual is to provide deaf youth and adults, teachers, parents and guardians with a tool for addressing basic health awareness within an independent framework utilising optimal communication. The activities are participatory and interactive, and are designed with and by deaf Kenyans fluent in Sign Language (SL), and acknowledge the use of other SL variations within the various deaf groups. The three main issues addressed cover sexual education, relationships and hygiene. The manual is designed to blend with the school curriculums/co-curriculum activities, plus other issues that affect students while in school. It also befits other settings such as seminars and workshops, and can be used to tackle a specific subject. It is appropriate for varied ages, communities, cultures, religions, and literacy levels

Natural sign language and proficiency in learning Setswana sign language and curriculum content among students with hearing impairment in Botswana

SISON, Waldetrudes

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Language as 'mother tongue' is the first language in which one can express oneself fully as a tool for communication. Children acquire the mother tongue with seeming ease. Language theorists have offered various explanations about how children acquire and learn how to use language. The common element in the explanations is the innate force or power within the child and the opportunities for communication within the environment. Children with hearing impairment do not learn oral language the way it is acquired by hearing children. Because of the impairment, gestural communication which is the forerunner of language acquisition in normal children, are elaborated and end up as homesign or self-styled communication systems. This paper explores the relationship between homesign language as mother tongue of children with hearing impairment and their performance in learning the academic subjects and the second sign language formally taught in school

Living proof : community action on AIDS

LAWSON, Lesley
MENDEL, Gideon
July 2004

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This publication, produced to celebrate the Alliance's 10th anniversary, tells the stories of people in Zambia, India, Ecuador, Ukraine and Burkina Faso carrying out extraordinary work to contain the HIV epidemic, often overcoming stigma and organising themselves to find strength in numbers. It highlights the importance of strengthening community responses. The stories are relatively brief and are illustrated with many full-colour photos by Gideon Mendel

Disability in context

DELIN, Annie

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This leaflet introduces the series Resource Disability Portfolio for libraries, archives and museums. It summarises the major aspects of the series. Although it is produced for the UK, it is also relevant for other countries

Writing for change : an interactive guide to effective writing, writing for science, and writing for advocacy


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This training resource is designed primarily for people working in the not-for-profit sector, including researchers, scientists, project managers, team members, campaigners, fundraisers, social activists and writers. Divided into three sections: 'Effective Writing: Core Skills', 'Writing for Science', and 'Writing for Advocacy'. 'Effective Writing: Core Skills' helps to develop the skills needed to write clearly and purposefully, organise ideas and express them well. 'Writing for Science' shows how to produce writing for publication in specialist journals. It teaches how to build on the core skills of effective writing and add further skills that apply to this specialised type of writing. This section gives a better chance of getting published, discusses the ethics of authorship, how to respond to editors and correct proofs. 'Writing for Advocacy' contains a wealth of advice on how to win hearts and minds and how to adapt core writing skills to lobbying or campaigning documents. The section looks at articles, leaflets, newsletters, pamphlets, press releases and posters. Extra features include a resource centre with suggestions for further reading and links to useful websites and resources

If blindness comes


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This book focuses on activities of daily life and encourages an independent lifestyle for a visually disabled person. It is useful for parents and carers of visually disabled people

Information design and distance learning for international development


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[Publisher's abstract] This book presents an investigation by research into the ways in which distance learning is affected by the physical design of printed study materials. In particular, it examines the use of engineering drawing systems for illustrated, instructional texts concerned with technical aspects of infrastructure development. Part I comprises a review of literature on learning and adult education; international development and distance learning; information design for self-instruction; and research into illustration, with particular reference to the visual perception of engineering drawings and the implications for their cross-cultural use. Part II presents questions and hypotheses which emerged from the literature review. It also presents the research methodology designed to test comprehension of engineering drawing systems, along with the results of tests undertaken by five adult learning groups selected from pre-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate populations. Part II concludes with an analysis and discussion of the results of these tests. Part III presents the conclusions drawn from both the literature review and from the analysis of the research results. It concludes with proposals for further study

Deafness : a guide for parents, teachers and community workers


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This guide provides basic information on the identification of deafness, importance of sign language and the need of education for deaf children. The guide accompanies the video 'Deafness'. This material is most appropriate for the African context

Everyday braille


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Aimed at family and friends of braille users, it explains how even a little braille can make a difference to the life of a blind or partially sighted person. Available in print and in braille.

Information on learning braille


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This is a comprehensive guide to resources for teaching braille, including teaching packs, writing machines and writing materials. It includes contact details of organisations in the UK and USA. It is also available on audio-cassette, diskette and in braille

Reporting with pictures : a concept paper for researchers and health policy decision-makers

et al

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Describes a framework for developing and implementing pictoral community reporting. Draws from the authors' experience with literate and illiterate community distributors of a drug to combat onchocerciasis in Nigeria. Reports high rates of efficiency, coverage, reliability and flexibility, in addition to motivation and pride among participants. Advocates wider testing and use of this innovative reporting form

Helping children who are blind : family and community support for children with vision problems|Ayudar a los niños ciegos : apoyo familiar y comunitario para niños con problemas de la vista

JACOB, Namita

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Children develop faster in the first five years of life than any other time, and children who are blind need extra help so they can learn how to use their other senses to explore, learn and interact with the world. The simple activities in this book can help families, health workers, and individuals to support children with vision impairment to develop their capabilities. Topics include: assessing how much a child can see; preventing blindness; helping a child move around safely; activities of daily living; preparing for childcare or school; and supporting the parents of blind children. The book is written in an easy-to-read style with illustrations and examples from southern countries

Making clear messages [whole issue]


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Provides suggestions on now to develop materials to support education about sensitive issues around HIV and sexual health. It offers ideas and examples of how some organisations have used different methods, and suggests where to get further information

Development of participatory health education materials for community volunteers and project supervisors and trainers : WaterAid Ghana programme | Lessons learned from NGO experiences in the water and sanitation sector

QUAYE, Silas

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Describes the progress and lessons learned from a project in Ghana to develop appropriate health education materials. The training of supervisors and trainers in participatory facilitation skills was identified as a key issue: 'the production of the materials [using participatory approaches] without training on how to use them will not yield the desired results'

Preparing teachers for inclusive education


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This is a practical training package comprising a manual (available on the Internet from EENET) and video produced in Lesotho. It shows how primary school teachers implement inclusive education in overcrowded classrooms in remote rural areas with very few material resources

Let's teach about AIDS : teaching aids in AIDS education


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Ideas, examples and practical activities and around using posters and picture codes for AIDS communication. One in a series of six booklets developed in southern Africa for use by AIDS educators, describing participatory learning exercises that can be used with adults and young people. Other booklets in this series cover a range of issues, including drama, education and evaluation

