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The determinants of effectiveness : partnerships that deliver : review of the GHP and ‘business’ literature

HARMER, Andrew
January 2004

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This paper reviews what makes for good practice in governance and operations, and what determines "partnership effectiveness… what factors determine the extent to which the partnership objectives are achieved; and, what makes some partnerships work better and deliver more added value than others. The paper summarizes two literature reviews that were commissioned, aiming to: a) synthesise the evidence for the determinants of effective partnership from the existing evaluation literature for the major GHPs; and b) from the wider business and political science field and finds good (and less good) practices that results in more (or less) effective partnerships"

Study paper No. 6 of the 2004 DFID Study: Global Health Partnerships [GHP]: Assessing the Impact

Opportunities to scale up participatory approaches with youth and media


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This paper discusses five key concepts that form part of a participatory approach: communication, participation, networking, diversity and association, and how they relate. It also considers approaches to scale, provides case studies from around the world, and offers some lessons and principles. It would be useful to anyone interested in sustainable solutions to development

National monitoring and evaluation framework for the multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia

December 2003

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In 1998 the Ethiopian government scaled up the response to HIV/AIDS by forging a multi-sectoral and multi-level partnership with various stakeholders. A national policy on HIV/AIDS was enacted in August 1998. This resulted in a Strategic Framework for the National Response to HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia for 2001-2005. This monitoring and evaluation framework was developed to strengthen the multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS, to systematically track progress and evaluate the effects of the national response, and to meet the international reporting requirements for funds secured to fight HIV/AIDS in the country. It covers basic monitoring and evaluation concepts, an implementation strategy, national level indicators and resource requirements

The provision of reproductive health services in private hospitals in Amman, Jordan

BANKS, Dwayne
September 2003

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This survey of the 30 private acute care hospitals in Amman provides baseline information on services and aims to help the Jordanian Ministry of Health (MOH) understand the steps it must take to enhance its contracting with private sector facilities. The survey measured the availability of a broad range of hospital services, focussing on prenatal, delivery, and postnatal services. It also looked at hospital staffing, and it queried the satisfaction of hospitals with existing contracts with the MOH and their willingness to expand contractual relationships, comply with clinical guidelines, and participate in the health information system. The survey found that, among the 25 respondent hospitals, more than 90 percent offered reproductive health services. While all hospitals expressed a willingness to engage in a contractual relationship with the MOH, many described frustrations with current contracting, and less than half were willing to use the clinical guidelines and the information system

Knowledge management and organisational learning : an international development perspective. An annotated bibliography

August 2003

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This annotated bibliography aims to review the current literature on knowledge management (KM) and organisational learning, particularly in relation to the international development field. It maps out the rationale and objectives of KM and learning in order to identify gaps and emerging themes of special interest to development actors and agencies. The specific characteristics and challenges of different types of organisations in the development field are reviewed in this paper. Most of the literature focuses on the knowledge needs of Northern and international NGOs, and some of the central authors in this field are highlighted. Some work also exists on KM and learning in relation to bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, and the World Bank as 'Knowledge Bank' has placed a new focus on knowledge issues. However, there is still a lack of literature on the knowledge needs and specific challenges of Southern institutions. A few of the studies that have been carried out are included in this bibliography, and the introduction draws out some of the issues they raise. Even less systematic work has been carried out on the specialised niche of research institutes and think-tanks within international development. A few gaps in the literature are identified: the first issue is whether KM and learning can increase the responsiveness of development institutions to the situation of the poor; the second is whether KM and learning can increase development organisations' impact on policy; the third question raised is whether KM and learning can improve the translation of development policy into practice; and the final question concerns Southern engagement in international development debates and decision-making processes

International consultation on reviewing community-based rehabilitation (CBR) organized by WHO : in collaboration with UN organisations, NGOs and DPOs hosted by the government of Finland Helsinki 25-28 May 2003, Theme Paper

May 2003

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The conference was held to review the experiences of 20 years of CBR and evaluate the impact of the approach in order to provide a direction for the development of CBR in the new millennium

Some realities behind the rhetoric of downward accountability

CHAPMAN, Jennifer
April 2003

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This paper argues that while UK NGOs and donors claim to support downward accountability and promote local ownership and control of development, the policies and procedures that surround the disbursement and accounting for aid money ensure upward accountability dominates. This domination is part of a wider problem of domination by donors of their recipients, which skews the relationship and undermines the potential for these relationships to work well as partnerships

Youth-adult partnerships show promise : youth involvement expands from local projects to institutional levels

SONTI, Smita
FINGER, William
March 2003

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This paper examines how youth can participate more broadly in projects, for example in policy, management and evaluation issues. Anecdotal evidence on the value of including youth perspectives in these more challenging areas is beginning to emerge, for example the Barcelona YouthForce at the XIV International AIDS Conference in Barcelona in July 2002. The paper concludes with a list of elements that help to make effective youth-adult partnerships. These elements cover organisational capacity; attitude shift; selection, recruitment and retention of youth; and level of participation

Resource centre manual : how to set up and manage a resource centre

et al

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Contains practical information on all aspects of setting up and managing a resource centre, from planning, fundraising and finding a suitable location, to collecting and organising materials, developing information services, and monitoring and evaluating the work of the resource centre. It assumes that most readers will use manual systems for organising information, but also explains how computers can be used in resource centres, including e-mail, Internet and databases. It describes how to select database software, and contains a detailed review of three leading database programs. It includes a list of organisations and publications that can provide further information

Africa's recovery from conflict : making peace work for the poor


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This publication is a policy-focused summary of the UNU/WIDER book from conflict to recovery in Africa. As this study makes clear, peace is often elusive and economic policy can play a mojor role in supporting the efforts of those working at the national and international levels to build peace. Above all it is crucial to focus post-conflict policies on the needs of thepoor, so that recovery is broad based in its benefits, and does not simply benefit a narrow elite

Participation, relationships and dynamic change : new thinking on evaluating the work of international networks

CHURCH, Madeline
et al

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Gives an overview discussion of the key characteristics of networks, noting that international development increasingly takes a network form. Networks typically put an emphasis on: facilitative leadership; building relationships and trust; light co-ordinating structure that allows decentralisation, autonomy and voluntary participation. However, these are charactersitics that traditional evaluation approaches have not been developed to address. Provides a useful check-list for evaluating networks and suggests some useful practical tools to approach the evaluation of networks, such as: ‘Contributions assessment’ to guage how effectively the network facilitates the circulation of resources, and enables people to make the contribution that they are capable of; ‘Clarification of aims and activities’ (adapted Weaver’s Triangle) tool to clarify how participants perspectives and activities diverge or converge over time; ‘Channels of Participation’ tool to assess how and were members interact in a network and look at changes over time; ‘Monitoring the edges’ to track independent networking stimulated but not through the centre

Operational guidelines for supporting early child development (ECD) in multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS programs in Africa

SEIFMAN, Richard

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The document suggests how services that address young children's needs might be fully integrated into a national multisectoral HIV/AIDS programme. It gives advice on developing national ECD policies, programmes and interventions, multisectoral ECD approaches, and ways to advocate, implement, monitor and evaluate these efforts. It makes suggestions of interventions for very young children and is a resource for other national HIV/AIDS programme topics

Learning from difference : understanding community initiatives to improve access to education

MILES, Susie
et al

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This is a report of an action research project carried out by teachers in Zambia and Tanzania and external facilitators. The aim of the research was to encourage teachers to articulate their experience in inclusive education by developing written accounts that could be shared with other countries of the South. The written accounts produced are useful training materials and serve as a stimulus for further reflection

Livelihoods approaches to information and communication in support of rural poverty elimination and food security


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FAO, DFID and ODI undertook a study in 2001/2 to analyse the role of information in livelihoods, and make recommendations on how agencies can capitalise on and integrate the best elements of traditional communication methods and new information and communication (ICT) technologies within the livelihoods approach. This publication provides the results of the initial literature review, comprised of a 30 page paper followed by 20 pages of heavily annotated references. The key conclusions were that information and communications systems are most likely to improve livelihoods in rural areas if they: share costs appropriately; ensure equitable access to all; contain a high proportion of local or appropriately localised content; build on existing systems; build capacity; use realistic technologies; and build knowledge partnerships

From beedees to CDs : snapshots from a journey through India's rural knowledge centres

January 2003

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Rural ICT centres, if properly designed and managed, can be much more than just 'access centres.' They can become community owned 'knowledge centres' that directly and indirectly empower people living in rural areas. This was the conclusion reached by participants in the first South-South travelling workshop on ICT-enabled development, organised by the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation [Publisher's abstract]

The partnering toolbook


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This publication is in three parts: Part 1 is a short book that describes the generic partnering process from inception to conclusion. Part 2 is in the form of ‘stand alone’ tools to enable practitioners to develop effective partnerships. Part 3 includes more information about the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the issues around food fortification and case studies selected to be locally appropriate for each of the different language versions

Mental health legislation and human rights : mental health policy and service guidance package


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"Mental health legislation is essential for protecting the rights of people with mental disorders, who comprise a vulnerable section of society. This module provides information to help guide the development of mental health legislation. The module begins by setting out the activities that are required before legislation is formulated. The content of legislation is then described, including substantive provisions for specific mental health legislation and substantive provisions for other legislation impacting on mental health. Process issues in mental health legislation are then outlined, including drafting procedures, consultation and the implementation of legislation"
Note: This module is part of the WHO Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package. The package consists of a series of interrelated user-friendly modules designed to address the wide variety of needs and priorities in policy development and service planning. Each module addresses a core aspect of mental health

An evaluation of POLICY's advocacy manual : Networking for policy change

December 2002

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Describes the methodology and results of an evaluation of the POLICY project's popular Advocacy Manual. Tools used include written questionnaires, questionnaire-based interviews, focus group discussions and project records. Questionnaires were developed for different target groups: country managers/resident advisors, trainers, and workshops participants. Questionnaires covered the manual's content, organisation, and language, its application, and outcome and impact. Results are mostly qualitative and are synthesized by the evaluators, and illustrated with excerpts from respondents. The suggestions may be useful to others using POLICY's manual or developing a similar advocacy training resource

