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Mapping dialogue : a research project profiling dialogue tools and processes for social change

BOJER, Marianne Mille
MCKAY, Elaine
ROEHL, Heiko
April 2006

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This report profiles ten methods for facilitating dialogue. The approaches are diverse: some are designed for small groups, others for large numbers of people; some explore conflict while others are based on what is agreed. Part 1 looks at the foundations for, and approaches to, dialogue and offers some background on dialogue in traditional African culture. Part 2 maps out ten dialogue methods in depth and a number of others more briefly. Part 3 offers some ideas for how to assess what method to use in a given context

A strategy to enhance the global research effort in maternal and child health : the Mother-Child International Research Network

March 2006

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This article presents the mission and objectives of the Mother-Child International Research Network. The network aims to support and bring together researchers and research institutions working in the field of mother and child health in low-income countries, facilitating access to scientific debate and opportunities for collaboration. The network's website holds scientific updates, distance-learning activities and weblog facilities and is designed to support health communication and exchange and increase exposure to a wide international audience

eHealth tools and services : needs of the member states. Report of the WHO Global Observatory for eHealth


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This is a report on some of the findings of a global survey on eHealth carried out by the Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe), concerning the needs for eHealth tools and services. The survey found that WHO Member States would welcome an active involvement of WHO in the development of generic eHealth tools, while particularly non-OECD members would benefit form guidance on eHealth issues. It also found that needs vary even among OECD countries, and that existing eHealth tools and services should be better known. The report recommends that WHO should actively intervene in the provision of generic tools (eg, drug registries, patient record systems, health professional directories), facilitate access to existing tools, promote knowledge exchange, provide eHealth information and promote eLearning programmes

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization to stop TB : a 10-year framework for action


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This workplan focuses on how advocacy, communication and social mobilitation can contribute to TB control policies and programmes. In particular, it aims to: provide guidance to national initiatives designed to implement the Global Plan TB 2006-2025; foster advocacy, communication and social mobilization capacity (ACSM); and encourage behavioural and social changes, tailored to specific local context, that will result in increased TB case detection and cure rates. A successful strategy will need to: develop national and sub-national ACSM capacity; build inclusion of patients and communities affected; ensure political commitment and accountability; build country-level ACSM partnerships; learn and build on good ACSM practices. This is key tool for policy makers, at national and local level, health authorities and organisations working with TB and health communication

Libraries, literacy and poverty reduction : a key to African development


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This research paper explores the potential for libraries to empower communities and fight poverty in Africa, through promoting literacy and providing access to relevant information. The author outlines the challenges that libraries and information centres in Africa face; and the potential that linkages with local and international partners could bring. Case studies illustrate how library networks in three countries address the challenges and serve their communities. Recommendations for library networks highlight the need for skilled personnel, partnerships, a remit to create and share local content, appropriate use of technology, and better and more responsive monitoring and evaluation. Recommendations for governments and donor agencies include creating national information policies, filling a 'coordinating' role in the information environment, investing in literacy, and expanding public library networks

Capitalisation on network strengthening, community-based approach and partnership in mine risk education project : Lessons learned from experience in Angola

SAVI, Gabrielle

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This report highlights three components of Handicap International's Mine Risk Education project in Angola. The first involves networking in the Angolan context and the associated lessons, constraints and the strengths. The second, is a discussion on the evolution of the community-based approach in Angola. Lastly, this report discusses the strengths and weaknesses of partnerships made with local NGOs

Multistakeholder initiatives to combat money laundering and bribery


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This paper follows up on two examples of ‘multi-stakeholder initiatives’ and discusses their creation, the respective political and legal context. It provides some details about their operation in order to analyse them as current examples of the role of non-state actors in regulation. and also addresses some of the critique leveled against these initiatives and discusses the challenges

Community-based rehabilitation : new challenges

RULE, Sarah
LORENZO, Theresa

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The chapter reports on two CBR programmes in South Africa: the CBR Education and Training for Empowerment (CREATE) programme in Pietermaritzburg and the CBR partnership programme between Disabled People South Africa (DPSA) and the provincial Department of Health in Mpumalanga. It explores the implementation of CBR as a strategy for community development, the development of grassroots workers and challenges facing CBR
Chapter 20 from ‘"Disability and social change : a South African agenda " edited by WATERMEYER, Brian et al

Capacity-building of disabled people's organizations in Mozambique

NCUBE, Jabulani M
May 2005

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This research looks at the relations between disabled people's organisations (DPO) in Mozambique and the Northern NGOs which fund them. It compares the DPOs' definitions of capacity-building and expectations from donors with the actual approaches of Northern NGOs. The research highlights problems but does not make recommendations to improve the situation

Up-scaling pro-poor ICT policies and practices

GERSTER, Richard
February 2005

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This paper is the result of a literature review and discussions during a two-day workshop. It examines how ICT can make a difference in reducing poverty and reaching the MDGs. This potential contrasts, however, with the relatively modest pro-poor ICT implementation level. It asks what key barriers impede the implementation of declarations, and how can we multiply, upscale and replicate successful pilot projects. This study idenfies four "basic requirements" for successful up-scaling of poverty reduction through ICTs: an enabling ICT policy environment; a high priority assigned to ICT for poverty reduction; appropriate technology choices; and mobilisation of additional public and private resources

ICTs and MDGs : on the wrong track?

HEEKS, Richard
February 2005

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This article proposes a revision of the relevance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as the incidence of ICT use in the achievement of those goals, and argues that some different priorities should be considered to make most effective use of the opportunities that new technology affords. It examines the potential for ICTs in achieving the MDGs and provides a background for a later article on the possibilities for a multi-sectoral approach

Librarians and the use of information communication technologies in the provision of HIV/AIDS information in developing countries


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This insightful and well-researched paper presents examples of good practice in managing information in and among HIV and AIDS organisations. It focuses on the work of SAfAIDS in Zimbabwe to present innovative ways of working with information. With reference to technologies from radio to the Internet, information workers such as librarians can advance networking and information exchange in the sector

Building bridges with SIPAA : lessons from an African response to HIV and AIDS

DUNN, Alison

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This document examines the key lessons from the Support to the International Partnership against AIDS in Africa (SIPAA) programme implemented between 2001 and 2005 in nine African countries. The programme's main focus was on African leadership and ownership, involvement and participation of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS and mobilisation of national and regional partners. Lessons learned include: meaningful involvement of people living with HIV and AIDS; supporting associations according to potential rather than proven track record; networks support; support for local leaders; making connections through National AIDS Councils; building strong partnerships; sharing information and knowledge across Africa; making the most of African skills and resources

Tackle malaria today : give tomorrow a chance

MEEK, Sylvia
WHITTY, Christopher
et al

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Every year malaria causes up to three million deaths, and if attempts to control the pandemic fail, drug-resistant malaria will spread even further. This report provides key statistics about the disease and makes a case for an effective and internationally coordinated response to the crisis, which should include drugs development, use of insecticide, increased funding, investment in the delivery systems and human resources and the involvement of the private sector

Lessons from the Disability Knowledge and Research (KaR) Programme


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This publication summarises the findings and broader 'lessons learned' from the Disability KaR programme (2003-2005). The programme developed a strong focus on mainstreaming disability in development, saw partnerships grow between organisations in developed and developing countries, and saw disabled people taking a lead in research

Operational guide on gender and HIV/AIDS : a rights-based approach | Resource pack on gender and HIV/AIDS


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This guide highlights the relationship between gender, rights and HIV and AIDS. The impact of HIV and AIDS tends to be greater in unequal settings and stigma and discrimination, often associated with the disease, intensify and reinforce inequality. This document, aimed at programme managers and development organisations, reflects on how gender inequality affects women affected by HIV and AIDS. It explains why women may be at greater risk of contracting the disease, while having poor access to treatment. Women also tend to assume the responsibility of caring for those who are sick, and girls in households affected by HIV are more likely than boys to be taken out of school as a cost-saving measure, and to help in domestic chores. The guide contains a set of checklists to help evaluate the level of commitment to gender equality in programming, funding, communication, networking and advocacy

Preventing chronic diseases : a vital investment. Overview


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This report urges health planners and decision-makers influence multisectoral government action to prevent chronic diseases. It dispels the long-held misunderstandings about heart disease, stroke, cancer and other chronic diseases that have contributed to their global neglect. It states clearly that 80% of the 35 million chronic disease-related deaths in 2005 will occur in low and middle income countries, where they affect men and women at younger ages than in high income countries. Premature deaths in countries such as China, India and the Russian Federation are projected to cost billions of dollars over the next 10 years

Strengthening and promoting associations and community networks for sustainable mine risk education : Huambo Province, Angola


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This report evaluates the Angolan Mine Risk Education experience and the overall Handicap International Mine Risk Education strategy. Its aim is to draw on lessons that can be applied to future mine risk education projects. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in mine risk project planning, monitoring and implementation

The ethics of research reciprocity : making children’s voices heard in poverty reduction policy-making in Vietnam

LAN, Pham Thi JONES, Nicola

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This paper looks at research and reciprocity between partners and participants in the Young Lives project in Vietnam with particular regard to: the sustainability of relationships with local collaborators and project partners; the challenge of ensuring that research is designed and disseminated in a way that translates into pro-poor and child-focused policy; and the particular challenges of adhering to the principles of research reciprocity when working on a child-focused project

Improving support for black disabled people : lessons from community organisations on making change happen

SINGH, Becca

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“This study reviews the JRF’s Making Change Happen programme, which provided a year’s funding to four grassroots development organisations with a track record in providing support to black disabled people. The report sets out the learning that emerged from the four development projects. It includes: overviews of the four development projects; learning and common themes, with boxed illustrations from the projects; detailed case studies from two of the projects; practical pointers and suggestions for voluntary and community organisations wishing to improve support to black and minority ethnic disabled people; and some questions for funders and service providers to consider”

