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Intellectual property rights and access to ARV medicines : civil society resistance in the global south|Brazil, Colombia, China, India, Thailand

REIS, Renata
TERTO, Veriano Jr
PIMENTA, Maria Cristina Pimenta

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This book looks at "...the recent history and the many struggles related to advocacy for access to [antiretroviral] medicines of engaged civil society. Through the experiences of five middle-income countries - Brazil, China, Colombia, India, and Thailand." It presents "...the perspective of local civil society organisations about the national impact of intellectual property protection and access to medications. "These five countries were chosen due to their accumulated experience in this field, their capacity to produce generic medication, their activist efforts, and the exchange of ideas and information that already exists between them"

Empowering communities for TB advocacy : the TAG-ICW model


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This report provides activists, policy makers, and donors with lessons learned from two years of capacity building for HIV treatment activists to integrate TB and TB/HIV collaborative activities into their advocacy work. The TAG-ICW capacity building model evolved out of their experience in building the capacity of Africa-based HIV activists to take on TB advocacy

Building capacity in six disadvantaged communities vulnerable to natural disasters

BERKE, Philip
et al
September 2008

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This paper aims "to describe and analyze an Emergency Preparedness Demonstration (EPD) project aimed at reducing the risk to life and property in six disadvantaged communities in Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. EPD involves a community-based participatory planning process aimed at building the capacity of disadvantaged communities threatened by disasters. To understand the successes and limitations of the EDP approach we used multiple sources of evidence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 key informants, field notes were taken during attendance of community planning meetings, and documentary materials prepared by local planning teams (memoranda, vulnerability assessments, household surveys) were content analyzed"

Policy brief : HIV, food security and nutrition : expanded version

May 2008

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This policy brief focuses on the interrelationship between food security, nutrition and HIV, and highlights the actions that governments, civil society and international partners can take to promote food security and nutrition in the context of the AIDS epidemic

Toolkit for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the education sector : guidelines for development cooperation agencies

January 2008

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This toolkit aims to help education staff from development cooperation agencies, including both development and humanitarian-oriented multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations, to support the process of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into education sector planning and implementation. It provides resources and support to assess the progress countries have made with respect to HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; to identify entry points and opportunities; and to establish priorities for advocacy and action. It is designed to be used as a reference tool or a resource for training and discussion, depending on the local needs and context

Girls count : a global investment & action agenda

et al

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"This report is about why and how to put girls at the center of development - to invest in adolescent girls in developing countries. It is about how the health of economies and families depends on protecting the rights of and fostering opportunities for today's girls. It is about how far girls in many developing countries have come over the past two decades - but how far we remain from a world in which girls’ human rights are acknowledged, respected, and protected and in which young women are able to realize their potential to contribute to sustained economic and social progress. "This report calls for a long overdue dialogue among high-level decisionmakers about actions that governments, civil society organizations, development agencies, and the private sector can and should take now"

Civil society engagement for mainstreaming disability in the development process : report of an action research project initiated in Gujarat with multi-stakeholder partnership

Handicap International

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This report describes "a three-year action research (2002-2005), in Gujarat, to understand the prevailing situation and invoking the participation of civil society groups for mainstreaming disability... The four key strategies adopted in the project have been detailed to share how civil society groups can be mobilised and invoked to take concrete action for promoting participation of persons with disabilities on local issues, creation of a barrier-free environment, developing materials for public education and social communication and influencing development organisations for mainstreaming disability"

CBO capacity analysis : a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV

December 2007

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This toolkit was developed to enable community based organisations to analyse levels of capacity in different organisational and technical areas. It is based on a previous toolkit developed under the Communities Responding to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (CORE) Initiative. It can be used with community organisations to identify capacity-building needs, plan any technical support needed by the organisation, and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity-building support

Improving the human rights performance of business through multi-stakeholder initiatives : summary report

December 2007

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This is a summary report on consultation of the UN Special Representative on business & human rights. "The consultation, convened by the Clean Clothes Campaign and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in The Hague, brought some of the leading multi-stakeholder initiatives together with representatives from business, government, and civil society to address two interrelated objectives: first, to identify 'good', if not necessarily 'best', practices in the governance of multi-stakeholder initiatives, and second, to identify criteria for credible and effective implementation of supply chain codes of conduct"

Civic driven change and international development : exploring a complexity perspective

November 2007

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This paper presents and employs complexity theory to explore a conceptual approach to understanding and arguing that development in society is simultaneously indeterminate and critically co-dependent on civic association and action. Adopting an historical view, the analysis proposes, describes and connects major factors involved in civic-driven processes. Of necessity the treatment is broader than aid, which is but one strand of a far bigger story. Nevertheless, the guiding objective is to define an alternative to overbearing aid discourses that, in running their unsatisfactory course in actual performance, have shaped today’s thinking and practice to the active exclusion of other, potentially more compelling, possibilities. The immediate task of this work in progress is therefore to provide a coherent foundation for challenging overly deterministic narratives that are inadequate explanations of lived reality and of change benefiting societies’ losers rather than winners, where power is a central feature. This intellectual exercise forms the bulk of the text. Much further effort will be needed to apply this perspective to practice. Nevertheless, to help make theory more concrete, in Part II tentative steps are taken in the direction of implications. It is written such that, though not recommended, readers with a more practical interest can omit the analysis of Part I

Minimum standards for civil society participation in the universal access initiative

August 2007

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This document, developed with input from civil society participants and organisations from the Asia-Pacific region, proposes a process and framework to encourage minimum standards for civil society participation in universal access processes. It is for use by both civil society representatives as a tool to assess and promote their greater involvement in national universal access processes, and by national government representatives as a guide for ensuring civil society participation in national scaling up to reach universal access targets. The main body of the document is divided into three parts: a description of the preparation needed to implement a set of minimum standards for participation; a proposed matrix that uses a scoring system based on definitions of levels of participation and sets of indicators which are used to examine the different aspects and stages of universal access; and monitoring and evaluation methods for assessing civil society participation. It also considers how the proposal can be developed and disseminated

The Observatoire : how civil society engagement turned around the national response to HIV in Senegal


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"This policy briefing illustrates how civil society organisations play an instrumental role in scaling up effective national HIV responses. The briefing provides a case study that demonstrates how Alliance Nationale Contre le SIDA (an Alliance linking organisation) contributed to the response in Senegal. The briefing also demonstrates how NGOs can work successfully with governments, the Global Fund and other national and international stakeholders"

The case for communication - in sustainable development


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This paper supports and complements "At the heart of change: the role of communication in sustainable development" by addressing the challenge of using communication more powerfully as an agent of change to establish faster, more sustainable development. It concludes with a call to action for international and national policy makers and leaders, asking them to: build more open, transparent information and communication systems and political cultures; treat information, communication and the media as public goods and invest accordingly; take a holistic view of communication processes and integrate communication into development planning and implementation; and invest in media development

Monitoring government policies : a toolkit for civil society organisations in Africa


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This toolkit is designed to help African civil society organisations analyse and monitor government policy implementation. High-quality research, accompanied by strong campaigning and lobbying is a key way for local organisations to hold their governments to account. The tools included in this document are based on a two-year participatory project, including three workshops, with partner organisations in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Malawi. This resource is also available in Portuguese and French

Twenty years of community-based rehabilitation in Guyana 1986-2006 : an impact assessment


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"This impact assessment is based on a review of reports and studies from different sources related to Guyana CBR programme, and through a field visit." The report focuses upon achievements of the CBR programme over the past twenty years, with particular emphasis on the impact on the policies and practices of institutions in Guyana, the lives of children and adults with disabilities and the civil society & organisations in Guyana

Practitioner’s guide : strengthening civil society organisations in good governance processes : principles and general procedures

January 2007

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A critical focus of development projects in countries transitioning to democracy has become the strengthening of civil society.  Providing an effective capacity building training programme necessarily begins with a thorough and reliable identification of the potentials, weaknesses and needs of local civil society entities. The method detailed in this section of the guide proposes a seven step process to help civil society organisations improve their governance processes. Compared to many other civil society programmes, it takes a wide view of civil society, working with more than just formally registered NGOs. It focuses on certain functions that civil society groups can perform in a good governance system rather than their legal forms. In addition there is brief guidance on the method, advice on the purpose of the method and who should use it, and a two examples to help users of the method

Note: The full guide is available to download from the link above

Mapping political context : a toolkit for civil society organisations

NASH, Robert
July 2006

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This comprises of a range of tools that civil society organisations (CSOs) can use to understand and map political context, in order to engage more effectively in policy processes. The tools have been selected because they cover a wide variety of political dimensions. As such, they provide a menu of different approaches to mapping political context; CSOs and others can select from this menu and make use of the tools according to their own needs

Policy engagement for poverty reduction : how civil society can be more effective

COURT, Julius
June 2006

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This briefing paper draws on a report by Julius Court and others entitled 'Policy engagement: how can civil society be more effective', also published by ODI. It examines the role of civil society organisations in poverty reduction strategies and looks at ways to enhance their influence on the policy making process. Inadequate knowledge about the policy making process, lack of resources, insufficient capacity and policy makers' mistrust of CSOs are the main obstacles to their full engagement in policy making. Effective approaches should entail: campaigning and implementation of pilot projects aimed at improving adverse political contexts; rigorous mapping and assessment of political contexts; identify critical policy stages; provide relevant and objective evidence; use effective communication methods and strategies; apply network approaches; engage in systematic capacity building

