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Community care, change and hope : local responses to HIV in Zambia


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This case study documents a successful model for facilitating a strong community response to HIV and AIDS. The Salvation Army Change Programme in Ndola and Choma Districts in Zambia illustrates the facilitation process stimulating an appropriate local response to HIV and AIDS and essential component of human capacity development. The model builds on local strengths and resources, stimulating ordinary people to address the barriers that prevent them from using HIV and AIDS information and services to prevent new infections, compassionately care for those who are infected and mitigate the effects of the epidemic on families and the community. Only by addressing personal risk, stigma and the potential for personal and societal change will the demand for and use of voluntary counselling and testing, prevention of mother to child transmission and antiretroviral therapy services increase

The 10/90 report on health research 2003-2004


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This site contains up-to-date information on progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap in health research. It includes reports from 1999, 2000, 2001/2002 and 2003/2004. The most recent, the fourth since Global Forum for Health Research formed in 1998, covers progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap (that only ten per cent of health research funds are spent on 90 per cent of the world's problems) over the past two years. It focusses on health and health research as sound economic investments; priority setting in health research; progress in measuring the 10/90 gap; research capacity strengthening; information networks in health research; gender; the MDGs and health research; and networks in the priority research areas

HR in NGO relationships


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[From introduction:] The purpose of the research presented in this report is to provide People In Aid and agencies in the sector with an overview of northern non-governmental organisations’ (NNGOs’) relationships with their local partners with respect to human resource management. The research sought to gain a view of local NGOs’ (LNGOs) own attitudes towards human resource management and to appreciate aspects of the People In Aid Code which make it less or more appropriate for local NGOs

Techniques and practices for local responses to HIV/AIDS


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This book aims to strengthen the capacity of different actors to address HIV/AIDS at local level. Experiences worldwide contributed to a selection of techniques and practices for the toolkit. It aims to help facilitators to support audiences to analyse their own situation in order to establish needs and priorities for their planning. Part one contains 20 techniques for application in different stages of the planning cycle. The purpose and use of each technique is described, as well as practical guidelines on how to proceed. Part two contains 50 practices used to address one or more specific problems. The practices are grouped according to four categories: prevention, care and treatment, support and mitigation, and partnership and coordination

Situation analysis of different social welfare issues in Iraq

October 2003

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This report contains the findings, conclusions and recommendations based on rapid assessment study conducted during the summer of 2003. The study assesses the post-war situation in Baghdad with regards to disability and rehabilitation, learning difficulties, landmines, torture, orphans and disadvantaged children.

Advancing health communication : the PCS experience in the field

PIOTROW, Phyllis Tilson
et al
March 2003

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"This guide for health communication programs is based on the worldwide experience of the Population Communication Services (PCS4) project from 1995-2002... "This report is designed to help organizations carry out effective communication programs by addressing step-by-step some of the major problems likely to arise and by focusing on problem-solving in the rapidly changing field of health communication"

Evaluating capacity development : experiences from research and development organizations around the world

HORTON, Douglas
et al

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This book is the result of the Evaluating Capacity Development (ECD) Project, begun by ISNAR in January 2000, which aimed to improve capacity development efforts in research and development organizations through the use of evaluation. It explains how the project used an action-learning approach, bringing together people from various countries and different types of organisations. Six evaluation studies were conducted over the course of three years: exploring capacity development in a rural development NGO in Bangladesh; towards strategic management in a Cuban agricultural research institute; understanding capacity development in a plant genetic resources centre in Ghana; assessing organisational change in an agricultural faculty in Nicaragua; strengthening participatory research capacities in a Philippines root crops research centre; and expanding capacities in a rural development institute in Vietnam. Chapter 1 provides background reading on the ECD project that gave rise to the book. Chapter 2 discusses basic concepts of organisational capacity, capacity development and evaluation. Chapter 3 addresses two fundamental issues: why managers should be concerned with organisational capacity development and why they should evaluate capacity development efforts. Chapter 4 discusses issues related to the 'how' of capacity development. Chapter 5 discusses partnerships for capacity development while 6 outlines approaches and methods for evaluating organisational capacity development. Chapter 7 discusses how to utilize evaluation processes and results to advance capacity development and performance in an organisation

Distorted image of AIDS and orphaning in Africa


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This is an interesting response to an article in the Washington Post, which described the horrific impact that AIDS had on a family in Kenya. Williamson responds by saying that the article promotes a distorted image of Africa, an image that is promoted by most US news coverage on HIV/AIDS. News coverage is of statistics and tragic stories, but not of responses that are being made at the community level to protect and care for orphans and other vulnerable children. He suggests that this lack of recognition of the actual capacity of communities in Africa makes it difficult to convince US donors of the importance of strengthening first line responses to the impact of HIV/AIDS which are ultimately family and community capacities

Information and communication technologies and poverty reduction in Sub Saharan Africa : a learning study (synthesis)

GERSTER, Richard

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A report of the learning study carried out as part of the Building Digital Opportunities (BDO) programme.The study focuses on mapping the experiences of BDO partners with ICTs and poverty reduction in order to enable BDO partners to improve their understanding of the role of ICTs in poverty reduction and play a pro-poor role in multilateral forums like the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). It draws on research into the use of information and communication technology in Mali, Uganda and Zambia, and examines progress in fulfilling BDO's global objective to ensure that such technology contributes to the achievement of the 8 Millenium Development Goals and 17 Millenium Development Targets

Livelihoods approaches to information and communication in support of rural poverty elimination and food security


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FAO, DFID and ODI undertook a study in 2001/2 to analyse the role of information in livelihoods, and make recommendations on how agencies can capitalise on and integrate the best elements of traditional communication methods and new information and communication (ICT) technologies within the livelihoods approach. This publication provides the results of the initial literature review, comprised of a 30 page paper followed by 20 pages of heavily annotated references. The key conclusions were that information and communications systems are most likely to improve livelihoods in rural areas if they: share costs appropriately; ensure equitable access to all; contain a high proportion of local or appropriately localised content; build on existing systems; build capacity; use realistic technologies; and build knowledge partnerships

Ancient roots, new shoots : endogenous development in practice

VAN T' HOOFT, Katrien

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This book describes the approach of COMPAS, a network of partners that supports 'development from within', based on local knowledge and practices. The body of the book consists of case studies which illustrate how development can be based on locally available resources, knowledge, values and leadership institutions; how there can be genuinely local determination of development options; and how the benefits of development within local areas and communities can be fostered

Fighting rural poverty : the role of information and communication technologies|[What can information and communication technologoes (ICTs) do for the world's 900 million extremely poor people who live in rural areas?]


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This paper brings together some presentations, key issues and recommendations emerged during the discussion in a side event organised by IFAD at the WSIS. The paper calls for greater emphasis on communication rather than on technology, and on the process and content rather than on access and machines. Effective ICT deployment must satisfy the need for ownership, local content, language, culture and appropriateness of technology used. Crucially, communication initiatives should aim at strengthening the capacities of rural people to participate in policy processes

Gender and disability in the Arab region : the challenges in the new millennium

NAGATA, Kozue Kay

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"Many women are discriminated against because they are women. Having a disability compounds this gender-based prejudice. Women with disabilities in many regions of the world including Arab countries suffer from this double discrimination. The study upon which this article is based analyzes the status of Arab women in general, gender relations in the Middle East, and the situation of Arab women with disabilities, based on available disability statistics from a few selected countries and the author's observations during her 13-year living experience in Baghdad, Amman, and Beirut"
Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 14, No 1

Achieving universal primary education by 2015 : a chance for every child

BRUNS, Barbara

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This study assesses whether universal primary completion can be achieved by 2015, the target date set by the Millennium Development Goals. This study focuses on the following two data gaps in many developing countries: the education policies that in many countries are needed for faster progress and the incremental financing required to support this progress. This study is useful for anyone interested in universal primary completion

Integrating intellectual property rights and development policy : report of the commission on intellectual property rights

September 2002

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This detailed and thorough report considers whether and how intellectual property rights (IPRs) can play a role in achieving the Millenium Development Goals. It explores the potential benefits of IPRs in stimulating economic growth, and the associated benefits in terms of productivity and reduced poverty. It considers also the barriers that IPRs may present to developing economies, including discouraging invention, research, technology transfer, domestic production and driving up the costs of medicines and agricultural inputs. Key issues covered in successive chapters include: current evidence about the impact of IPRs in developing countries; development of and access to medicines; protection of plants and genetic resources; the Convention on Biological Diversity, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions and geographic indicators; copyright and patents; IPR legislation for developing countries; international and national institutional framework for IPRs

Gender manual : a practical guide for development policy makers and practitioners

April 2002

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This manual was developed as a tool to promote gender equality and women's empowerment. It is designed for non-gender specialists working in government organisations, NGOs and civil society agencies and willing to explore gender issues in their work. The focus in on gender equality and gender mainstreaming. Written in simple and accessible language, it includes an overview of background concepts and ideas, a concise analysis of the concept of gender mainstreaming and a section containing practical tools and guidelines around data and gender analytical information, influencing the decision making process, action to promote gender equality and organisational capacity building and change

Understanding community responses to the situation of children affected by AIDS : lessons for external agencies. Draft paper prepared for the UNRISD project HIV/AIDS and Development

March 2002

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This is a key report that documents community responses and coping mechanisms towards the HIV/AIDS pandemic in relation to children affected by AIDS (CABA) and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Fostering families are under enormous strain and local initiatives at the community level have been little studied or documented, and few organisations have sought to encourage their development. The paper analyses some of these initiatives and encourages external agencies to support them through building the capacity of local responses rather than imposing external solutions

