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Alternative care in emergencies (ACE) toolkit : extended guidance

FULFORD, Louise Melville

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"The tools and guidance in this resource are designed to facilitate the process of planning for and implementing interim care and related services for children separated from or unable to live with their families during an emergency. They are based on learning from recent and current emergencies, drawing on the principles and standards set out in the key documents relating to separated children, and out of home care"

Ensuring access to microfinance services for people with disabilities

GIORDANO, Alexandra
DOUCET, Grégory
December 2010

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This facilitator’s workshop guide is addressed to microfinance institutions and Disabled People´s Organizations to assist in the provision of access to microfinance services for persons with disabilities. This training tool is useful for operational managers, decision-makers, community leaders and NGO managers to build the capacity of participants during workshops to provide access to microfinance services for persons with disabilities

Empowering practice

October 2010

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"(T)his book was originally written to accompany a training course for people involved in support work. It's directed at people with the imagination and creativity to recognise that 'how we've always done things around here' isn't a good guide to good practice...The book looks in detail about what can go wrong...about how support can be disempowering...The book goes on to discuss alternative ways of working. It takes a look at what overall aims may be appropriate in support work; how different service design might help; what capacity thinking is; and it presents some ideas on how to work in an empowering way"
Version 2b

Toolkit for long term recovery|Haiti : reconstruction for all

August 2010

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This toolkit suggests strategies and tools to improve disaster recovery and reconstruction practices for disabled people. It is structured around the following seven major thematic areas related to disability inclusive recovery and reconstruction: physical environment; livelihood, employment and social protection; transportation and communication; education; health; capacity building of disabled people's organisations (DPOs); and organisational and operational issues. This toolkit is useful for humanitarian agencies and NGOs in disasters situations

Greater involvement of people living with HIV

June 2010

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This guide provides practical information for programme level staff in organisations responding to HIV, helping them to define good practice for the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV in programmes and organisations and strategies for developing their capacity

Strategic funding : strengthening partnernship for real development

June 2010

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'This learning paper considers how strategic funding allows community based and non-governmental organisations the flexibility to develop their responses to HIV and AIDS; it creates the space for organisational development to enable those changes and for organisations to learn from, and share with, each other'

Capacity development in disability and development for CLMV government officers

June 2010

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This is a completion report of a disability project which started from July 2007 to June 2010 with the objective of enhancing the capacities of government officers engaged in disability issues to analyse, formulate and implement policies and programmes in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV countries). This project report reviews and summarises FASID’s activities and achievements

Monitoring and evaluating capacity building : is it really that difficult?

SMITH, Rachel
January 2010

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This paper is based on a literature review and interviews with a range of capacity building providers based in the North and South examining both theory and current practice of capacity development, and discusses some of the key barriers to progress. “Primarily concerned with capacity building within civil society organisations (CSOs), although many of the lessons apply equally to organisations in the commercial or state sectors... it begins by looking at some key concepts in both capacity building and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It examines different ways of thinking about M&E, and describes a variety of different tools and approaches used to plan, monitor and evaluate capacity building work. It goes on to discuss M&E in relation to donors and provides an outline of current practice, based on the interviews. Finally, it highlights key areas for further discussion, and presents some conclusions based on the research”

Praxis Paper No. 23

Capacity is development : stories of institutions

January 2010

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This report presents a series of narratives aims to capture the national and local institutional transformations, led and driven by the institutions themselves, that UNDP has supported over the years at the country level. These stories have been collated and synthesised by the UNDP Capacity Development Group, drawing on data and narratives provided mainly by UNDP Country Offices in each region. Each narrative clearly outlines the situation, response and results

Series 1

Barriers to sustainable access of children and families to ART centres in rural India : a report on operations research conducted in Maharashtra and Manipur

December 2009

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This report identifies barriers that children and families face in accessing anti-retroviral therapy (ART) centres in rural India. The report also seeks to find solutions to these barriers based on an operations research conducted in Maharashtra Pradesh and Manipur. Operations research objectives: * To build an understanding among policy makers of the barriers faced by children and caregivers accessing ART services in rural communities. * To assess and highlight a basic minimum level of standards for ART centres in terms of adequacy, quality and timeliness of support needed. * To explore opportunities for linkages with state and district level departments and/or local self-governing institutions

Capacity building in network organisations : experiences from and practical guidelines for HIV and other networks

November 2009

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This report assesses seven capacities of organisations of people living with HIV and other HIV network organisations to see what makes a well-functioning network. These capacities are: involvement and accountability; partnership alliances; leadership; knowledge and skills; internal communication; impact, outputs and external communication; and management and finance. The report looks at four network organisations in Eastern and Southern Africa, with secondary research drawn from networks in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. The findings and recommendations cannot be applied universally to capacity strengthening in all network organisations, but need to be adapted to the context of each particular group

Training for impact : international training programme on development-oriented psychosocial care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

November 2009

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This report presents a BasicNeeds international training programme on development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters. Details are provided about the training programmes, the evaluations, the follow-up and achievements. Case studies and an analysis of the experience are highlighted. This resource is useful for practitioners interested in the development-oriented psychological care for communities affected by the tsunami and other disasters

Just do it : dealing with the dilemmas in monitoring and evaluating capacity building

November 2009

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This report draws on the author’s practical experience in the field suggesting some pragmatic ways to deal with the dilemmas often faced by organisations when monitoring and evaluating capacity building.  The author suggests starting simple, focusing on what is feasible and doing it [capacity building] in such a way as to reinforce NGO ownership of that capacity building

Praxis Note n°49

Handbook on monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health : with special applications for low- and middle-income countries

DAL POZ, Mario R

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This handbook aims strengthen the technical capacity of health managers, researchers and policy makers, to monitor and evaluate their health workforce accurately . It brings together an analytical framework for strategy options for improving the health workforce information and evidence base, as well as country experiences to highlight approaches that have worked

Coordination for vulnerable children : Alliance Zambia’s efforts to strengthen government and community OVC systems


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Based on its experience of implementing a programme to strengthen community support systems for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Alliance Zambia sees coordination within government, and partnership between government and civil society, as essential building blocks for effective OVC support

Mainstreaming disability into disaster risk reduction : a training manual

SILCOCK, Nathalie
January 2009

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This manual aims to build professionals' capacities to mainstream disability in disaster risk reduction and to improve general knowledge on disability and disaster risk reduction. It is designed in a logical modular sequence, providing practical tools and guidelines for topic-related training sessions. Each training session is detailed with suggested time allocation, methods, tools and learning objectives. The information is based upon a 'Mainstreaming disability and people with disabilities into disaster management in Nepal' project, which was implemented by Handicap International in December 2007. A CD-Rom is available to accompany the manual. This manual is useful for people interested in mainstreaming disability into disaster risk reduction

Empowering communities for TB advocacy : the TAG-ICW model


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This report provides activists, policy makers, and donors with lessons learned from two years of capacity building for HIV treatment activists to integrate TB and TB/HIV collaborative activities into their advocacy work. The TAG-ICW capacity building model evolved out of their experience in building the capacity of Africa-based HIV activists to take on TB advocacy

