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Financing disaster risk reduction : a 20 year study of international aid

September 2013

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"The international financing of DRR, representing the international community’s support to national governments in their efforts to protect development gains from disasters, is coming under increasing scrutiny. This report examines the record of the international community to date, investigating the priorities in financing of DRR, and asking questions of both the equity and adequacy of past efforts. Beyond this it points to the future of a more rational, targeted investment in risk reduction"

Fiji disability inclusive community based disaster risk management toolkit


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The toolkit is part of the pilot project called ‘Disability Inclusiveness in Disaster Risk Reduction Management’ in Fiji in partnership with the Pacific Disability Forum from 2011 – 2013. Fiji regularly experiences natural disasters so the toolkit was developed for the inclusion of disability within disaster management.  The toolkit is divided into three parts: part one presents an introduction to disability; part two provides detailed about disability inclusive community based disaster risk management activities in practice; and part three presents the toolbox. It is adapted from the Disability Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Management Toolkit for South Asia developed by Handicap International

SIR, an ’’out of the box’’ project

June 2013

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This newsletter provides an update on the social inclusion and rights (SIR) Project in West Africa and features information and links to various resources undertaken as part of the DECISIPH project
DECISIPH Newsletter, Number 014

Resilient livelihoods : disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security framework programme

April 2013

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Through its disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) seeks to protect livelihoods from shocks, to make food production systems more resilient and more capable of absorbing the impact of, and recovering from, disruptive events. The FAO Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security Framework Programme (DRR for FNS) serves to support and provide strategic direction, to FAO member countries and partners, for the implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction for Food and Nutrition Security programmes. The goal is to enhance the resilience of livelihoods against threats and emergencies to ensure the FNS of vulnerable farmers, fishers, herders, foresters and other at risk groups

Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Health Equity in International Donors' Policies

Eide, A H
Amin, M
MacLachlan, M
Mannan, H
Schneider, M

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Background: Health policies have the potential to be important instruments in achieving equity in health. A framework – EquiFrame - for assessing the extent to which health policies promote equity was used to perform an equity audit of the health policies of three international aid organizations.


Objective: To assess the extent to which social inclusion and human rights feature in the health policies of DFID (UK), Irish Aid, and NORAD (Norway).


Method: EquiFrame provides a tool for analyzing equity and quality of health policies with regards to social inclusion and human rights. Each health policy was analyzed with regards to the frequency and content of a predefined set ofVulnerable Groups and Core Concepts.


Results: The three policies vary but are all relatively weak with regards to social inclusion and human rights issues as defined in EquiFrame. The needs and rights of vulnerable groups for adequate health services are largely not addressed.


Conclusion: In order to enhance a social inclusion and human rights perspective that will promote equity in health through more equitable health policies, it is suggested that EquiFrame can be used to guide the revision and development of the health policies of international organizations, aid agencies and bilateral donors in the future.


Limitations: Analyses are limited to “policy on the books” and does not measure how effectively vulnerable groups are included in mainstream health policy work.

Human development report 2013|The rise of the south : human progress in a diverse world

MALIK, Khalid
et al

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This report "examines the profound shift in global dynamics driven by the fast-rising new powers of the developing world and its long-term implications for human development....The report identifies four specific areas of focus for sustaining development momentum: enhancing equity, including on the gender dimension; enabling greater voice and participation of citizens, including youth; confronting environmental pressures; and managing demographic change

Toward a gender inclusive approach : assessment report and key recommendations


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This report focuses on the issue of gender and inclusion within Handicap International's organisation and its programmes in Laos. Current practises are identified and the gaps at different levels in each programme are noted. The report makes recommendations and provides an action plan to increase gender inclusion and develop capacity in a sustainable way

The barefoot guide 3 : mobilizing religious health assets for transformation

November 2012

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This Barefoot Guide 3 presents the connection between religion and public health. It focuses on understanding and working with that reality highlighting that “religious assets for health are everywhere, they matter to a lot of people, and they can be mobilized for the health of all.” The guide contains the following chapters on: thinking differently about the health of the public; revisiting the history of the link between religion and public health; working with and mobilizing religious health assets; supporting the ‘leading causes of life’; understanding ‘healthworlds’ and the strengths of ‘people who come together’; boundary leadership; thinking about systems; and ‘deep accountability

Disability inclusive community based disaster risk management : a toolkit for practice in South Asia

O’MEARA, Claire

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This toolkit, developed as part of Handicap International’s project ‘Make community-based disaster risk management inclusive in South Asia,’ addresses issues faced by persons with disability and attempts to ensure that services and systems are adapted to meet the diverse needs of the community in reducing risk. It has been designed for use by disaster risk management practitioners and policy makers who wish to understand more about how to make community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) inclusive of persons with disabilities.


The first part establishes the rationale for taking an inclusive approach, firmly establishing the links between disability and disasters and the need for action on inclusion. Part Two provides practical guidance on how to make core CBDRM activities inclusive. Separated into eight individual booklets, it takes each activity in turn and highlights what needs to be taken into account both in planning and in implementation. The Toolbox contains a number of tools to complement the advice given in Part Two and support good practices in implementation. These tools can be taken and used as provided or adapted for use as necessary


SD/PG 01


Fighting against epilepsy in Rwanda : an efficient patient-centred experience

FINEL, Elodie
March 2012

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This document presents a learning-from-experience "capitalisation’’ process on Handicap International’s epilepsy project in Rwanda. It includes 4 parts: (1) Principles & Benchmarks which sets the framework including main concepts, definitions and intervention context (2) Intervention methods which detail the main activities monitoring the project and its tools (3) Focus which presents the community-based approach and provides a deeper look into the know-how and good practices developed through this approach (4) Results which provides the limitations and recommendations found during the capitalisation process to different stakeholders
SD/LL 04

Support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

et al
February 2012

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This policy brief gives an overview of how Handicap International works with and supports disabled people's organisations through capacity building, changing attitudes, practices and policies, monitoring the situation of people with disabilities and their human rights, and supporting people with disabilities’ individual empowerment
PP brief No 4

Fighting against epilepsy in Rwanda : an efficient patient-centred experience

FINEL, Elodie

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This brief provides a summary of the learning-from-experience process on Handicap International's project "Promoting access to medical care, ensuring the school, social, family and community integration of epileptic people in Rwanda." Strategy and intervention methods are highlighted along with the community-based approach
Brief SD/LL 04

Two stage child disability study among children 2 to 9 years : Bhutan 2010 - 2011

Ministry of Education (MoE)
Ministry of Health (MoH)

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“This report highlights the salient findings of the two-stage child disability study among children aged 2-9 years conducted in 2011. The first stage was a screen to identify children with conditions making them more likely to be living with a disability. The second stage was a detailed assessment to accurately determine their disability status. This two-stage procedure is designed to reduce the costs of administering a detailed assessment to many children who are highly unlikely to have a disability”

Strengthening livelihood capacities to disaster risk reduction : compilation of change studies Kathmandu Nepal

BHANDARI, Dinanath

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This collection of articles documents the lessons learned during the project implementation in Nepal. It describes the prevailing physical, institutional and socio economic context, and details the activities and its interventions. The collection presents a compilation of initiatives and their evaluated outcomes on improved and diversified livelihood strategies, including the adoption of new income earning opportunities with increased resilience and food security, and improved health and resilience of targeted communities while reducing their exposure to prevailing and future hazards

Fostering and managing change in Algerian nurseries

November 2011

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"This report describes lessons learned from Handicap International’s programme in Algeria which aimed to enhance full participation of people with disabilities and the situation of children deprived of family care"
SD/LL 05

Support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

GEISER, Priscille
ZIEGLER, Stefanie
July 2011

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This policy paper is based on the practice and experience acquired by Handicap International (HI) in working with and supporting organisations representative of people with disabilities. The paper first outlines the development of DPOs and their particular roles and responsibilities with regards to the goal of improving the situation of persons with disabilities. It then discusses the importance of supporting DPOs specifically regarding HI’s engagement, presents key components of projects, and highlights links with HI’s institutional framework documents. This paper is useful for anyone interested in support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

‘Welcome to My Life!’ Photovoice: Needs Assessment of, and by, Persons with Physical Disabilities in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana


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Persons with physical disabilities face many architectural and social barriers to community participation. This research employed the ‘Photovoice’ method. The aim was to gain insight into the daily lives of persons with physical disabilities, and to assess their needs in the Kumasi metropolis. Participants in this study were trained and instructed to photograph their everyday activities, so as to document their struggles and concerns, to promote critical dialogue and to reach policymakers. Results indicated a number of concerns, such as poor accessibility to public toilets, transport and buildings, as well as a need for attitudinal change and equal opportunities. Other needs which were raised by theparticipants included economic empowerment, marketable vocational training, accident prevention, affordable and quality rehabilitation, and the establishment of emergency shelters. It was concluded that the most pressing needs of persons with disabilities were related to overall social, employment and accessibility issues. Finally, the ‘Photovoice’ methodology offered a suitable, structured, and participatory way to assess the needs of persons with disabilities. It gave this marginalised group a voice through photographs, and formed an excellent way of disseminating the findings of this study to the stakeholders involved.

Alternative care in emergencies (ACE) toolkit : summary guidance

FULFORD, Louise Melville

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"This document provides a rapid overview of best practices in relation to interim care, including Key Principles and a Key Summary Guidance of the actions required before and during the emergency response, associated tools and where in the Extended Guidance to go for detailed information. A List of Tools located in the Zip File is included as well
This document also contains the Draft Standard Operating Procedures for Supporting Children’s Community-Based Care Placements (SOP’s). These were developed from the Haiti response by Katherine Williamson for the IRC, and provide an example set of the tasks required by those identifying, assessing and placing separated and unaccompanied children in an emergency, in accordance with the national context and required procedures. These serve as an example and can assist in the development of SOP’s to suit the context and legal and policy framework in which you are working"

