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Advocacy toolkit : a guide to influencing decisions that improve children’s lives

COHEN, David
et al

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This toolkit "provides a broadly accepted definition of advocacy and underscores UNICEF’s unique position and experience in advocacy. The heart of the Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. The Toolkit also outlines eight foundational areas that can help strengthen an office’s capacity for advocacy, and covers several crosscutting aspects of advocacy including monitoring and evaluating advocacy, managing knowledge in advocacy, managing risks in advocacy, building relationships and securing partnerships for advocacy and working with children and young people in advocacy. Special focuses examine a variety of specific topics, including human rights and equity approaches to advocacy, theories of change, and conducting advocacy in humanitarian situations"

Child protection in emergencies : coordinator’s handbook

KRUEGER, Alexander

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This handbook is "intended for child protection specialists working in complex emergencies and disasters. It provides essential information for those professionals tasked with initiating the Child Protection co-ordination mechanism within the Humanitarian Reform process and cluster protocols. The handbook represents the collective learning and thinking of the sector on how to optimise the impact of efforts for children through careful and strategic co-ordination, and how to avoid unintended harm through fragmented poorly coordinated responses. The expectation is that whenever it is needed, children’s protection will be an active and coordinated part of preparedness, response and recovery"

Child disciplinary practices at home : evidence from a range of low- and middle-income countries


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This report analyses findings on child discipline from 35 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in low and middle-income countries in 2005 and 2006. Questions on child discipline were addressed to the mother (or primary caregiver) of one randomly selected child aged 2-14 years in each household. The questionnaire asked whether any member of the household had used various disciplinary practices with that child during the past month. The survey covered eight violent disciplinary practices, some of which were psychological (such as shouting and name calling) while others were physical (such as shaking and hitting). The surveys also collected information on three nonviolent forms of discipline, such as explaining why a behaviour is wrong. Finally, interviewers asked the mother (or primary caregiver) about her or his personal beliefs regarding the need for physical punishment in child rearing"

Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women : taking action and generating evidence


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"This document aims to provide sufficient information for policy-makers and planners to develop data-driven and evidence-based programmes for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women. Chapter 1 outlines the nature, magnitude and consequences of intimate partner and sexual violence within the broader typology of violence. Chapter 2 identifies the risk and protective factors for such violence and the importance of addressing both risk and protective factors in prevention efforts. Chapter 3 summarizes the scientific evidence base for primary prevention strategies, and describes programmes of known effectiveness, those supported by emerging evi-dence and those that could potentially be effective but have yet to be sufficiently evaluated for their impact. Chapter 4 presents a six-step framework for taking action, generating evidence and sharing results. In the closing section, several future research priorities are outlined and a number of key conclusions drawn"

Breaking the silence : violence against children with disabilities in Africa


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This report highlights violence against children with disabilities in five study African countries: Cameroon, Ethiopia, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia. The report notes that there is widespread apathy and negligence at state, local and community levels, and highlights a lack of financial and medical aid, inadequate and inaccessible state facilities and systems, and insufficient community understanding. The study report documents the negative effect this has on children with disabilities and makes a number of recommendations to help improve the situation

Barriers to sustainable access of children and families to ART centres in rural India : a report on operations research conducted in Maharashtra and Manipur

December 2009

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This report identifies barriers that children and families face in accessing anti-retroviral therapy (ART) centres in rural India. The report also seeks to find solutions to these barriers based on an operations research conducted in Maharashtra Pradesh and Manipur. Operations research objectives: * To build an understanding among policy makers of the barriers faced by children and caregivers accessing ART services in rural communities. * To assess and highlight a basic minimum level of standards for ART centres in terms of adequacy, quality and timeliness of support needed. * To explore opportunities for linkages with state and district level departments and/or local self-governing institutions

Disability, conflict, and emergencies

KETT, Maria
November 2009

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This article examines the inclusion of people with disabilities in situations of risk, including armed conflict. It highlights that a combination of mainstreaming disability and specifically targeting groups within humanitarian work is most likely to lead to greater inclusion and long-term benefits for the whole community. This article is useful to people interested in disability, conflict and emergencies
To access this article, users need to register (free) online
The Lancet, Vol 374, Issue 9704

Moscow declaration

November 2009

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This declaration from the first global ministerial conference on road safety acknowledges the global road safety crisis and recognises current initiatives. It highlights 11 resolutions and invites the UN to establish a Decade of Action for Road Safety from 2011-2020. This declaration is useful to those interested in road safety
First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety : Time for Action
Moscow, Russia
19-20 November 2009

Packages of care for epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries

MBUBA, Caroline K
NEWTON, Charles R
October 2009

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This article focuses on the management of epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries and recommends a package of care - a combination of interventions aimed at improving the recognition and management of conditions to achieve optimal outcomes - for epilepsy, that is sustainable

Road safety : call for action

October 2009

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This report presents details about global road safety initiatives. It provides background information on the call for action, outlines the global recognition of the road safety crisis and highlights the actions taken by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies by presenting related figures, case studies and recommendations. This report is useful for anyone interested in road safety initiatives

Facilitating HIV testing and disclosure with children and adolescents

June 2009

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This report looks at the challenges in facilitating testing and disclosure for children in 0-6, 7-14 and 15-18 age groups. The report is based on operations research conducted by India HIV/AIDS Alliance in Andhra Pradesh and Manipur. This operations research was aimed at understanding current challenges with facilitating testing and disclosure for children, and to provide possible short to medium term solutions. Three broad objectives of the study were: * Identifying challenges and factors that prevent the community from seeking HIV testing of their children * Understanding issues related to disclosure of HIV status to children, and the social impact related to disclosure faced by parents and children * Using the study findings in formulating practical solutions to address these issues, and to come up with practical recommendations on building links between policy and practice

Sexual-health communication across and within cultures : the clown project, Guatemala

SAVDIE, Anthony
June 2009

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This paper puts forward an argument in favour of careful and critical analysis of culture in formulating communication strategies with and for specific groups, based on experience drawn from the Clown Project in Guatemala and other countries in Central America. The Clown Project uses labour-intensive face-to-face street theatre and dialogue, participatory workshops, and symbolic communication such as print-based material to reach those most vulnerable to the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS . The analysis takes into account relations of power within and between vulnerable groups, examining the centre-periphery dynamic between classes, genders, ethnicities, age groups, and other social identities. Both appropriately supported insider perspectives and appropriately processed outsider knowledge are recommended, along with ways of bridging science and the field, theory and practice

Renewing the disability movement

May 2009

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This article highlights the current issues surrounding the disability movement in Malta. The author provides suggestions for policy makers, politicians, academics and grassroots movement leaders to actively start addressing this complex agenda. This article is useful for people who are seeking information about disability in Malta

Understanding and challenging TB stigma : toolkit for action | Introduction to TB and stigma | More understanding and less fear about TB

KIDD, Ross
et al
March 2009

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"The module was written by and for trainers. It has been designed to help trainers plan and organise participatory educational sessions with community leaders or organised groups to raise awareness and promote practical action to challenge HIV and TB stigma and discrimination." It can be used as a stand alone resource or in conjunction with the modules on understanding and challenging HIV stigma

Realizing the millennium development goals for persons with disabilities through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2009

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This report presents actions and issues to consider in order to meet the millennium development goals through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by including and integrating their rights, well-being and perspectives in development efforts at national, regional and international levels

An introduction to mental health : facilitator’s manual for training community health workers in India

RAJA, Shoba
et al

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The aim of this training manual is to build the capacity of community health workers in the field of mental health so that they are able to effectively respond to the mental health needs of their communities. By the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to: * Recognise symptoms of mental disorders. * Respond appropriately to people experiencing symptoms of mental disorders. * Refer people experiencing possible mental disorders to appropriate services. * Support people with mental disorders and their families. * Promote mental health within their communities. The manual provides a step by step guide to facilitating each training session and contains information on teaching methods, training tips and the aims and objectives of each session. It was developed and piloted in consultation with the Village Health Workers at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, Maharashtra, India

Smart Quiz : an open-source intelligent evaluation tool for any language, subject or ability


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This is a quiz game in Kenyan Sign Language (KSL), designed to inform and educate deaf Kenyans about HIV and AIDS and reproductive health issues. The interface has been kept simple with minimal visual distractions, which makes it suitable for students with very low computer skills. The quiz would be useful for Kenyan schools, HIV and AIDS testing clinics, internet cafes, resource centres and libraries

Gender and disability : a first look at rehabilitation syllabi and a call to action

LEWIS, Allen N
BRUBAKER, Sarah Jane

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"This study provides an overview of recent scholarship in the area of gender and disability, as well as findings from an evaluation of syllabi from five core courses in graduate rehabilitation education programs. Findings from this exploratory study revealed a need for more attention toward integration of the topic of gender and disability into rehabilitation education courses. Study results showed that in only one out of three courses where there would be a reasonable expectation to see such topics was the content actually addressed. Specific recommendations for enhancing attention to gender issues within rehabilitation education courses are offered"
Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2

