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HIV & AIDS and supportive learning environments


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This booklet addresses the following issues for learners: - Rights and access to education - Protection - Knowledge, attitudes and skills - Care and support Schools and other educational settings play an important role in educating young people about HIV and AIDS, developing the skills they need to protect themselves from HIV infection, tackling fear, stigma and discrimination and promoting care and support of those who are infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS

Change your life with human rights : a self-advocacy guide for people with disabilities

STEIN, Michael

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This guide provides self-help advocacy advice for people with disabilities. It includes explanations, exercises and resources that provide clarity on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and outlines how to advocate and influence legislation. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights, advocacy and influencing legislation

Fight AMR : save medicines for our children : call for action


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This leaflet has been produced to raise awareness about antimicrobial resistance and possible areas of intervention including infection control, promoting effective diagnosis, improving prescribing practices and encouraging optimal use of antimicrobial agents. It is targeted at all the different groups of stakeholders who are in position to contribute to implementation of the containment actions that have been defined in the WHO Global Strategy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance

Towards zero : ambitious road safety targets and the safe system approach|Summary document


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"This is a summary of the report ‘Towards Zero: Ambitious Road Safety Targets and the Safe System Approach’...The purpose of the report is to review the state of the art in improving road safety performance and examine the role of targets in raising the level of ambition and achieving effective implementation of road safety policies. The work aims to assist governments in raising the performance threshold by developing more systematic approaches to road safety. It highlights the institutional management changes required in many countries to implement effective interventions through a strong focus on results and underlines the economic case for road safety investment. This summary document comprises the recommendations, executive summary and table of contents of the full report together with details of the experts that contributed to the work"

Disability and development: is the rights model of disability valid in the Arab region? An evidence-based field survey in Lebanon and Jordan

NAGATA, Kozue Kay

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This paper reviews the process and outcome of constructing a "rights model of disability" which is culturally specific to Jordan and Lebanon. The objective of the empirical part was, to survey the current level of attitudes of non-disabled people towards their disabled fellows in Jordan, and to compare the attitudes of Lebanon's university students towards five different categories of disabled people (mentally disabled people, psycho-socially disabled people, physically disabled people, hearing impaired people and visually impaired people) to highlight the variations and diversity among them. It also examined the relationship between the attitudes and various demographic and social characteristics of the respondents. The set of findings was further tested and triangulated through meta-analysis of individual views expressed in the qualitative studies.

In Jordan, the attitude of 191 randomly selected non-disabled people was studied, using a Scale of Attitudes towards Disabled Persons (SADP). The participants from 4 communities of Jordan, exhibited overall negative attitudes towards disabled people. Socio-economic-demographic characteristics showed almost no difference regarding their attitudes towards disabled people.

In Lebanon, a more complex scale, composed of four sub-scales, namely a, "Baseline Survey of Student Attitudes towards People with a Disability" was used, to survey 94 university students' attitudes towards five different categories of disabled people, and a set of indices for future comparison was constructed. The results indicated the same pattern of gradations of attitude differences (found in other countries) towards persons with physical or sensory impairments (better), intellectual impairment (middle) and mental illness (worse). The main findings of this empirical field research showed particularly negative public attitudes towards people with intellectual impairment and mental illness in Lebanon.

Finally, the validity of the proposed rights model of disability and the empirical findings of this study, were further examined and co-validated through analysis of the collective views of those who took part in the questionnaire surveys and the participatory focus group discussions, which took place in Lebanon in 2005 and 2007, and in Jordan in 2005, as well as a series of intensive on-line and/or telephone interviews of a few informants comprising of disabled persons and experts. The policy implications of the findings are discussed.


Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, Vol 19, No 1

Violence against women and girls : a compendium of monitoring and evaluation indicators

BLOOM, Shelah

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"This guide was developed for managers, organizations, and policy makers working in the field of VAW/G [Violence Against Women and Girls] program implementation and evaluation in developing countries, as well as for people who provide technical assistance to these individuals and organizations. Indicators were developed to measure the following areas within VAW/G : 1. Magnitude and characteristics of different forms of VAW/G (skewed sex rations, intimate partner violence, violence from someone other than an intimate partner, female genital cutting/mutilation and child marriage); 2. Programs addressing VAW/G by sector (health, education, justice/security, social welfare); 3. Under-documented forms of VAW/G and emerging areas (humanitarian emergencies, trafficking in persons, femicide), and preventing VAW/G (youth, community mobilization, working with men and boys). The indicators can also be used by programs that may not specifically focus on VAW/G, but include reducing levels of VAW/G as part of their aims. The indicators have been designed [to] address information needs that can be assessed with quantitative methods to measure program performance and achievement at the community, regional and national levels. While many of the indicators have been used in the field, they have not necessarily been tested in multiple settings"

HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Africa : end of project report

NDUTA, Sally
December 2007

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This is the final report of the HIV & AIDS awareness and training projects for blind and partially sighted persons in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Including a summary of the workshops and trainings conducted across these countries, the aim is to highlight achievements, share research and put forth a set of recommendations about mainstreaming disability issues into HIV & AIDS programmes

From exclusion to equality : realizing the rights of persons with disabilities.|Handbook for parliamentarians on the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and its optional protocol

BYRNES, Andrew
et al
October 2007

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This handbook is the result of extensive collaboration between the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. It aims to raise awareness about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disseminate information and help stakeholders understand the key elements of the Convention as they put the articles into practice. Extensive insights and a range of examples are designed to aid parliamentarians as they promote and protect the rights of disabled people. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and disability and development. It will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish

Human rights indicators for people with disability - a resource for disability activists and policy makers|incorporating an introduction and commentary to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

FRENCH, Phillip
October 2007

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This project and associated report examines the relationship between the experience of Queenslanders with disability and the international human rights standards implemented by the Australian government. The purpose is to develop indicators that can be used to obtain how persons with disabilities would assess their level of human rights and use this information to advocate for improved legislation

Disabled women and domestic violence : making the links|An interim report for the women’ s aid federation of England

MAGOWAN, Pauline
October 2007

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This interim report presents a research project which explores disabled women’s experiences of domestic violence and investigates existing service provision available to them. It is "based on two national surveys, one of domestic violence organisations and one of disabled people’s organisations. Specialist facilities and accessible services were in short supply in both sectors. One recurrent issue was lack of secure on-going funding, which held many organisations back from developing their services as fully and inclusively they might wish. The provision of appropriate training, and improved liaison between the two sectors, would help to provide a better service for disabled women experiencing abuse"

Child-friendly text UN disability convention

September 2007

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This resource clearly outlines the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in a child-friendly format. This document would be an ideal teaching aid for disabled and non-disabled children. It includes easy-to-read explanations of concepts like: human rights, disability, ratification, universal design and accessibility. This source would be useful for anyone with an interest in teaching, child rights and disability and development

HIV and AIDS knowledge, attitude, practices and accessibility study

August 2007

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This report concerns HIV and AIDS preventative activities targeting people with disabilities in Kenya. Specifically, the report gathers information concerning the knowledge, attitude and practices among people with disabilities; and qualitative and quantitative data including 618 questionnaires conducted in Nairobi and Mobassa. The report findings advise on the development of policy on HIV and AIDS for people with disabilities in Kenya

Keep the best, change the rest : participatory tools for working with communities on gender and sexuality

June 2007

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This toolkit aims to support community groups to work in a practical and thorough way on improving understanding and relationships between women and men. Through this, it aims to promote sexual wellbeing, strengthen communities and help them to prevent HIV. It is aimed at individuals and organisations that support communities to address HIV and AIDS and related issues. It is divided into five categories: A) gender, sexuality and vulnerability; B) sex and relationships; C) sexual violence; D) working together; and E) making a plan

National campaign on disability and HIV & AIDS : ‘Let us act now on disability and HIV/AIDS’

June 2007

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This report highlights the key issues that emerged during the two-day workshop, such as the role of research, the aspect of living positively, neglect of orphans and vulnerable children, disabling effects of HIV, women with disabilities, sexual violence, youth, networking and current legislation. The report gives recommendations for the way forward The report would be useful for people interested in the Kenyan Campaign on Disability and AIDS and in general issues about disability and HIV and AIDS in Kenya

WHO ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies

June 2007

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This document builds on previous WHO publications and explores the different reasons for collecting information about sexual violence in emergency situations. It applies to all forms of enquiry about sexual violence and makes a number of recommendations that are intended to ensure that the necessary safety and ethical safeguards are in place at the beginning of any information gathering exercise. The document sets out the key safety and ethical issues that need to be addressed and the questions that need to be asked. There are examples of good practice and details of further information and resources that are available. This document is not intended to be a standalone guidance document but is designed to complement existing internationally-agreed ethical guidelines for research and to inform ethics review processes

Capacity assessment methodology : user’s guide

COLVILLE, Jennifer
May 2007

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This guide provides an overview, and the benefits of, UNDP’s approach to developing and assessing capacity.  It details methods by which to assess capacity and capacity development needs, providing operational guidelines and capacity development strategies.  It provides UNDP and other development practitioners with step-by-step guide using the UNDP default” Capacity Assessment Framework and Supporting Tool", including detailed examples of topics and questions to ask, when conducting a capacity assessment. The UNDP’s approach is presented in the Practice Notes which should be used in conjunction with the User’s Guide

Creating an inclusive society : mainstreaming disability based on the social economy example

European Standing Conference of Co-operatives, Mutual Societies, Associations and Foundations (CEP-CMAF)

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This guide, written in cooperation with the European Disability Forum (EDF), is principally concerned with the processes for mainstreaming disability into organisational policy and practice. Written in an accessible, easy-to-use format, the guide aims to demonstrate examples of good organisational practice, specifically with regard to developing Social Economy enterprises and local co-operatives. It is aimed at all types of organisations which have an interest in improving access and inclusion for people with disabilities

