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Disability rights TOT training manual


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"This TOT training manual was developed by HI Laos to facilitate the process of effective and meaningful inclusion, empowerment, promotion and protection of the rights of people with disabilities." Practical exercises, cases studies, questionnaires and checklists are provided

Guidelines for child-friendly spaces in emergencies

January 2011

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The purpose of this guideline is "to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish (Child Friendly Spaces) CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts. They are also intended to guide advocacy efforts and donor practices in emergency settings where protection and well-being ought to be high priorities"

Child protection rapid needs assessment : a short guide (CPRA) toolkit

January 2011

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This practical guide provides information about the how to use the Child Protection Needs Assessment Toolkit, an inter-agency, cluster-specific rapid assessment to be used in the aftermath of a rapid-onset emergency. It is meant to provide a snapshot of urgent child protection related needs among the affected population within the immediate post-emergency context, as well as act as a stepping-stone for a more comprehensive process of assessing the impacts of the emergency

Child centred disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation : roles of gender and culture in Indonesia

HAYNES, Katharine
LASSA, Jonatan
TOWERS, Briony
September 2010

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"The principle aim of this research was to investigate the roles of gender and religion in child-centred disaster risk reduction (DRR). Moreover, and through participatory research, informal conversations and direct advocacy, the project team hoped to build knowledge and awareness of child-centred DRR. The research was also designed to validate findings from previous research by the wider project team and to provide a body of empirical evidence in support of child-centred DRR and the Children in a Changing Climate programme"
Working Paper No 2

Left out twice : living with HIV/AIDS and disabilities

BARRIGA, Santhu Rau
July 2010

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This article documents the experiences and prejudices which women with HIV and Aids and disabilities face. These include the risk of sexual violence to disabled women, and the difficulty in persuading partners to consent to safe sex. The article concludes with suggestions as to how the link between HIV and disability can be better researched and funded. This article would be of interest to those who are interested in HIV and disability

Measuring up : a guide for facilitators|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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The overall purpose of this training is to increase users’ capacity to evaluate the progress and results of their advocacy work. It aims to help users identify and confront the challenges faced by community-based organisations evaluating HIV-related advocacy; introduce new thinking for designing advocacy evaluations; give users the opportunity to apply some aspects of the evaluation design process to their specific contexts; and make users aware that advocacy evaluation is a fast-growing and evolving field, with a large number of publications on advocacy evaluation design, approaches and methods available via the Internet and summarised in the resources section of the learner’s guide

Measuring up : a guide for learners|HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations

July 2010

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This resource brings together useful concepts and models from recent literature on advocacy evaluation. Many of these models were developed in and for social change work in the global North, but have been taken and piloted with HIV Alliance and ICASO colleagues working in low- and middle-income countries, to act as a springboard for civil society organisations to develop approaches that meet their needs for accountability, planning and delivering results. The guide comes with a set of resources that is intended to help advocates themselves acquire enough of a working knowledge of the field to train themselves and each other

Handbook for coordinating gender-based violence interventions in humanitarian settings

WARD, Jeanne
July 2010

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This Handbook has been produced by the global Gender-based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility Working Group as a quick reference tool for all individuals and agencies involved in GBV programming and coordination in humanitarian/emergency settings. The handbook contains practical guidance on leadership roles, key responsibilities and specific actions to be taken when establishing and maintaining a GBV coordination mechanisms in a humanitarian setting. The focus is primarily on work that should be done to scale up coordination from the onset of an emergency (both conflict and natural disasters) but is also relevant to contingency planning and post-emergency stabilization phases
The goal of the handbook is to improve coordination capacity at the field level in order to facilitate accessible, prompt, confidential and appropriate services for survivors according to a basic set of principles and to put in place mechanisms to prevent GBV
The handbook can also be used as an advocacy tool to educate non-GBV programmers--including UN personnel, government officials, NGO staff and donors--about basic protection responsibilities related to GBV coordination, prevention and response

Advocacy toolkit : campaign for a new optional protocol to the CRC establishing a communications procedure

June 2010

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This advocacy toolkit has been prepared to support those who are interested in joining the campaign for a communications procedure under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It contains background information about the campaign, lists of campaigning and lobbying activities you could undertake at national level, questions and answers, a glossary and a feedback form

HIV & AIDS "train the trainers" manual


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"This manual is for use by Trainers of Trainers. i.e. trainers of visually impaired Peer Educators. It has been developed to provide awareness and training on HIV&AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support and to equip blind and partially sighted participants with Peer Educations skills. It is hoped that blind and partially sighted participants will become effective Peer Educators in training other visually impaired persons in their communities"
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Advancing newborn health : the saving newborn lives initiative

et al
January 2010

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The value of low-cost, community-based interventions and strategies in significantly reducing newborn mortality has been demonstrated by targeted research, focused on overcoming the key barriers to improved newborn survival. This research is part of Saving Newborn Lives, an initiative, which is helping to address what was previously a largely neglected area within the global health agenda but is increasingly being addressed by assistance agencies, national governments and non-governmental organisations. Building on what has been learned from this and other efforts to date, the challenge is to reach the millions of newborns still at risk

Gender-based violence prevention and response : a methodological guide

DUPLESSY, Constance

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This methodological guide is the result of a cross-disciplinary project to consolidate the experiences and tools on gender-based violence. As well as a general presentation of the issue of gender-based violence, this guide presents various aspects of caring for victims of violence, awareness-raising activities and arguments that can accompany those activities. It aims to facilitate the development and implementation of actions to combat gender-based violence and to enhance the quality of interventions in the field. Best practices and know-how are also highlighted. This guide will of use to anyone interested in gender-based violence and developing gender-based violence prevention and response initiatives
Note: web link will take you to a page which is in French. Scroll down the page to images of the report where French, English and Spanish links to the report are provided

Advocacy toolkit : a guide to influencing decisions that improve children’s lives

COHEN, David
et al

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This toolkit "provides a broadly accepted definition of advocacy and underscores UNICEF’s unique position and experience in advocacy. The heart of the Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. The Toolkit also outlines eight foundational areas that can help strengthen an office’s capacity for advocacy, and covers several crosscutting aspects of advocacy including monitoring and evaluating advocacy, managing knowledge in advocacy, managing risks in advocacy, building relationships and securing partnerships for advocacy and working with children and young people in advocacy. Special focuses examine a variety of specific topics, including human rights and equity approaches to advocacy, theories of change, and conducting advocacy in humanitarian situations"

Vientiane action plan

et al

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"The objective of this Action Plan is to ensure effective and timely implementation of the provisions of the CCM following the First Meeting of States. The Plan sets out concrete and measurable steps, actions and targets to be completed within specific time periods and defines roles and responsibilities. The actions are not legal requirements, but designed to assist States Parties and other relevant actors in their practical implementation of the Convention, and thus to support States Parties in meeting their obligations. With the adoption of this plan, states parties send a strong message on their commitment to the rapid implementation of the Convention"
States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)
Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
9-12 November 2010

Promoting good practices to reach personal mobility of persons with disabilities in the metropolitan area of Guatemala

QUAN CHANG, Silvia Judith

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This presentation discusses the Making It Work multi-stakeholder initiative which documented and promoted good practice of accessible transportation in order to improve accessibility in three municipalities in Guatemala. Good practice examples were collected from other South American cities relating to: legislation and policies; disabled people’s organisations participation and political advocacy results; and technical solutions.  The presentation summarises the objectives and approach of the report, and advocacy activities, and it does not give examples of good practice or recommendations

Note: The original report is in Spanish and has not been translated

Child-centred disaster risk reduction : building resilience through participation : lessons from Plan International


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This report “presents the results and recommendations of a five-year programme and…includes a series of case studies illustrating how child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) supports the delivery of the Hyogo Framework’s Priorities for Action, as well as the realisation of children’s rights to education, health and participation within disaster risk contexts…Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction is an innovative approach to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) that fosters the agency of children and youth, in groups and as individuals, to work towards making their lives safer and their communities more resilient to disasters”

Child-centred DRR toolkit

FARAG, Phoebe

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This toolkit is designed to help people working for international, national and local non-government organisations working with children in supporting community-based disaster risk reduction work. The toolkit has four modules:

  1. Training children on Disaster Risk Reduction through the hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment
  2. Planning, monitoring and evaluating child-centred disaster risk reduction programmes
  3. Action planning with children on Disaster Risk Reduction
  4. Advocacy with children on disaster risk reduction

Appeal on victim assistance to States participating in the Cartagena summit on a mine free world

December 2009

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This is an appeal made during the Cartagena Summit for the world to support and act towards a Mine-Free world. About a hundred States participants at the meeting signed the Cartagena declaration for an end of anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war and assistance to be provided to victims. The appeal calls for an universal adherence to the Convention for a mine-free world. This summit was organized by the ICRC together with the Norwegian Red Cross in Oslo
"Second review conference of the States parties to the convention on the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction"
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
30 November - 4 December 2009

