This video shows that "children with disabilities and their communities both benefit if society focuses on what those children can achieve, rather than what they cannot"
This website presents information about Realife, an action research development agency. The agency's original purpose was to work alongside up to 10 local families and to develop a range of initiatives based on their needs and preferences. Every project undertaken since then has been a result of requests from local people to set something up that they simply cannot find from their local authority or other voluntary agency. Information is oprovided about the services they offer and related news and resoruces
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) is a social development organisation working in 12 districts in Bangladesh to fight poverty and increase the participation of vulnerable groups in sustainable development. Their projects and activities focus upon health, human rights, education, disaster management, environment and biodiversity, knowledge and capacity development, and economic development. The website provides links to related organisations, reports, publications and news link
“WHO MiNDbank is an online platform which brings together a range of country and international resources, covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development. These include policies, strategies, laws, and service standards. MiNDbank aims to facilitate debate, dialogue, advocacy and research in order to promote national reform in these areas, in line with international human rights standards and best practice. MiNDbank has been made possible thanks to the collective efforts of WHO Member States in sharing their national resources, with a view to achieving better health and human rights outcomes for all”
This website features a platform to feature the annual UK disability history month event which focuses on the history of disabled people’s struggle for equality and human rights. Disability history month details a specific annual theme aiming to celebrate the achievements of disabled people, to look at the disablism and oppression that they have been subjected to over time in all sorts of cultures, and to argue for the full equality that they are entitled to under human rights legislation. This website presents related news, events, resources and ways to get involved
Friends of the Disabled Association (FDA) is an advocacy voluntary organisation. It was started in 1978 by group of parents of persons with intellectual disabilities. FDA's purpose is to promote the full range of Human Rights for persons with disabilities and their parents through multiple programmes. Their main programmes are in early intervention, basic teaching, intermediate level, secondary level, prevocational & vocational training. FDA's main goal is to secure self-discrimination, independent living and being included in their communities. FDA aims to establish a Trust Fund to secure life quality on the life span of persons with intellectual disability.
FDA considers that the adoption of UN CRPD and the ILO Recommendation Social Protection Floors will secure better life quality for persons with disability and their families
This website presents information about Weird and Wonderful, a feature-length documentary that tells the story of the rise and fight of the disability rights movement from the late 1960's until today. The stories come from the UK, America and Australia and are woven together to tell a compelling cultural and political story from the earliest murmurings of protest from those segregated in institutions through a series of extraordinary battles that disabled people fought to be seen, heard and participate in society. The website has a link for the trailer of the video and the full version of the documentary is currently in post-production and crowd funding through
This website presents the accessible icon project which provides supplies and services to transform the old international symbol of access into an active engaged image. Information is provided for about their partners and for the public to use their products and resources to change signs, to involve the community in disability advocacy and to share about accessibility, inclusion and disability rights. The shop offers products for a charge, however the icon is available to download for free
This resource provides useful website links to resources for disabled people's organisations (DPOs). A link is provided to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the site features resources according to the following six resource categories: DRF resources, Country specific; CRPD information; disabled persons and human rights organizations; key topics; organizational capacity building
Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. It aims to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities. The website presents general information and links to the monthly newsletters
This directory presents management tools and information for nonprofits worldwide in the following categories: general resources, organisational development, performance management, managing finances, developing human resources, communication and marketing
This Companion aims to support Oxfam staff to integrate disaster risk reduction (DRR) into their work on livelihoods and food security. It is one of a series of documents providing information about DRR and climate change adaptation (CCA)
A web portal for the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) education materials. The portal is for sharing resources as well as for finding materials, and resources are available in a variety of languages including English, French, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Finnish
"eepdAfrica envisions enlightening and empowering people with disabilities and others, in all cases by advocacy, education, mentoring and networking with PWDs locally and globally for an independent and self-sufficient life. It is the only voluntary change agents group existing in Africa to promote the welfare and dignity of persons with disabilities through free consultations, policy analysis, advocacy, education and awareness creations for a positive change”
Global Disability Watch is a one stop platform monitoring, collating and reporting timely, accessible and usable ground driven information on disability, disability rights violations and development policy and practice from a range of global contexts, prioritising the global South. Working with a diverse team of global partners, Global Disability Watch reports and also investigates, providing effective tools for focused advocacy, protection and assistance. Global Disability Watch advocates for and promotes inclusive, respectful and responsive policy, humanitarian and development responses.Global Disability Watch is a non-profit global programme set up and run by The Critical Institute
Established in 2001, the Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disabilities advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs.
The LDPA has over 11,000 members from across the country but seeks to represent the interests of all people with disability within Lao PDR irrespective of their membership status. The LDPA does this at a national and provincial level. The LDPA’s head office in Vientiane Capital works in partnership with several organisations on strategic advocacy and rights-based projects and also provides outreach, opportunity and empowerment at a provincial level where members are organised into groups.
This guidance considers how self help groups are supported and the factors that are needed to ensure that they are functional, inclusive and sustainable.
This was a small-scale enquiry that involved looking at case studies from six partners that employ self-help group development for a range of purposes and in a range of geographical locations. A questionnaire was used by project officers with each of the six selected projects, and the resulting information was analysed by a group from CBMA’s International Programs department, with key areas of learning identified from this discussion. Findings are not comprehensive or conclusive and there is not one model for success. Instead the aim is to draw some useful tips from partners’ experiences.
Sense International is a global charity supporting deafblind people in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Peru, Romania and Uganda. An overview is given of work by Sense International in the areas of early intervention, education and health services, livelihood support, building local capacity and advocacy for deafblind people.
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is the largest global platform for coordinated action towards a world free from malaria. It is comprised of over 500 partners - from community health worker groups and researchers developing new tools, to malaria-affected and donor countries, businesses and international organisations.
Disability Dialogue exchanged information between disabled people and development, health and rehabilitation workers, and aims to promote disability equality, and good policy and practice. It focused on practical information about community approaches and appropriate equipment.
The first three issues of Disability Dialogue and the last four issues of CBR News, produced by Healthlink Worldwide, are available
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