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Developing materials on HIV/AIDS/STIs for low-literate audiences

December 2002

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This manual provides a comprehensive methodology for developing materials for a low-literate audience in the context of a behaviour change communication program. It demonstrates the process of learning about target populations using qualitative research methodologies, developing effective messages with thir input, and crafting visual messages to support the overall HIV and AIDS program. Involving the target population and stakeholders in the development process is key to ensuring high-quality effective print materials. Finally, the guide outlines the process for rigorous pretesting to ensure that the information and issues are understood by the population groups that programs are trying to reach and influence. It can be adapted and used to develop audio-visual materials or materials for other target groups

Towards equity in global health knowledge

July 2002

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Emphasizes the interdependence of global health knowledge and draw attention to inequities in the global flow of information that profoundly affect the evolution of the global knowledge base and its relevance to health priorities. Information and communication technologies have great potential to reduce these inequities, not only by disseminating information, but also by supporting such important activities as international co-operation and Southern-led development. Describes briefly some of the challenges, recent achievements, and priorities for the future

Local capacities to create and adapt information for healthcare workers in developing countries

July 2002

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This study is a brief but sobering analysis of the impact of ICTs and health information in the developing country environment. The author notes that despite its massive potential, the current global information explosion has had little impact on access to practical information for frontline healthcare workers in developing countries, especially those working in primary care and district hospital settings. The author notes that healthcare workers in developing countries continue to lack access to the basic information they need to learn, to diagnose, and to save lives. However, it is shown that this can be improved through access to and use of ICTs

Collecting and propagating local development content : synthesis and conclusions

May 2002

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Drawing from a consultation process to examine how local content in developing countries is created, adapted, and exchanged, this report provides some answers to these questions. It is a synthesis of lessons; the case stories which are reproduced in an accompanying report provide details on actual experienses and lessons from the ground

Strengthening the knowledge and information systems of the urban poor : policy paper

April 2002

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This brief policy paper summarises the findings of a research project that focused on the information needs of the urban poor, and the information sources they access. The study found that the main sources of information were social networks, key informants, and infomediaries. It ends with six suggestions for development agencies seeking to share their knowledge and information with the urban poor

Strengthening the knowledge and information systems of the urban poor

March 2002

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Presents the findings of a research project that focused on the information needs of the urban poor, and the information sources they access. The study found that the main sources of information were social networks, key informants, and infomediaries. It considers the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs), and impact assessment methods. It ends with suggestions for development agencies seeking to share their knowledge and information with the urban poor

Unlocking economic opportunity in the South through local content : a proposal from the G8 Dotforce

et al
March 2002

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A detailed proposal for contributing to the G8 Dotforce process to bridge the digital divide, through local content and applications creation. It explores the ideas of freely available information versus creating a local market for development information, retaining intellectual property rights and stimulating a new kind of trade. The proposed creation of an 'Open Knowledge Network' reflects the need to try and support different initiatives and approaches to local content creation and sharing, in different sectors and environments

HIV/AIDS : a resource for journalists

et al

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A consice handbook to help journalists cover HIV/AIDS in an effective and responsible manner. Provides South African-based contacts, websites and basic information on a wide range of HIV-related issues

Children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in East Africa : can family and community resources improve the odds?


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Hydrocephalus and spina bifida are life threatening conditions that often result in severe dsabilities. Risks are much reduced by immediate surgery and careful managment, but neither has been available for most of the sub-Saharan African population. This paper traces the growth of solutions and some socio-cultural resources that historically have supported family and community care for children with severe disabilities, mainly in Tanzania, and nearby countries. Some community-based rehabilitation (CBR) work with children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus is described, and challenges to the CBR approach are noted from the increased survival of people with disabilities requiring complex care. More appropriate information, recognition of indigenous knowledge, enlistment of community resources and financial assistance are needed to enhance the lives of East Africans with hydrocephalus, spina bifida and other severely disabling conditions

Making health communication programs work


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This handbook presents key principles and steps in developing and evaluating health communication program for the public, patients, and health professionals. It expands upon and replaces two earlier publications titled Pretesting in Health Communications and Making PSA's Work. Referring primarily to the context of the United States, the guide discusses specific steps in program development and includes examples of their use. Sources of additional information on each subject are included at the end of the chapters

National AIDS Councils : monitoring and evaluation operations manual


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Designed as a practical toolkit and road map for practitioners to use in designing and implementing programme monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The manual introduces key concepts; presents simple, clear procedures, with a checklist of the process, timing and costs of building participatory programme M&E for National AIDS Councils (NACs); and offers key tools that implementing partners need for M&E. The manual emphasizes the development of the overall M&E system, in relation to the National Strategic Plan, and the monitoring of services provided through NACs and their implementing partners. Offers a page of 'further resources' available through UNAIDS, FHI and CDC

The impact of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production and mainstreaming HIV/AIDS messages into agricultural extension in Uganda


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This report analyses the impact of HIV and AIDS on agricultural production in Uganda. Extension workers interact regularly with the crop farmers, livestock farmers and the fishing folk. Despite this regular interaction, the study has revealed that extension workers are not involved in HIV and AIDS work, as it does not fall within their mandate. Also the extension workers at present lack the knowledge and skills of addressing HIV and AIDS issues since it had long been perceived as a health matter. To mainstream HIV and AIDS messages into agricultural extension, the agricultural sector must recognise that the epidemic is not only a health issue, but a development issue as well. The report concludes with recommendations for sensitising key ministry staff, designing appropriate HIV and AIDS messages to increase agricultural production, building the capacity of extension workers, and networking and collaboration

Luces y sombras de la información de salud en Internet

APEZTEGUÍA Urroz, Javier
et al

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The SEIS report "Lights and shades of the information of health in Internet" gathers the communications and conclusions of the meeting organised by the Spanish Society of Computer Science of Health (SEIS) in Pamplona on 18 June 2002. The report reviews the quality of the information on health on the Internet from the point of view of the information suppliers, health and consuming or patient professionals. For all of them directives are formulated to provide information with quality, in their case, and to evaluate that to which they accede

Do internet interventions for consumers cause more harm than good? A systematic review

et al

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A systematic review of the effect of consumer use of online health information on decision-making, attitudes, knowledge, satisfaction and health outcomes and ulilisation. Ten comparative case studies are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Internet: all studies showed some positive effects on health outcomes, although the methodological quality of many studies was poor. The study was not specific to developing country or resource-poor context

Doing the wild thing : supporting an ordinary sexual life for people with intellectual disabilities


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For many people who are called disabled, having this label means to be excluded from the experience of 'an ordinary sexual life'. For those who are called intellectually disabled exclusion from experiences of any kind of positive sexual life is almost universal. This article explores how some people with intellectual disabilities have sought to open up pathways towards accessing experiences of sexual expression as a way to move forward towards being able to integrate a concept of sexuality into their lives. Two support workers are interviewed. Both are employed by a Human Services organization in Aotearoa, New Zealand, which provides long term support for people with intellectual disabilities. Their comments reveal that access to successful instances of sexual expression for people in this group are currently only available those who are articulate enough and persistent enough to keep trying until they succeed. Barriers to success are isolated and some wider issues surrounding what changes might positively affect this group are discussed.

Streams of knowledge toolbox [introduction]

October 2001

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This is the introduction to a set of tools that form the draft Toolbox on Streams of Knowledge (SoK). The toolbox is a work in progress. Its use results in learning among partners in the SoK coalition that work together to strengthen resource centres' contributions to improved water and sanitation delivery. The learning process emerged from the project Study into Resources and Management (STREAM) of drinking water supply and sanitation centres in four continents. This brought together IRC's long standing partners and new ones in a joint learning process of what makes effective resource centres. Tools include: 1. Diagnostic study; 2. Understanding the resource centre concept; 3. Assessing the potential of a resource centre; 4. Gender scan guideline; 5. Consolidating resource centres; 6. Electronic information services; 7. Evaluating effectiveness of resource centres and their partners; 8. Self-assessment guide; 9. Improving management & control functions; 10. Quality assurance; 11. Impact Assessment

Brandon/Hill selected list of books and journals for the small medical library

Stickell, H N
April 2001

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A useful list to aid the selection of materials, but with an American emphasis. This list of 630 books and 143 journals is intended as a selection guide for health sciences libraries or similar facilities. It can also function as a core collection for a library consortium. Books and journals are categorised by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals, by an alphabetical title listing. A 'minimal core list' consisting of 81 titles has been pulled out from the 217 asterisked (*) initial-purchase books and marked with daggers (+*) before the asterisks.

Discovering the 'magic box' : local appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICTs)

MICHIELS, Sabine Isabel

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This paper discusses the lack of empirical evidence or analyses of local information and communication technology (ICT) applications, and their impact on people's social and economic lives. While there is a lot of information about the potential benefits of using ICT to alleviate poverty and promote equity, the lack of monitoring and evaluation in this area means that guidelines for the effective deployment of ICT, and its appropriation at the local level, have not evolved

