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The role of information and communication technologies in the development of African women | Le rôle des technologies de l'Information et de la communication dans le développment des femmes africaines

RADLOFF, Jennifer
PRIMO, Natasha
August 2004

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This paper presents the findings of a study commissioned by the Association for Progessive Communications on the role of ICTs in empowering women in Africa. It provides examples of good practice and includes recommendations to civil society organisations on how to create an enabling environment for women to access and use ICTs for development. The crucial link between understanding the gender dimensions of the information society - in terms of what women's needs are and a thorough understanding of conditions of access, policies - and the potential ICTs have of boosting the economic, political and social empowerment of women, and the promotion of gender equality is explored. An extensive resource list and examples of successful initiatives form the field are included in appendices

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African public library services

July 2004

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This article concerns the use of computers in public libraries in developing countries. To investigate the current level of use of ICTs and plans for the future within the public library environment, a survey was undertaken of 22 public library services in ten English-speaking African countries. The results indicate great disparities in the level of access to computers between the countries, and within country, and indicate a need for more funding and appropriate training

Expanding contraceptive options and access for youth

FINGER, William
March 2004

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In a time when young people are increasingly at risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, the role of contraception in preventing these is crucial. This issue of YouthLens looks at how education, services and products can help protect youth against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. It stresses that young people should be targeted with appropriate messages

Organising local documentation services for the water and sanitation sector : guidelines


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Guidelines for the development of local documentation centres which can be maintained with minimum effort, and provide useful information on water and sanitation to colleagues and the local community without the help of professional librarians or documentalists. Concentrates on the basic tasks needed to set up and operate a small documentation centre at the local level. This second edition has been revised to take account of the developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) which have revolutionised information provision during the past ten years. The revised guidelines continue to cover manual systems, but also include more detailed guidance on computer applications and access to the Internet

Disabled women on the web


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This website focuses on women with disabilities. The resource section offers a variety of materials on and by women with disabiltites, including articles by disabled women, resources on women and disabilities and disabled women projects. A resource called “Claiming our bodies” is available

World youth report 2003 : the global situation of young people

UNITED NATIONS. Department for Economic and Social Affairs

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Overall, young people today are better off than previous generations, but many are still severely hindered by a lack of education, poverty, health risks, unemployment and the impact of conflict. The World Youth Report 2003 provides an overview of the global situation of young people. The first ten chapters focus on the priority areas of education, employment, extreme poverty, health issues, the environment, drugs, delinquency, leisure time, the situation of girls and young women, and youth participation in decision-making as identified by the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) adopted by the General Assembly in 1995. The remaining five chapters address some of the newer issues that were later identified as additional priorities for youth and were adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2003

Double burden : a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda


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This analysis was carried out by Save the Children UK after reports from the field suggested that disabled people were not accessing HIV prevention information or services, despite being at higher risk of infection. It outlines ways in which disabled people are not fully included in safer-sex communications: for instance blind people hear talk about condoms, but have never held one; the necessity to have a sign-language interpreter for deaf people compromises their right to confidentiality; young girls with disabilities are more likely to be raped and are less able to negotiate safe sex. It recommends the greater integration of disabled people into health and HIV communications and further research to develop disabled-friendly means of communication

The 10/90 report on health research 2003-2004


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This report, the fourth since Global Forum for Health Research formed in 1998, covers progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap (that only ten per cent of health research funds are spent on 90 per cent of the world's problems) over the past two years. It focusses on health and health research as sound economic investments; priority setting in health research; progress in measuring the 10/90 gap; research capacity strengthening; information networks in health research; gender; the MDGs and health research; and networks in the priority research areas

Advocacy guide: HIV/AIDS prevention among injecting users : workshop manual


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This useful, accessible manual provides an overview of advocacy and describes advocacy processes, methods and approaches in detail, including strategy development, community-based approaches, and working with the media. The final section provides advice on developing arguments and provides a wide range of question-and-answer style stances on controversial issues (eg 'needle programmes send the wrong message'). The final chapter is a comprehensive list of further resources. This focuses mostly on advocacy and HIV, but includes some materials addressing harm reduction and injecting drug users

Knowledge networks : guidelines for assessment

CREECH, Heather

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This paper focuses on research and 'knowledge' networks rather than more informal or emergent networks and communities. It explores five major elements of network performance and related indicators of success: effectiveness, structure and governance, efficiency, resources and sustainability, and life cycle. At the end, the paper offers a sample process for undertaking a network assessment

The 10/90 report on health research 2003-2004


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This site contains up-to-date information on progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap in health research. It includes reports from 1999, 2000, 2001/2002 and 2003/2004. The most recent, the fourth since Global Forum for Health Research formed in 1998, covers progress in helping correct the 10/90 gap (that only ten per cent of health research funds are spent on 90 per cent of the world's problems) over the past two years. It focusses on health and health research as sound economic investments; priority setting in health research; progress in measuring the 10/90 gap; research capacity strengthening; information networks in health research; gender; the MDGs and health research; and networks in the priority research areas

Programme experiences : youth AIDS network - Latin America and the Caribbean


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In an effort to build networks for youth HIV/AIDS prevention, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has collaborated with international organisations and YouthNet to create an email network of adolescent health specialists. PAHO's Child and Adolescent Health and HIV/AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) units are leading the effort, which focuses on youth AIDS prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean. This article examines the experiences of organisers of the programme, in which members receive the Youth HIV Action newsletter and Breaking the Silence advocacy sheet, among other publications

Working positively : a guide for NGOs managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace

December 2003

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With HIV prevalence rates of over 20% in many sub-Saharan African countries, and with infection rates rising rapidly in other parts of the world, NGOs are funding that HIV/AIDS is affecting not only programme work but also staff. If NGOs are to be credible in these communities, they need to be seen to be addressing HIV/AIDS internally in a way that is consistent with their external messages. However, developing a workable comprehensive solution that covers policy, education and prevention, and treatment and care is not easy. This guide looks at the key issues involved in developing a workplace strategy and how different NGOs and commercial organisations are approaching these issues through a series of case studies. It also provides a guide to the key components of a successful strategy and a list of useful reference documents

Appropriating the internet for social change : towards the strategic use of networked technologies by transnational civil society organizations

REILLY, Katherine
November 2003

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This research report argues that analysis of the Internet focuses too much on technology and on overcoming a "digital divide" in access to the Internet. The report looks at examples of how people in international civil society organisations have used e-mail, websites and databases to help them collaborate, publish information, mobilise people in their networks, and access information for research. The report does not cover local or national civil society organisations

The Ptolemy project : a scalable model for delivering health information in Africa

October 2003

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This article describes the Ptolmey project. This project is a new model for electronic access to medical literature for doctors in developing countries. Surgeons in east Africa become research affiliates of the University of Toronto and have access to the full-text resources of the university library via a secure Internet system that monitors and verifies use. Ptolemy is a small project but it has potential for being widely and economically reproduced

ICT, PRSPs, and MDGs

October 2003

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This paper considers the dissemination of ICT within various conceptual frameworks, calling for approaches that start with the needs and desires of poor people for information. It is strongly illustrated with examples from India and Pakistan. Banuri then turns to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and to the potential of ICT to support progress in meeting these goals. Finally, he criticises governments for lack of a coherent, human development-based ICT policy emphasizing the MDGs, while suggesting that civil society has done better

Developing HIV/AIDS work with drug users : a guide to participatory assessment and response

August 2003

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This publication describes the steps to designing and carrying out a participatory assessment of the drug-related HIV/AIDS epidemic and other drug-related harms, drawing on regional workshops and experiences of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its partners in Asia and the Ukraine. It uses a participatory assessment and response approach, which builds on the work of the Alliance in adapting participatory rural appraisal methods for HIV/AIDS work. The ten steps include setting up an advisory group, making contact and building trust, and analysing information [Publisher's abstract]

