MindFreedom International is a nonprofit organisation that unites 100 sponsor and affiliate grassroots groups with individual members to advocate for human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities. This website provides an overview of their campaigns, members, directories of membership, as well as links to related events, news and resources
The Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP) provides strategic leadership in human rights advocacy, implementation and monitoring relevant to people experiencing madness, mental health problems or trauma. Their website provides information about the organisation’s activities, highlights thematic good practices, and provides links to their publications, videos and related resources
"This paper is to inform and raise awareness about the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and explain the significance of the UN Convention to the work of Emergency and humanitarian assistance. It includes points of recommendation from the IDDC Task Group on Conflict and Emergencies on how the needs of persons with disabilities and their families can best be addressed in emergency and humanitarian crisis situations"
"This paper is intended for use by non-governmental organisations active in the field of humanitarian aid, including emergency aid, rehabilitation, disaster preparedness and conflict prevention. It is also intended to be a useful summary guide for policy makers and donors active in the field of emergencies and humanitarian assistance to include disability issues"
The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is a network of interested parties from international agencies and institutions working together to provide better access to education in the aftermath of emergencies. This website describes the main purpose of INEE and features information about their members and task groups. It also provides informative sections on knowledge and capacity, policy and coordination, links to events on education matters, and related resources
Sexuality and Disability is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation
The mission of the Center for Research on Women with Disabilities is to promote, develop, and disseminate information to improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities. This section addresses issues for sexuality and reproductive health for women with disabilities by providing useful information and related resources for specific thematics
"Efforts at tackling targeted violence against disabled people may benefit from lessons generated from the longer-standing work in tackling violence against women. These include the conceptualisation and articulation of targeted violence as a cause and consequence of inequality, and as a human rights issue. There is a need to develop effective coalitions and to make explicit the relevance and implications of targeted violence across all public services so that those affected receive the support they require. The importance of education and prevention is also highlighted. While such lessons can help re-frame the issues and policies around targeted violence against disabled people, they should not be transposed uncritically"
This report details that violence and abuse are serious problems for persons with disabilities and that they are at greater risk than non-disabled persons. The report highlights the different categories of abuse suffered by people with disabilities, describes barriers to addressing abuse, and provides strategies to address violence and abuse
This website presents mobile diagnosis, an initiative to connect healthworkers worldwide for better diagnosis. It gives information about how health workers who need to send an image of an observation from under the lens of a microscope can use a mobile-phone with an integrated camera and the capability to send MMS
This website presents information about an independent stairlift supplier in the UK. It gives details about various stairlift options including straight stairlifts, curved stairlifts, rental stairlfts, reconditioned stairlifts and repaired stairlifts. This resource is useful for people interested in stairlifts in the UK
This website presents information about HandyTax, an organisation that specializes in getting Canadians approved for the disability tax credit. It provides details about their services and disability information in Canada
"The Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) is a United Nations (UN) City Group commissioned to improve the quality and international comparability of disability measurement in Censuses and surveys." This website provides the WG's background, objectives, meetings, documents, and short set of questions. This website is useful to anyone interested in disability and statistics
This section of the Washington Group's website provides the internationally comparable short set of questions on disability for use on national censuses for gathering information about limitations in basic activities in national populations. The related protocols for implementing tests of the short set are also provided. This resource is useful for anyone interested in disability and statisitics
The Global Health Observatory (GHO) provides access to WHO's global health-related statistics. The aim of the GHO is to: compile and verify major sources of health data; provide easy access to country data and metadata; present scientifically sound information in user-friendly formats. Specific areas are provided for theme pages, a data repository, reports, country statistics, a map gallery and standards
"The guide presented here seeks to introduce disability rights to funders, particularly human rights grant makers. It seeks to provide a general overview of human rights and disability, and a sketch of the current funding landscape, both present and potential"
This section of the WHO website on disabilities and rehabilitation highlights assistive devices and technology. The related information, links and documents promote access to assistive devices and technologies at an affordable cost and facilitate training for people with disabilities and professionals and staff working in rehabilitation services. This wesbite is useful to anyone interested in assistive devices and technology for people with disabilities
This WHO website presents information about the ageing of populations around the world. It highlights global programmes and networks, as well as challenges, opportunities and initiatives for developed and developing countries. It also contains links to specific topics and programmes, useful factsheets, publications and related organizations. This resource is useful for people interested in ageing and the life course
The 10/66 Dementia Research Group is a collective of researchers carrying out population-based research into dementia, non-communicable diseases and ageing in low and middle income countries. This website features general information about the group, highlights their research and policy work, and provides details about their participants. Additional sections are given for links to their newsletter, other news items and registration. This website is useful to anyone interested in population-based research into dementia, non-communicable diseases and ageing in low and middle income countries
The Global Disability Rights Library (GDRL) is an enhanced online version of the WiderNet Project’s eGranary Digital Library, an off-line information storage and collaboration platform that provides internet-like access to digital resources without requiring internet connectivity. The resources include websites, reports, journals, books and software applications relating to various disability and development topics, such as independent living, advocacy, education, transportation, public policy, employment, vocational rehabilitation, and other topics. This library is useful for policymakers, advocates and people with disabilities