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Cochrane : the reliable source of evidence in healthcare


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The Cochrane Collaboration is an organisation dedicated to making up-to-date accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of interventions. Its main output is the Cochrane Library, which includes a database of systematic reviews, a database of abstracts or reviews of effects, the central register of controlled trials (bibliographic information on controlled trials including reports published in conference proceedings), a database of methodology reviews, and a bibliography of articles and books on reviewing research


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This news network provides in depth coverage of emerging and current global health issues, natural disasters, war and conflict, and food crises. It also has sections on climate change, country profiles, multimedia, blogs of opinion and eye witness reports and an area for aid agencies who are members of AlertNet

Global network for people living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+)

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This is the website of the Global Network for and by living with people with HIV and AIDS. The network's aim is to work to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV and AIDS through helping to strengthen their capacity at global, regional and national levels

The European coalition of positive people (ECPP)

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This is the website of a self-help organisation of, by and for people living with HIV and AIDS and hepatitis C, working in Europe, Malawi, Mozambique and Uganda to promote patient involvement in the development of public policy, delivery and monitoring of services

Disability rights international


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Disability Rights International aims to protect the rights of people with mental disabilities through awareness raising of living conditions for children and adults with disabilities and through advocating for legislation to protect their rights. This website would be useful to people with an interest in human rights, legal reform, disability and development

The fourth wave : violence, gender, culture & HIV in the 21st century

NGUYEN, Vinh-Kim
KLOT, Jennifer F

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This online forum contains articles and commentary considering why there is a growing 'feminization' of the HIV and AIDS epidemic and why responses to the epidemic are failing women, with a particular focus on deeply rooted social, cultural and economic factors that are driving the epidemic

The FIA guide for the disabled traveler


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This website provides a global guide for the disabled traveller by providing practical information about disability parking tools. This resource would be useful to anyone practical interested in information for disabled travelers

vi family network


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This website provides low vision resources and information about upcoming low vision events in Australia. It also hosts the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register and an online parent forum and social network. This website is useful for people interested in visual impairment information and networks in Australia

Disability in conflicts and emergencies


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This factsheet presents a general overview of disability in conflict and emergencies. Case studies are highlighted to emphasise that disabled people are often the most at risk in emergency situations, that disasters and crises lead to disability, and the importance of good planning and accessiblility. This resource is useful to people interested in disability, conflict and emergencies

Oslo conference on disability and conflicts in emergency


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This resource presents information about an international conference on disability in conflicts and emergencies which focused upon meeting the needs of vulnerable and disabled people in humanitarian situations. It features a summary from the chair of the conference, participant interviews, and conference presentations. This website would be useful to those who work with disabled and vulnerable people in conflict and disasters situations
"Reaching the most Vulnerable" Conference
Oslo, Sweden
30-31 May 2011

Gender disparities in mental health


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"This paper examines current evidence regarding rates, risk factors, correlates and consequences of gender disparities in mental health. Gender is conceptualized as a structural determinant of mental health and mental illness that runs like a fault line, interconnecting with and deepening the disparities associated with other important socioeconomic determinants such as income, employment and social position"

WHO : mental health


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This video provides an overview of the global mental health situation with detailed information and statistics. It highlights the mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) which is an WHO initiative that advocates for proper care, psychosocial assistance, and medication in limited resource settings for the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, and epilepsy and for the prevention of suicide

The mental health foundation


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The Mental Health Foundation is a mental health research, policy and service improvement organisation. This website features detailed mental health resources through their A-Z information on mental health problems, issues, treatments and options. Links to their publications, newsletter, podcasts, news archieve and blog are provided. This website is useful for people interested in mental health in the UK

International association for suicide prevention


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The International Association for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to preventing suicidal behaviors, alleviating its effects and providing a forum for academics, mental health professionals, crisis workers, volunteers and suicide survivors. This website provides information about the organisation and links to it’s activities, newsletters, publications and related resources. A login feature is available for the association members

PsychRights : a law project for psychiatric rights


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The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) is a non-profit public interest law firm that undertakes a coordinated, strategic, legal effort seeking to end the abuses against people diagnosed with mental illness through individual legal representation. This website provides background information about the organisation and related research, as well as an overview of personal stories and both US and international contextual information

World network of users and survivors of psychiatry (WNUSP)


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The World network of users and survivors of psychiatry is a global forum and voice of users and survivors of psychiatry to promote their rights and interests. This website contains specific information about the network, human rights and advocacy issues, and the WNUSP newsletter

National empowerment center


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The National Empowerment Center aims to help individuals and groups develop the knowledge and ability to transform the mental health service system toward a more recovery-oriented and consumer-and family-driven approach. The website contains information about the center, a listing of consumer-run organisation and advocacy groups in all 50 states, and links to related resources and events. This website is useful to people interested in mental health

Community based psychosocial training manual


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"This training manual is meant to be used first and foremost by trainers within the ACT-network who have attended a training of psychosocial trainers workshop. The aim of the training manual is to serve as a resource for field workers to develop, facilitate and conduct their own psychosocial workshops within their specific work or regional context. It is not a comprehensive source of information about psychosocial issues. It is a trainer's guide for developing locally appropriate training"

